6 research outputs found

    Savings associated with therapeutic appropriateness for patients with relapsed refractory multiple myeloma and high cytogenetic risk diagnosed by FISH test

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    Background: Approximately 23% of myeloma patients have cytogenetic abnormalities which confer a significantly poorer prognosis, and therefore they are defined as "high-risk myeloma" (HRC+) patients. Objective: To estimate the economic impact of a large-scale use of the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) test for the identification of HRC+ patients. Methods: The comparison between the total costs of two scenarios, the first one where patients are not tested for cytogenetic abnormalities, the second one where FISH test is used to identify HRC+ patients and to treat them with the most appropriate therapies, was conducted. The Italian National Healthcare Service (NHS) perspective was adopted. The cost of each treatment was estimated by multiplying Italian unit ex-factory prices by median progression-free survival (PFS). For each scenario, the cost per month of PFS gained was calculated. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the impact on the results. Results: N = 777 patients are expected to be HRC+ in Italy. If they were all identified through FISH test and treated with the most appropriate therapies, this would result into savings of € 552,000 and a PFS gain of 419 months, compared with a scenario with no identification. The cost per patient per month of PFS gained is lower in the scenario where FISH test was available (€ 9,921 vs € 10,229 in the scenario without testing). Sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of the base case results. Conclusions: A larger adoption of FISH test to identify HRC+ patients is expected to improve clinical outcomes in relapsed refractory multiple myeloma

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Dimethyl Fumarate in the Treatment of Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: An Italian Societal Perspective

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    BACKGROUND: Delayed-release dimethyl fumarate (also known as gastro-resistant dimethyl fumarate, hereafter dimethyl fumarate) is an oral disease-modifying therapy used for the treatment of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS), an autoimmune chronic inflammatory condition of the central nervous system.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this economic analysis was to compare cost-effectiveness of dimethyl fumarate with the alternatives used as first-line treatment of RRMS in Italy.METHODS: The analysis was conducted from the Italian societal perspective. Health outcomes and costs were evaluated over a 50-year time horizon (equivalent to a lifetime horizon). Both health outcomes and costs were discounted at 3.5%. The cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted by adapting a Markov model, already used in previous similar economic analyses conducted in RRMS, to the Italian context. The Markov model estimated the clinical and economic consequences of treating RRMS patients with the following therapeutic options: dimethyl fumarate; interferon (IFN) beta-1a subcutaneous (SC) at two different doses, 22 mcg and 44 mcg; IFN beta-1b SC; glatiramer acetate (GA) SC 20 mg; oral teriflunomide. Clinical efficacy data were retrieved from an elaboration of an already published mixed treatment comparison (MTC). Both direct and indirect costs (disability, treatment acquisition, administration, monitoring, relapses, adverse events) were included in the analysis. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were carried out and cost-effectiveness acceptability curves generated.RESULTS: In the base-case analysis, dimethyl fumarate was more efficacious than alternatives, in terms of both survival (19.634 vs. 19.440-19.600 life years for alternatives), and quality-of-life-adjusted survival (6.526 vs. 5.143- 6.189 QALYs for alternatives). The total lifetime cost per patient treated with dimethyl fumarate (€ 954,286) was lower than that of the other DMTs included in the analysis. Therefore, dimethyl fumarate was dominant compared with all analyzed alternatives. Dimethyl fumarate was also the therapeutic option with the highest benefit on disease burden. In fact, costs of disability management were lower than those of all the other first-line drugs included in the analysis. The results of one-way deterministic sensitivity analysis and probabilistic sensitivity analysis confirmed the reliability of base-case results.CONCLUSIONS: The results of the cost-effectiveness analysis confirm that dimethyl fumarate is an optimal first-line treatment for RRMS in Italy, compared with the other first-line alternatives included in the economic analysis, when evaluated from the societal perspective

    [Cost-Utility Analysis of Dupilumab for the Treatment of Severe Atopic Dermatitis in Children and Adolescents in Italy]

