375 research outputs found

    Cyborg heart: The affective apparatus of bodily production of ICD patients

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    We argue that a cyborg approach both emphasizes the complexity in treating patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) attached to home monitoring devices, and makes it possible to decipher modern perspectives in the notion of ‘Patient 2.0’ and other representations of patients. We attempt to open up the notion of Patient 2.0 exemplified by ICD patients by drawing on the cyborg idea as developed by Donna Haraway as well as her understanding of science and the body as an apparatus of bodily production. We include the feminists Rosi Braidotti, Anne Balsamo, Geoff Bowker, and Leigh Star in discussing the cyborg, its infrastructures and affective potentials. We analyse modern imaginaries of remote monitoring as they are portrayed on the websites of the two largest manufacturers of ICD technologies, and based on an analysis of the apparatus of bodily production involved when patients visit a hospital to have their illness monitored we propose the analytical device cyborg heart to capture an affective apparatus of bodily production in the clinic and the idea of an enlarged sense of community as opposed to modern imaginaries of patient empowerment. Finally we discuss how the device cyborg heart differs from the notion logic of care

    Pesticider i kosten 1. kvartal 2018

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    Pesticider i kosten - 2. kvartal 2017

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    Pesticider i kosten - 3. kvartal 2017

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    Managers' perceptions of social software use in the workplace: Identifying the benefits of social software and emerging patterns of its use

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    Adoption and use of social software within the organization is an area of interest for both industry and academia. Yet, studies examining how managers use these technologies and adapt them in their daily practice are very few. In this study, we interview selected managers, proficient with the use of such applications within the workplace. We explore their perspectives on the benefits of social software, and ways in which they use these tools within the workplace. Through in-depth analysis of semi-structured interviews, we identify information, communication, and organization benefits as the major benefits. Further, we identify emerging patterns in the social software behavior within the workplace such as managing of self-image, spatial, device, and temporal patterns in use

    Medieret vejledning af problemorienteret projektarbejde. Udfordringer for vejledning i problemformuleringsfasen

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    Første gang publiceret i UNEV nr. 9: Evaluering og feedback i netstøttet uddannelse, sept. 2006, red. Simon Heilesen.ISSN 1603-5518. Denne artikel ser nærmere på de ændrede betingelser og nye udfordringer, en vejleder af problemorienteret projektarbejde står over for i forbindelse med IKT-medieret vejledning af projektgrupper med geografisk adskilte deltagere. Artiklen anvender empiri om en vejleders situation i forhold til vejledning i problemformuleringsfasen af tre projektgrupper på masteruddannelsen i IKT & Læring, indsamlet i foråret 2002. Målet er at udforske særlige udfordringer og betingelser ved medieret vejledning for at forstå, hvilke betingelser der danner grundlag for medieret vejledning samt at forstå, hvordan vejlederen oplever medieret vejledning. I artiklen bliver en vejleders fortolkninger og meningsdannelser over egne handlinger analyseret og tre eksempler på særlige udfordringer oplevet af vejlederen i forbindelse med skriftlig asynkron vejledning af tre konkrete projektgrupper bliver præsenteret. Artiklen identificerer den største udfordring for både produkt- og procesvejledning som det at konstruere, kommunikere og fortolke kontekstuel information signifikant for selve vejledningssituationen, en udfordring der kom til udtryk på forskellige måder i de tre grupper