14 research outputs found

    Septation of Infectious Hyphae Is Critical for Appressoria Formation and Virulence in the Smut Fungus Ustilago Maydis

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    Differentiation of hyphae into specialized infection structures, known as appressoria, is a common feature of plant pathogenic fungi that penetrate the plant cuticle. Appressorium formation in U. maydis is triggered by environmental signals but the molecular mechanism of this hyphal differentiation is largely unknown. Infectious hyphae grow on the leaf surface by inserting regularly spaced retraction septa at the distal end of the tip cell leaving empty sections of collapsed hyphae behind. Here we show that formation of retraction septa is critical for appressorium formation and virulence in U. maydis. We demonstrate that the diaphanous-related formin Drf1 is necessary for actomyosin ring formation during septation of infectious hyphae. Drf1 acts as an effector of a Cdc42 GTPase signaling module, which also consists of the Cdc42-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor Don1 and the Ste20-like kinase Don3. Deletion of drf1, don1 or don3 abolished formation of retraction septa resulting in reduced virulence. Appressorium formation in these mutants was not completely blocked but infection structures were found only at the tip of short filaments indicating that retraction septa are necessary for appressorium formation in extended infectious hyphae. In addition, appressoria of drf1 mutants penetrated the plant tissue less frequently

    Insights from the genome of the biotrophic fungal plant pathogen Ustilago maydis

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    Ustilago maydis is a ubiquitous pathogen of maize and a well-established model organism for the study of plant-microbe interactions. This basidiomycete fungus does not use aggressive virulence strategies to kill its host. U. maydis belongs to the group of biotrophic parasites (the smuts) that depend on living tissue for proliferation and development. Here we report the genome sequence for a member of this economically important group of biotrophic fungi. The 20.5-million-base U. maydis genome assembly contains 6,902 predicted protein-encoding genes and lacks pathogenicity signatures found in the genomes of aggressive pathogenic fungi, for example a battery of cell-wall-degrading enzymes. However, we detected unexpected genomic features responsible for the pathogenicity of this organism. Specifically, we found 12 clusters of genes encoding small secreted proteins with unknown function. A significant fraction of these genes exists in small gene families. Expression analysis showed that most of the genes contained in these clusters are regulated together and induced in infected tissue. Deletion of individual clusters altered the virulence of U. maydis in five cases, ranging from a complete lack of symptoms to hypervirulence. Despite years of research into the mechanism of pathogenicity in U. maydis, no 'true' virulence factors had been previously identified. Thus, the discovery of the secreted protein gene clusters and the functional demonstration of their decisive role in the infection process illuminate previously unknown mechanisms of pathogenicity operating in biotrophic fungi. Genomic analysis is, similarly, likely to open up new avenues for the discovery of virulence determinants in other pathogens. ©2006 Nature Publishing Group.J.K., M. B. and R.K. thank G. Sawers and U. Kämper for critical reading of the manuscript. The genome sequencing of Ustilago maydis strain 521 is part of the fungal genome initiative and was funded by National Human Genome Research Institute (USA) and BayerCropScience AG (Germany). F.B. was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (USA). J.K. and R.K. thank the German Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF) for financing the DNA array setup and the Max Planck Society for their support of the manual genome annotation. F.B. was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, B.J.S. was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Canada Foundation for Innovation, J.W.K. received funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, J.R.-H. received funding from CONACYT, México, A.M.-M. was supported by a fellowship from the Humboldt Foundation, and L.M. was supported by an EU grant. Author Contributions All authors were involved in planning and executing the genome sequencing project. B.W.B., J.G., L.-J.M., E.W.M., D.D., C.M.W., J.B., S.Y., D.B.J., S.C., C.N., E.K., G.F., P.H.S., I.H.-H., M. Vaupel, H.V., T.S., J.M., D.P., C.S., A.G., F.C. and V. Vysotskaia contributed to the three independent sequencing projects; M.M., G.M., U.G., D.H., M.O. and H.-W.M. were responsible for gene model refinement, database design and database maintenance; G.M., J. Kämper, R.K., G.S., M. Feldbrügge, J.S., C.W.B., U.F., M.B., B.S., B.J.S., M.J.C., E.C.H.H., S.M., F.B., J.W.K., K.J.B., J. Klose, S.E.G., S.J.K., M.H.P., H.A.B.W., R.deV., H.J.D., J.R.-H., C.G.R.-P., L.O.-C., M.McC., K.S., J.P.-M., J.I.I., W.H., P.G., P.S.-A., M. Farman, J.E.S., R.S., J.M.G.-P., J.C.K., W.L. and D.H. were involved in functional annotation and interpretation; T.B., O.M., L.M., A.M.-M., D.G., K.M., N.R., V. Vincon, M. VraneŠ, M.S. and O.L. performed experiments. J. Kämper, R.K. and M.B. wrote and edited the paper with input from L.-J.M., J.G., F.B., J.W.K., B.J.S. and S.E.G. Individual contributions of authors can be found as Supplementary Notes

