118 research outputs found

    Culling Rate of Icelandic Horses due to Bone Spavin

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    A survival analysis was used to compare the culling rate of Icelandic horses due to the presence of radiographic and clinical signs of bone spavin. A follow-up study of 508 horses from a survey five years earlier was performed. In the original survey 46% of the horses had radiographic signs of bone spavin (RS) and/or lameness after flexion test of the tarsus. The horse owners were interviewed by telephone. The owners were asked if the horses were still used for riding and if not, they were regarded as culled. The owners were then asked when and why the horses were culled. During the 5 years, 98 horses had been culled, 151 had been withdrawn (sold or selected for breeding) and 259 were still used for riding. Hind limb lameness (HLL) was the most common reason for culling (n = 42). The rate of culling was low up to the age of 11 years, when it rose to 0.05 for horses with RS. The risk ratio for culling was twice as high for horses with RS compared with horses without RS and 5.5 times higher for culling because of HLL. The risk of culling (prognostic value) was highest for the combination of RS with lameness after flexion test, next highest for RS and lowest for lameness after flexion test as the only finding. It was concluded that bone spavin affects the duration of use of Icelandic horses and is the most common cause of culling due to disease of riding horses in the age range of 7–17 years

    Stærðfræði á hreyfingu: heimastærðfræði fyrir alla fjölskylduna

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    Impact of changes to reimbursement of fixed combinations of inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting β₂ -agonists in obstructive lung diseases: a population-based, observational study.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.In 2010, the Icelandic government introduced a new cost-saving policy that limited reimbursement of fixed inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting β₂ -agonist (ICS/LABA) combinations.This population-based, retrospective, observational study assessed the effects of this policy change by linking specialist/primary care medical records with data from the Icelandic Pharmaceutical Database. The policy change took effect on 1 January 2010 (index date); data for the year preceding and following this date were analysed in 8241 patients with controlled/partly controlled asthma and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who had been dispensed an ICS/LABA during 2009. Oral corticosteroid (OCS) and short-acting β₂ -agonist (SABA) use, and healthcare visits, were assessed pre- and post-index.The ICS/LABA reimbursement policy change led to 47.8% fewer fixed ICS/LABA combinations being dispensed during the post-index period among patients whose asthma and/or COPD was controlled/partly controlled during the pre-index period. Fewer ICS monocomponents were also dispensed. A total of 48.6% of patients were no longer receiving any respiratory medications after the policy change. This was associated with reduced disease control, as demonstrated by more healthcare visits (44.0%), and more OCS (76.3%) and SABA (51.2%) dispensations.Overall, these findings demonstrate that changes in healthcare policy and medication reimbursement can directly impact medication use and, consequently, clinical outcomes and should, therefore, be made cautiously.AstraZenec

    Er þörf á sérstakri heilbrigðismóttöku fyrir háskólanemendur?