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, multifactorial, inflammatory condition characterized by a significant impact on patients' quality of life. Dupilumab is reimbursed by the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) for the treatment of adolescent and adult patients with severe AD (according to AIFA registry criteria). Recently, dupilumab has been reimbursed in the treatment of children with severe AD. The objective of this analysis was to estimate the incremental cost-utility ratio (ICUR) of dupilumab compared to current supportive care (SC), for the treatment of severe AD in children (6-11 years) and adolescents (12-17 years) in Italy.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted using a 1-year decision tree followed by a Markov model over a lifetime period. The base case analysis was performed on the overall population of the LIBERTY AD ADOL (NCT03054428) and LIBERTY AD PEDS (NCT03345914) studies, adopting the National Health Service (NHS) perspective. The following costs were considered: acquisition of treatment, management of disease, adverse events and complications. The robustness of the model was tested through sensitivity analysis. In addition, a scenario analysis adopting the social perspective was performed.RESULTS: In the base case, over a lifetime, dupilumab was more effective than SC in both children and adolescents (+2.44 and +1.62 quality-adjusted life years—QALYs, respectively). The introduction of dupilumab generated an increase in treatment costs (+€ 64,800 and +€ 52,853 € for children and adolescents, respectively), partially offset by a decrease in the costs of disease management and complications. Incremental cost-utility ratios (ICURs) were € 21,189 per QALY gained, for children, and € 26,569 per QALY gained, for adolescents. In both cases, the ICUR was lower than the willingness to pay threshold considered in Italy (€ 50,000 per QALY gained). Both the deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis confirmed the robustness of the base case results. Finally, the scenario analysis, adopting the social perspective, showed coherent results compared to the base case.DISCUSSION: Dupilumab is a cost-effective option for the treatment of children and adolescents with severe AD eligible for systemic treatment in Italy compared to SC, from both the NHS and social perspective, confirming the results obtained in the adult population

    Cost–Utility Analysis of Dupilumab for the Treatment of Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps (CRSwNP) in Italy

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    The objective of this analysis was to estimate the incremental cost–utility ratio (ICUR) of dupilumab as an add-on treatment to best supportive care (BSC), versus BSC alone, in Italy for severe uncontrolled chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). A simulation of outcomes and costs was undertaken using a 1-year decision tree, followed by a lifetime horizon Markov model. Clinical data were derived from a pooled analysis of two studies (SINUS-24 NCT02912468 and SINUS-52 NCT02898454). The Italian National Healthcare Service (NHS) perspective was considered. Model robustness was tested through sensitivity analyses. In the base-case analysis, treatment with dupilumab + BSC resulted in an increase in quality of life-adjusted survival (+1.02 quality-adjusted life years (QALY-gained)), compared to the BSC alone. The resulted ICUR was €21,817 per QALY-gained and it is below the acceptability threshold commonly used in Italy. Both one-way deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of base-case results. The cost–utility analysis showed that dupilumab, as an add-on treatment to BSC, is a cost-effective therapeutic alternative to BSC in the treatment of patients with severe uncontrolled chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps, confirming that it is economically sustainable

    How has the cost of antiretroviral therapy changed over the years? A database analysis in Italy

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    Abstract Background The number of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related hospitalizations has decreased worldwide in recent years, due to the availability of combined antiretroviral therapies (cART). The present analysis aimed to analyse the economic, and clinical burden of HIV management, after the introduction of systematic use of cART. Methods Data from HIV-infected patients, treated at Policlinico San Martino Hospital in Genova (Italy) were retrospectively collected. A comparison between years 2009 and 2015 was performed. HIV-related admissions were identified by using the Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) codes. The resource consumption of outpatient services was derived by using a modelling approach. Expenditure for drugs was also analysed, as aggregate data. Results The number of HIV-infected patients was 898 in 2009 and 1006 in 2015. Overall, the virological success rate improved from 2009 to 2015, as the percentage of patients with HIV-RNA < 50 copies/mL increased from 79 to 89% (P < 0.05). The average incidence of hospitalizations per-patient decreased from 0.30 in 2009, to 0.13 in 2015. Average expenditure per-patient decreased from €10,107 in 2009 to €9063 in 2015. Conclusions The present analysis confirmed the role of cART in controlling HIV viral load and, consequently, in reducing hospitalizations, admissions to day-hospital and the use of outpatient services. Clinical improvements and economic savings more than compensated the investments required to treat HIV-infected patients with cART. Health Authorities should invest in modern cART supply and universal treatment, to use at best the available resources and obtain a cost-effective improvement of health in people living with HIV. Additional research, with the involvement of different centers and the use of patient-specific data, are recommended to consolidate the findings of this analysis

