35 research outputs found

    Impact of complications in myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation

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    USMF Nicolae Testemiţanu, IMSP Institutul de Cardiologie, IMSP SCM Sfânta TreimeMyocardial Infarction with ST segment elevation (STEMI) is a serious disease with a great incidence and a high mortality, caused by severe complications. Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) complications are divided in: mechanical, hemodynamic and electric disorders, which negatively influence the prognosis of the disease evolution. Early diagnosis of STEMI with PCI management improve the outcome of these patients with a lower mortality, a higher life expectancy and a better quality of life. In our study we have established that STEMI is more frequent in men (71.3%). These patients had had conduction complications (52.7%), with a prevalence of atrial fibrillation (22.8%) and sinusal tachycardia (8.4%); mechanic complications were observed in 13.9% with the predominance of the free wall rupture (10.8%); hemodynamic complications represented by Killip III (43.6%) and Killip II (38.3%) class. The mortality of the patients caused by STEMI was in 11.4% cases caused predominantly by mechanical complications in 73.8 % cases

    Acid-Base Properties Of Glass Substrate And SiO[2]-Bi[2]O[3]Thin-Film Systems Obtained On It

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    The article describes an experimental research as a result of which SiO[2]–Bi[2]O[3] films have been synthesized of film-forming solutions based on tetraethoxysilane and bismuth nitrate (III). Acid-base properties of a glass substrate and SiO[2]–Bi[2]O[3] films obtained on it have been studied. The dependency of physical and chemical properties of SiO[2]–Bi[2]O[3] composites on their percentage composition have been revealed

    Building a tuberculosis-free world: The Lancet Commission on tuberculosis

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    ___Key messages___ The Commission recommends five priority investments to achieve a tuberculosis-free world within a generation. These investments are designed to fulfil the mandate of the UN High Level Meeting on tuberculosis. In addition, they answer

    Detonation wave parameters in a variable cross section channel in gas mixture of methane with oxygen and nitrogen

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    Propagation of the detonation wave in gas mixtures of methane with oxygen in a channel of variable cross section was studied experimentally. To conduct these investigations a special detonation combustion chamber comprising sections of various diameters has been designed. In the section of detonation wave formation a combustible mixture was ignited. After that, a flame front accelerated till the formation of detonation. At the exit from the combustion chamber there was an outlet conical section. In conducted experiments the toe-in angle was equal to 3 °. The combustion chamber was open-ended. So an initial pressure inside the combustion chamber prior to each experiment was equal to the atmospheric pressure. The initial temperature was ambient one of 300 K. As a diagnostics, piezoelectric sensors of pressure and photo diodes were used.Detonation initiation was accomplished by spark gap. For this pulse generator I-1 was used. Spark energy did not exceed 0.1 J and was much lower than the energy of the direct initiation of detonation.Deflagration-to-detonation transition was occurred. A composition of the mixtures was selected in such a way that the detonation cell width was several times smaller than the diameter of the channel. The mixture was composed by the partial pressures of methane, oxygen, and nitrogen and was kept in the 40 l tank within 24 hours under 5-8 atm. pressure. Возникновение де- тонации возникало вследствие перехода горения в детонацию.The aim of this study was to determine the parameters of a detonation wave in a channel of variable cross section in the methane-oxygen mixture. The influence of nitrogen impurities on the cell size and the speed and pressure of the detonation wave was investigated.The waves velocities and peak pressures at the front of the detonation wave were measured depending on composition, including the presence of nitrogen. The sizes of the detonation cells were measured using smoked foil mounted inside the channel.The effect of the interference of the shock waves in a conical section was studied.Diagrams of the shock waves, flame fronts, and detonation waves in the combustion chamber depending on the mixture composition are presented. The paper gives data on some compositions of mixtures.</p

    Adaptive Automatic Gauge Control of a Cold Strip Rolling Process

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    The paper tackles with thickness control structure of the cold rolled strips. This structure is based on the rolls position control of a reversible quarto rolling mill. The main feature of the system proposed in the paper consists in the compensation of the errors introduced by the deficient dynamics of the hydraulic servo-system used for the rolls positioning, by means of a dynamic compensator that approximates the inverse system of the servo-system. Because the servo-system is considered variant over time, an on-line identification of the servo-system and parameter adapting of the compensator are achieved. The results obtained by numerical simulation are presented together with the data taken from real process. These results illustrate the efficiency of the proposed solutions