    Chemical Genetics — A Versatile Method to Combine Science and Higher Level Teaching in Molecular Genetics

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    Phosphorylation is a key event in many cellular processes like cell cycle, transformation of environmental signals to transcriptional activation or polar growth. The chemical genetics approach can be used to analyse the effect of highly specific inhibition in vivo and is a promising method to screen for kinase targets. We have used this approach to study the role of the germinal centre kinase Don3 during the cell division in the phytopathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis. Due to the easy determination of the don3 phenotype we have chosen this approach for a genetic course for M.Sc. students and for IMPRS (International Max-Planck research school) students. According to the principle of “problem-based learning” the aim of this two-week course is to transfer knowledge about the broad spectrum of kinases to the students and that the students acquire the ability to design their own analog-sensitive kinase of interest. In addition to these training goals, we benefit from these annual courses the synthesis of basic constructs for genetic modification of several kinases in our model system U. maydis

    A yeast four-hybrid system identifies Cdk-activating kinase as a regulator of the XPD helicase, a subunit of transcription factor IIH

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    To understand the role of the various components of TFIIH, a DNA repair/transcription factor, a yeast four-hybrid system was designed. When the ternary Cdk-activating kinase (CAK) complex composed of Cdk7, cyclin H, and MAT1 was used as bait, the xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) D helicase of transcription factor IIH (TFIIH), among other proteins, was identified as an interacting partner. Deletion mutant analyses demonstrated that the coiled-coil and the hydrophobic domains of MAT1 interlink the CAK complex directly with the N-terminal domain of XPD. Using immunoprecipitates from cells coinfected with baculoviruses, we further validated the bridging function of XPD, which anchors CAK to the core TFIIH. In addition we show that upon interaction with MAT1, CAK inhibits the helicase activity of XPD. This inhibition is overcome upon binding to p44, a subunit of the core TFIIH. It is not surprising that under these conditions some XPD mutations affect interactions not only with p44, but also with MAT1, thus preventing either the CAK inhibitory function within CAK.XPD and/or the role of CAK within TFIIH and, consequently, explaining the variety of the XP phenotypes