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnTilgangur: Víða erlendis hafa háskólanemendur aðgang að heilbrigðisþjónustu sem er sérstaklega ætluð þeim. Tilgangur þessarar könnunar meðal nemenda við Háskóla Íslands var að skoða þörf þeirra fyrir sérstaka heilbrigðismóttöku. Aðferð: Rafræn könnun var lögð fyrir 9744 nemendur við háskólann vorið 2011 sem voru á póstlista. Spurningalistinn var saminn af vinnuhópi sem í voru fulltrúar frá öllum deildum Heilbrigðisvísindasviðs Háskóla Íslands. Stuðst var við lýsandi tölfræði við gagnagreiningu. Niðurstöður: Alls bárust svör frá 1487 þátttakendum, 1427 íslenskumælandi og 60 enskumælandi, og gefa svörin því mynd af viðhorfum 15,2% nemenda við skólann. Úrtakið endurspeglar einkum viðhorf kvenstúdenta og nema í grunnnámi. Tæplega 40% íslensku nemanna og um 70% þeirra erlendu höfðu ekki heimilislækni á höfuðborgarsvæðinu. Niðurstöður sýndu að meirihluti þeirra þurfti á heilbrigðisþjónustu að halda á árinu fyrir könnunina en rúmlega helmingur beið með að leita eftir heilbrigðisþjónustu og var meginástæða þess kostnaður. Um þriðjungur íslensku nemanna og fimmtungur þeirra erlendu sögðust eiga í fjárhagsvanda. Um 92% þeirra íslensku og allir erlendu nemarnir sögðust mundu leita á móttöku þar sem þjónustan væri veitt af nemendum skólans undir leiðsögn kennara. Báðir hóparnir vildu hafa aðgang að fjölbreyttri heilbrigðisþjónustu. Ályktanir: Niðurstöðurnar gefa til kynna að þeir háskólanemendur, sem þátt tóku í könnuninni, hafi mikla þörf fyrir sérstaka heilbrigðismóttöku. Kostnaður hefur hvað mest hindrað þá í að leita eftir heilbrigðisþjónustu. Jafnframt er stór hópur án heimilislæknis, einkum sá erlendi, og hefur því ekki greiðan aðgang að heilbrigðisþjónustu á heilsugæslustöðvum.Purpose: In many neighbouring countries university students have access to health services which are specially geared to their needs. The purpose of this survey among university students at the University of Iceland was to explore their need for a special health service. Method: The online survey was administered to 9744 students at the university in the spring of 2011 who were registered e-mail recipients, both Icelandic and English-speaking. The questionnaire was developed by a working group which consisted of representatives from all the faculties at the School of Health Sciences. Data were analysed by descriptive statistical methods. Results: There were 1487 participants who responded, 1427 Icelandic and 60 English-speaking representing 15,2% of the university student population. The sample represents especially the attitudes of undergraduate and female students. Almost 40% of the Icelandic students and nearly 70% of the English-speaking students did not have a family practitioner in the capital area. The results showed that the great majority of respondents had needed health services in the year before the study took place. More than half of them reported that they had postponed seeking health services citing cost as the main reason. About 92% of the Icelandic students and all of the foreign students reported that they would attend a health clinic which was provided by university students under supervision. Both groups would like to have access to various health care services. Conclusions: The results indicate that university students who answered the questionnaire had a great need for special health clinic. Costs of service had mainly prevented them from seeking health care services. Additionally, the proportion of students without a family practitioner is high, especially among the foreign students, which is a further hindrance regarding access to primary health care services.Heilbrigðisvísindasvið Landspítal

    Radiographic closure time of appendicular growth plates in the Icelandic horse

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Icelandic horse is a pristine breed of horse which has a pure gene pool established more than a thousand years ago, and is approximately the same size as living and extinct wild breeds of horses. This study was performed to compare the length of the skeletal growth period of the "primitive" Icelandic horse relative to that reported for large horse breeds developed over the recent centuries. This information would provide practical guidance to owners and veterinarians as to when the skeleton is mature enough to commence training, and would be potentially interesting to those scientists investigating the pathogenesis of osteochondrosis. Interestingly, osteochondrosis has not been documented in the Icelandic horse.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The radiographic closure time of the appendicular growth plates was studied in 64 young Icelandic horses. The results were compared with previously published closure times reported for other, larger horse breeds. The radiographs were also examined for any signs of developmental orthopaedic diseases. In order to describe further the growth pattern of the Icelandic horse, the total serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was determined and the height at the withers was measured.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most of the examined growth plates were fully closed at the age of approximately three years. The horses reached adult height at this age; however ALP activity was still mildly increased over baseline values. The growth plates in the digits were the first to close at 8.1 to 8.5 months of age, and those in the regions of the distal radius (27.4 to 32.0 months), tuber olecrani (31.5 to 32.2 months), and the stifle (27.0 to 40.1 months) were the last to close. No horse was found to have osteochondrosis type lesions in the neighbouring joints of the evaluated growth plates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Icelandic horse appears to have similar radiographic closure times for most of the growth plates of its limbs as reported for large new breeds of horses developed during the past few centuries. It thus appears that different breeding goals and the intensity of breeding have not altered the length of the growth period in horses. Instead, it can be assumed that the pristine and relatively small Icelandic horse has a slower rate of growth. The appendicular skeleton of Icelandic horses has completed its bone growth in length at approximately 3 years of age, and therefore may be able to enter training at this time.</p

