3,794 research outputs found

    Transition to turbulence in particle laden flows

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    Suspended particles can alter the properties of fluids and in particular also affect the transition from laminar to turbulent flow. In the present experimental study, we investigate the impact of neutrally buoyant, spherical inertial particles on transition to turbulence in a pipe flow. At low particle concentrations, like in single phase Newtonian fluids, turbulence only sets in when triggered by sufficiently large perturbations and, as characteristic for this transition localized turbulent regions (puffs) co-exist with laminar flow. In agreement with earlier studies this transition point initially moves to lower Reynolds number (Re) as the particle concentration increases. At higher concentrations however the nature of the transition qualitatively changes: Laminar flow gives way to a globally fluctuating state following a continuous, non-hysteretic transition. A further increase in Re results in a secondary instability where localized puff-like structures arise on top of the uniformly fluctuating background flow. At even higher concentration only the uniformly fluctuating flow is found and signatures of Newtonian type turbulence are no longer observed

    Selective low concentration ammonia sensing in a microfluidic lab-on-a-chip

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    In the medical community, there is a considerable interest in a diagnostic breath analyzer for ammonia that is selectively enough to measure in exhaled air and small enough for the small volumes available in such an application. An indirect measurement system for low gaseous ammonia concentrations has been miniaturized and integrated on a chip in order to reach this goal. The detection limit of the system was calculated to be 1.1 parts per billion (ppb). The response time was determined to be 1.6 min with a gas How of 50 ml/min. The required gas volume for one measurement is therefore sufficiently small, although sampling assistance is required for breath analysis. The selectivity of the system is sufficient to measure ammonia concentrations in the low-ppb range. The system is even sufficiently selective to be used in environments that contain elevated carbon dioxide levels, like exhaled air. The lower ammonia concentration expected in diagnostic breath analysis applications, 50 ppb, was demonstrated to be detectable

    Reliability-based design procedure for fatigue cracking in asphalt pavements

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    The need to account for the effect of design input variabilities on predicted performance has led to many design procedures that address reliability for pavement applications. The Florida cracking model uses empirically derived reliability for fatigue cracking design of asphalt pavements. A reliability approach, which is based on probabilistic uncertainty quantification, is necessary to account properly and effectively for the contribution of the variability in each parameter to the overall variance. This paper presents a load and resistance factor design (LRFD) procedure for the Florida cracking model. By delivering designs of uniform reliability, LRFD provides the basis for developing quality control and quality assurance standards. A first-order reliability method that incorporates a surrogate model based on central composite design was used to compute the reliability and formulate the partial safety factors. The reliability calibration was based on field pavement sections that had a wide range of design inputs and target reliability. Illustrative designs based on the developed LRFD procedure show the effectiveness of the partial safety factors and further confirm the credibility of the reliability analysis methodology

    Simultaneous Estimation of Multi-Relay MIMO Channels

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    This paper addresses training-based channel estimation in distributed amplify-and-forward (AF) multi-input multi-output (MIMO) multi-relay networks. To reduce channel estimation overhead and delay, a training algorithm that allows for simultaneous estimation of the entire MIMO cooperative network’s channel parameters at the destination node is proposed. The exact Cram´er- Rao lower bound (CRLB) for the problem is presented in closedform. Channel estimators that are capable of estimating the overall source-relay-destination channel parameters at the destination are also derived. Numerical results show that while reducing delay, the proposed channel estimators are close to the derived CRLB over a wide range of signal-to-noise ratio values and outperform existing channel estimation methods. Finally, extensive simulations demonstrate that the proposed training method and channel estimators can be effectively deployed in combination with cooperative optimization algorithms to significantly enhance the performance of AF relaying MIMO systems in terms of average-bit-error-rate

    The current concept of primary IgA deficiency and its prevalence in Iceland

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenIgA deficiency is among the most common primary immune deficiency known. Its prevalence, ranging from 1/324-1/1850, depends upon the study group geographic location and its ethnicity. IgA deficiency is commonly associated with other immune defects such as IgG2, and IgG4 deficiency. In addition, ataxia telangiectasia has been associated with IgA deficiency as well. The clinical significans of IgA deficiency is presently unclear. However, increased susceptibility to atopy, autoimmunity, infections and cancer has been reported. Furthermore, majority of these diseases are bound to the mucosal surfaces; the organ where IgA is thought to have its most protective role. Recent studies focusing on the genealogy of primary IgA deficiency have found linkages to chromosome 6, 14, 18 and 22. In addition, a link to certain HLA haplotypes has been reported. Thus, further studies into the immunogenetics of IgA deficiency are needed, particularly focusing upon the question why some individuals with IgA deficiency are prone to diseases whereas others are not. In this article some of these questions are addressed, and the current literature on the topic reviewed.IgA skortur er einn algengasti meðfæddi ónæmisgallinn og ræðst algengi hans meðal annars af kynþætti og þjóðerni. Hjá þjóðum N-Evrópu er algengið á bilinu 1/400-1/700. Einnig er þekkt að aðrir ónæmisgallar eins og IgG2 skortur og Louis-Bar heilkenni (ataxia telangiectasia) finnist hjá einstaklingum með IgA skort. IgA finnst í hvað mestum mæli á yfirborði slímhúðarinnar. Því er athyglivert að IgA skortur eykur líkur einstaklinga á að fá sjúkdóma er herja einna helst á slímhúðina og má þar nefna endurteknar sýkingar, ofnæmi og sjálfsofnæmissjúkdóma. Auk þess virðist þessum einstaklingum hættara við að fá krabbamein. Komið hefur í ljós að í sumum tilvikum hefur IgA skortur legið í ættum. Ættfræðilegar rannsóknir hafa þannig leitt í ljós tengsl við genasvæði á litningum 6, 14, 18 og 22. Auk þess virðast ákveðnar HLA samsætur hafa sterk tengsl við sjúkdóminn. Þrátt fyrir ítarlegar rannsóknir á orsökum og afleiðingum IgA skorts er mörgum lykilspurningum enn ósvarað og þá sérstaklega hvaða aðrir hugsanlegir virkir áhættuþættir leiða til ofangreindra sjúkdóma

    Curriculum for Comprehensive School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Finland

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    This chapter introduces the key elements of the Finnish National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (2014) and describes how the education of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is individualized in accordance with the national curriculum. The Finnish National Core Curriculum regulates the education of all children in basic education in Finland. The curriculum has been renewed several times, and the latest renewed curriculum has been implemented since August 2016. Children with ASD often need individualization and support for learning. Education for children with ASD can be individualized in one or more subjects, or a child can study according to a completely individualized syllabus. The individualization can also be done by delaying or lengthening the basic education of children with ASD. The three-tiered support model, which is being introduced in a detailed way, includes procedures for organizing individualized services for children with ASD. The individualized curriculum for a child with ASD is illustrated with two case stories at the end of the chapter.Peer reviewe