16 research outputs found

    Distribution, stock structure, and growth of the squid Berryteuthis magister (Berry, 1913) (Cephalopoda, Gonatidae) during summer and fall in the western Bering Sea

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    Distribution, abundance, and length-frequency composition of schoolmaster gonate squid, Berryteuthis magister, were studied during seven trawl surveys in the western Bering Sea between June and November 1993. Statolith age analysis was undertaken for 1,381 B. magister to estimate age, stock structure, and both growth and maturation rates. Three kinds of growth increments were revealed in B. magister statoliths. Daily periodicity of the second-order increments was confirmed by two independent, indirect methods. According to our data, B. magister live >1 yr; the oldest specimen was about 16 months old. Berryteuthis magister is a slow-growing and slow-maturing squid, and males exhibit slower growth and earlier maturation than do females. Growth in length was best described by a logistic curve, with a larger asymptotic parameter for females. In summer, concentrations of B. magister were low within the whole region, whereas in September-October squids aggregated into dense shoals over the continental slope of the Navarin-Olyutorsky region and Olyutorsky Bay. Stock structure of B. magister was complicated: each month, from 5 to 12 (usually 7-8) monthly classes of squid were encountered in the western Bering Sea. Three seasonal groups of B. magister occurred in the region: winter-, summer- and fall-hatched squids utilizing resources of the continental slope in different ways. A possible life cycle for the B. magister fall-hatched group includes a longevity of ca. 2 yr: 6 mo of embryonic development and 18 mo of postembryonic growth

    Trophic niche partitioning of five skate species of genus Bathyraja in northern and central Patagonia, Argentina

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    Overexploitation of marine communities can lead to modifications in the structure of the food web and can force organisms like elasmobranchs to change their feeding habits. To evaluate the impact that fisheries have on food webs and on the interactions between species, it is necessary to describe and quantify the diet of the species involved and follow it through time. This study compares the diet of five skate species using the data obtained from the by-catch of the Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) fishery in north and central Patagonia, Argentina. Diet composition was assessed by analysing the digestive tract contents and trophic overlapping between species of the genus Bathyraja: Bathyraja albomaculata, Bathyraja brachyurops, Bathyraja macloviana, Bathyraja magellanica and Bathyraja multispinis. A total of 184 stomachs were analysed. The diets of B. albomaculata and B. macloviana mainly comprised annelids, whereas that of B. brachyurops primarily comprised fish, including hake heads discarded by the fishery. The diets of B. magellanica and B. multispinis were largely based on crustaceans. Despite the morphological similarities and their shared preference for benthic habitats, no complete diet overlaps were found between the different species. These results suggest that these skate species have undergone a process of diet specialisation. This is a common feeding strategy that occurs to successfully eliminate competition when resources are limited, which corresponds to the conditions found in an environment being affected by the pressures of overfishing.Fil: Tschopp, Ayelen. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Cristiani, Franco. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias de la Salud - Sede Puerto Madryn. Departamento de Biología y Ambiente; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Nestor Anibal. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Crespo, Enrique Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias de la Salud - Sede Puerto Madryn. Departamento de Biología y Ambiente; ArgentinaFil: Coscarella, Mariano Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias de la Salud - Sede Puerto Madryn. Departamento de Biología y Ambiente; Argentin

    Morphological Characters of the Thickbody Skate Amblyraja frerichsi (Krefft 1968) (Rajiformes: Rajidae), with Notes on Its Biology

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    Detailed descriptions of morphological features, morphometrics, neurocranium anatomy, clasper structure and egg case descriptions are provided for the thickbody skate Amblyraja frerichsi; a rare, deep-water species from Chile, Argentina and Falkland Islands. The species diagnosis is complemented from new observations and aspects such as colour, size and distribution are described. Geographic and bathymetric distributional ranges are discussed as relevant features of this taxońs biology. Additionally, the conservation status is assessed including bycatch records from Chilean fisheries

    Statoliths in accelerometers of squids and cuttlefish

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    Squids and sepioids are considered to be "live rockets" because of the unique pattern of their jet propulsive locomotion which is characterized by rhythmic change of linear acceleration. We have found that under the force of acceleration, statoliths (gravity stones) which are attached to the anterior walls of paired equilibrium organs of decapods (statocysts) may deviate in the three mutually perpendicular planes rumling through its center of rotation and induce endolymph flows within the statocyst cavity. This finding re-considers the theory of the statocyst functioning in decapods and shows the key role of the statolith in detection of both angular and linear accelerations. Using morphological characteristics of the statoliths it becomes possible to estimate life style and locomotion pattern of demersal (near-bottom) and pelagic decapods

    Distribution and growth in juveniles of the squid Berryteuthis magister (Cephalopoda, Gonatidae) in the western Bering Sea

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    Seasonal distribution, size composition, age structure and growth of Berryteuthis magister juveniles (mantle length from 20 to 130 mm) were studied in the western Bering Sea (from 1700E to 179°W) between June and October 1994. According to the analysis of 1030 statoliths, the juveniles hatched from December to June with a peak in February and March. Growth data for different seasonally hatched groups were best fitted by an exponential function, summer-hatched juveniles demonstrated the fastest growth. B. magister attained the length at which it recruits (130 mm mantle length) at an age ranging from 140 to 200 days. Comparison of variability of both juvenile age structures and geostrophic currents in the region revealed that the Eastern Bering Slope Current (EBSC) was the main carrier of B. magister juveniles from the spawning grounds to the western Bering Sea. Seasonal variability of the EBSC determined the differences in juvenile migratory patterns. During its intense stage in May-June, the EBSC transported winter-hatched and spring-hatched juveniles first to the eastern part of the region and then westward along the slope. During its relaxed stage in July-September, the EBSC carried spring- and summer-hatched juveniles across the deep-water part of the Aleutian Basin directly to the western part of the region

    The argonaut shell: gas-mediated buoyancy control in a pelagic octopus

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    Argonauts (Cephalopoda: Argonautidae) are a group of rarely encountered open-ocean pelagic octopuses with benthic ancestry. Female argonauts inhabit a brittle ‘paper nautilus’ shell, the role of which has puzzled naturalists for millennia. The primary role attributed to the shell has been as a receptacle for egg deposition and brooding. Our observations of wild argonauts have revealed that the thin calcareous shell also functions as a hydrostatic structure, employed by the female argonaut to precisely control buoyancy at varying depths. Female argonauts use the shell to ‘gulp’ a measured volume of air at the sea surface, seal off the captured gas using flanged arms and forcefully dive to a depth where the compressed gas buoyancy counteracts body weight. This process allows the female argonaut to attain neutral buoyancy at depth and potentially adjust buoyancy to counter the increased (and significant) weight of eggs during reproductive periods. Evolution of this air-capture strategy enables this negatively buoyant octopus to survive free of the sea floor. This major shift in life mode from benthic to pelagic shows strong evolutionary parallels with the origins of all cephalopods, which attained gas-mediated buoyancy via the closed-chambered shells of the true nautiluses and their relatives