    Summer eczema in exported Icelandic horses: influence of environmental and genetic factors

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    A cross sectional study was designed to estimate the prevalence of summer eczema (a chronic, recurrent seasonal dermatitis) in exported Icelandic horses and the influence of environmental and genetic factors on the development of the disease. Among 330 horses, which had been exported to Germany, Denmark and Sweden, 114 (34.5%) were found to have clinical signs of summer eczema. The prevalence was highest 2 years after export and the exposure to the biting midges Culicoides spp., was found to be the main risk factor for developing the disease. Genetic influence on the sensitivity for the disease was not established. It was concluded that exported Icelandic horses are predisposed for summer dermatitis and the fact that they are not introduced to the antigens of the biting midges early in live, due to it's absence in Iceland, is likely to explain the high prevalence of the disease after export

    Location of studies and evidence of effects of herbivory on Arctic vegetation: a systematic map

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    Background: Herbivores modify the structure and function of tundra ecosystems. Understanding their impacts is necessary to assess the responses of these ecosystems to ongoing environmental changes. However, the effects of herbivores on plants and ecosystem structure and function vary across the Arctic. Strong spatial variation in herbivore effects implies that the results of individual studies on herbivory depend on local conditions, i.e., their ecological context. An important first step in assessing whether generalizable conclusions can be produced is to identify the existing studies and assess how well they cover the underlying environmental conditions across the Arctic. This systematic map aims to identify the ecological contexts in which herbivore impacts on vegetation have been studied in the Arctic. Specifically, the primary question of the systematic map was: “What evidence exists on the effects of herbivores on Arctic vegetation?”. Methods: We used a published systematic map protocol to identify studies addressing the effects of herbivores on Arctic vegetation. We conducted searches for relevant literature in online databases, search engines and specialist websites. Literature was screened to identify eligible studies, defined as reporting primary data on herbivore impacts on Arctic plants and plant communities. We extracted information on variables that describe the ecological context of the studies, from the studies themselves and from geospatial data. We synthesized the findings narratively and created a Shiny App where the coded data are searchable and variables can be visually explored. Review findings: We identified 309 relevant articles with 662 studies (representing different ecological contexts or datasets within the same article). These studies addressed vertebrate herbivory seven times more often than invertebrate herbivory. Geographically, the largest cluster of studies was in Northern Fennoscandia. Warmer and wetter parts of the Arctic had the largest representation, as did coastal areas and areas where the increase in temperature has been moderate. In contrast, studies spanned the full range of ecological context variables describing Arctic vertebrate herbivore diversity and human population density and impact. Conclusions: The current evidence base might not be sufficient to understand the effects of herbivores on Arctic vegetation throughout the region, as we identified clear biases in the distribution of herbivore studies in the Arctic and a limited evidence base on invertebrate herbivory. In particular, the overrepresentation of studies in areas with moderate increases in temperature prevents robust generalizations about the effects of herbivores under different climatic scenarios