    Three-Hybrid Screens: Inducible Third-Party Systems

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    International audience1. INTRODUCTION Recent studies have brought up the existence of several molecular complexes either stable, like the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme, transcription factor TFIID and mediators, or transient as could be observed in the various steps of the transcription process e.g. initiation, elongation and termination. These observations point out the fact that regulation of different cellular mechanisms is orchestrated by interactions between molecular species either to modify proteins or to position one of them within a complex that then will be functional. Several techniques such as affinity precipitation, glycerol gradient sedimentation and the yeast two-hybrid system are currently used to study protein-protein interactions (1). These various methods, usually investigating the connection between two partners, keep in account only the strong (and stable) interactions and neglect the weaker ones. Considering the complexes studied so far, it is suspected and sometimes shown that interactions often occur between more than two proteins, e.g. to stabilize the complex. In an effort to understand the various biological mechanisms-and in our case gene expression regulation-, we were interested in developing the yeast three-(or tri-)hybrid system. The three-hybrid system, as illustrated in figure 1, is based on the reconstitution of a transcriptional activator complex either to search for or to study a protein that interacts with two others and to acquire information about ternary complex assembly (2). This technique detects direct or mediated interactions between two fusion proteins that contain either a DNA binding domain (DBD; the DBD-X protein) or an activation domain (AD; the AD-Y protein). In some cases, when these two hybrid proteins interact weakly or not at all, a third partner (the protein Z) is necessary to promote (to induce) the formation of the transcriptional activator allowing the transcription of the reporter genes. Thus, specific and stable protein-protein interactions between X, Y and Z lead to the activation of the reporter genes that are integrated in the yeast genome. The HIS3 reporter gene contains a specific DNA sequence which can be recognized by the DBD of the transcriptional activator. Activation of the HIS3 gene permits the endogenous synthesis of histidine allowing the yeast to grow on histidine-lacking media. Activation of the LacZ gene, another reporter gene containing the same DNA binding element, will lead to the synthesis of the β-galactosidase (β-Gal) that catalyses the transformation of either X-Gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl β-D-galactopyranoside) or ONPG (o-nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside) into a detectable blue or yellow product, respectively. There are several options to reconstitute the transcriptional activator: (i) the third partner Z can act as a bridging factor (Fig.1A) by interacting with both the DBD-X and AD-Y, thus allowing the DNA-binding protein X to target the basal transcription machinery; (ii) In case of weak interactions, Z may function as a stabilising factor (Fig.1B) that strengthens the interaction between X and Y; (iii) In some other cases, reconstitution of the transcriptional activator requires some post-transcriptional modifications of one of the two partners, in order to allow interaction between X and Y. The third partner Z will then be a regulating factor (Fig.1C), an enzyme that will not necessarily be part of the reconstituted transcriptional activator. When DBD-X and AD-Y are sufficient to reconstitute a stable transcriptional activator, the three-hybrid system can also be used for the search of inhibitors. In this case, the Z partner can act as an inhibitor (Fig.1D) by interacting with, or enzymatically modifying, one of the two main partners, thus preventing their interactions. This will result in the inhibition of the expression of the reporter genes followed by growth restriction on histidine-lacking media as well as repression of the β-Gal activity

    Versatile CRISPR/Cas9 Systems for Genome Editing in <i>Ustilago maydis</i>

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    The phytopathogenic smut fungus Ustilago maydis is a versatile model organism to study plant pathology, fungal genetics, and molecular cell biology. Here, we report several strategies to manipulate the genome of U. maydis by the CRISPR/Cas9 technology. These include targeted gene deletion via homologous recombination of short double-stranded oligonucleotides, introduction of point mutations, heterologous complementation at the genomic locus, and endogenous N-terminal tagging with the fluorescent protein mCherry. All applications are independent of a permanent selectable marker and only require transient expression of the endonuclease Cas9hf and sgRNA. The techniques presented here are likely to accelerate research in the U. maydis community but can also act as a template for genome editing in other important fungi

    A Drosophila XPD model links cell cycle coordination with neuro-development and suggests links to cancer

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    XPD functions in transcription, DNA repair and in cell cycle control. Mutations in human XPD (also known as ERCC2) mainly cause three clinical phenotypes: xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), Cockayne syndrome (XP/CS) and trichothiodystrophy (TTD), and only XP patients have a high predisposition to developing cancer. Hence, we developed a fly model to obtain novel insights into the defects caused by individual hypomorphic alleles identified in human XP-D patients. This model revealed that the mutations that displayed the greatest in vivo UV sensitivity in Drosophila did not correlate with those that led to tumor formation in humans. Immunoprecipitations followed by targeted quantitative MS/MS analysis showed how different xpd mutations affected the formation or stability of different transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) subcomplexes. The XP mutants most clearly linked to high cancer risk, Xpd R683W and R601L, showed a reduced interaction with the core TFIIH and also an abnormal interaction with the Cdk-activating kinase (CAK) complex. Interestingly, these two XP alleles additionally displayed high levels of chromatin loss and free centrosomes during the rapid nuclear division phase of the Drosophila embryo. Finally, the xpd mutations showing defects in the coordination of cell cycle timing during the Drosophila embryonic divisions correlated with those human mutations that cause the neurodevelopmental abnormalities and developmental growth defects observed in XP/CS and TTD patients