    PAP treatment in patients with OSA does not induce long-term nasal obstruction.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadWe hypothesized that positive airway pressure treatment would induce nasal obstruction and decrease nasal cavity due to mucosal swelling. We further hypothesized that subjective and objective nasal obstruction at baseline would negatively affect positive airway pressure adherence. A total of 728 patients with sleep apnea were investigated in the Icelandic Sleep Apnea Cohort at baseline and 2 years after starting positive airway pressure. Patients underwent home sleep apnea testing at baseline. Questionnaires were answered and acoustic rhinometry was completed at baseline and follow-up. The proportion of patients reporting subjective nocturnal nasal obstruction was reduced (baseline: 35% versus follow-up: 24%; p < 0.001). Small interior nasal dimensions increased (p < 0.001) independent of adherence to treatment. Small nasal volume at baseline was a determinant for becoming a non-user of positive airway pressure treatment (odds ratio 2.22, confidence interval 95% 1.35-3.67, p = 0.002). Subjective nasal obstruction decreased 2 years after initiating positive airway treatment in sleep apnea, and objectively small nasal dimensions increased. Small nasal volume at baseline was a negative predictor for positive airway pressure treatment adherence. Maybe most importantly, positive airway pressure treatment did not cause long-term objective or subjective nasal obstruction.United States Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA ACTA from Region Skane FoU from Region Skan

    How Experiences Become Data: The Process of Eliciting Adverse Event, Medical History and Concomitant Medication Reports in Antimalarial and Antiretroviral Interaction Trials.

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    Accurately characterizing a drug's safety profile is essential. Trial harm and tolerability assessments rely, in part, on participants' reports of medical histories, adverse events (AEs), and concomitant medications. Optimal methods for questioning participants are unclear, but different methods giving different results can undermine meta-analyses. This study compared methods for eliciting such data and explored reasons for dissimilar participant responses. Participants from open-label antimalarial and antiretroviral interaction trials in two distinct sites (South Africa, n = 18 [all HIV positive]; Tanzania, n = 80 [86% HIV positive]) were asked about ill health and treatment use by sequential use of (1) general enquiries without reference to particular conditions, body systems or treatments, (2) checklists of potential health issues and treatments, (3) in-depth interviews. Participants' experiences of illness and treatment and their reporting behaviour were explored qualitatively, as were trial clinicians' experiences with obtaining participant reports. Outcomes were the number and nature of data by questioning method, themes from qualitative analyses and a theoretical interpretation of participants' experiences. There was an overall cumulative increase in the number of reports from general enquiry through checklists to in-depth interview; in South Africa, an additional 12 medical histories, 21 AEs and 27 medications; in Tanzania an additional 260 medical histories, 1 AE and 11 medications. Checklists and interviews facilitated recognition of health issues and treatments, and consideration of what to report. Information was sometimes not reported because participants forgot, it was considered irrelevant or insignificant, or they feared reporting. Some medicine names were not known and answers to questions were considered inferior to blood tests for detecting ill health. South African inpatient volunteers exhibited a "trial citizenship", working to achieve researchers' goals, while Tanzanian outpatients sometimes deferred responsibility for identifying items to report to trial clinicians. Questioning methods and trial contexts influence the detection of adverse events, medical histories and concomitant medications. There should be further methodological work to investigate these influences and find appropriate questioning methods

    Health-related quality of life change in patients treated at a multidisciplinary pain clinic

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    Background Multidisciplinary pain management (MPM) is a generally accepted method for treating chronic pain, but heterogeneous outcome measures provide only limited conclusions concerning its effectiveness. Therefore, further studies on the effectiveness of MPM are needed to identify subgroups of patients who benefit, or do not benefit, from these interventions. Our aim was to analyse health-related quality of life (HRQoL) changes after MPM and to identify factors associated with treatment outcomes. Methods We carried out a real world observational follow-up study of chronic pain patients referred to a tertiary multidisciplinary outpatient pain clinic to describe, using the validated HRQoL instrument 15D, the HRQoL change after MPM and to identify factors associated with this change. 1,043 patients responded to the 15D HRQoL questionnaire at baseline and 12 months after the start of treatment. Background data were collected from the pre-admission questionnaire of the pain clinic. Results Fifty-three percent of the patients reported a clinically important improvement and, of these, 81% had a major improvement. Thirty-five percent reported a clinically important deterioration, and 12% had no change in HRQoL. Binary logistic regression analysis revealed that major improvement was positively associated with shorter duration of pain (Peer reviewe