    Voce: Prelievi e analisi di campioni

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    Con la legge 30.6.2009 n. 85 l'Italia ha ratificato l'adesione al Trattato di Pr\ufcm, in vista del rafforzamento della cooperazione tra Stati nella lotta al terrorismo, alla criminalit\ue0 transfrontaliera e alla migrazione illegale, tramite lo scambio di informazioni genetiche. La novit\ue0 pi\uf9 saliente che l'adesione al Trattato ha importato nell'ordinamento interno concerne l'introduzione di un'inedita disciplina dei prelievi coattivi di materiale biologico, volta alla tutela dei diritti individuali nell'impiego processuale di strumenti tecnico-scientifici che consentano di non disperdere il materiale probatorio relativo ad un fatto criminoso. Il tema rievoca la tradizionale distinzione che attribuisce all'imputato la duplice funzione di \u201corgano\u201d ed \u201coggetto\u201d nella formazione della prova, a seconda del contributo attivo o passivo che lo stesso apporti alla vicenda processuale. Questi \ue8 considerato \u201corgano\u201d di prova nell'espletamento di attivit\ue0 che costituiscono esercizio del diritto di difesa, nelle due componenti, positiva e negativa, del diritto di difendersi provando e del diritto al silenzio. Viceversa, si parla di imputato come \u201coggetto\u201d di prova allorquando gli sia richiesto un mero pati rispetto all'attivit\ue0 di istruzione probatoria, come accade nelle ispezioni, nelle perquisizioni, nelle ricognizioni personali, nonch\ue9, pi\uf9 in generale, negli accertamenti che si espletano sul corpo del giudicabile, il quale viene in rilievo non come parte processuale, ma come mera entit\ue0 fisica. Il regime di nuovo conio \ue8 intervenuto a colmare la lacuna normativa lasciata dalla sentenza n. 238 del 1996 con cui la Corte costituzionale aveva dichiarato l'illegittimit\ue0 dell'art. 224, comma 2, c.p.p. nella parte in cui consentiva interventi peritali sul corpo della persona, in violazione del principio di riserva di legge che presidia, ex art. 13 Cost., la libert\ue0 personale. La pronuncia ha individuato un \u201cnocciolo duro\u201d rappresentato dalla libert\ue0 corporale, indissolubilmente legata ai principi di libert\ue0 morale, integrit\ue0 psico-fisica e salute della persona, non comprimibili a fini processuali. La Carta fondamentale prevede un'unica ipotesi di lesione del diritto alla salute nell'ambito dei trattamenti sanitari obbligatori, per finalit\ue0 estranee all'accertamento penale; la libert\ue0 morale, peraltro, rappresenta il quid pluris che sopravvive alla compressione del potere statale, persino durante la pi\uf9 intensa restrizione della libert\ue0 personale. Se questo \ue8 il quadro costituzionale di riferimento, \ue8 evidente come il previgente regime in materia di prelievi biologici coattivi abbia disatteso le indicazioni provenienti dalla Consulta. Difatti, a distanza di quasi un decennio dal monito del Giudice delle leggi, il legislatore intervenne (con la legge 31 luglio 2005, n. 155) \uabin un modo persino pi\uf9 imbarazzante dell'inerzia sino ad allora mantenuta\ubb, attribuendo un potere di intrusione corporale (attraverso il prelievo di capelli o saliva nel corso delle indagini) alla polizia giudiziaria, previa autorizzazione - anche orale, purch\ue9 confermata per iscritto - del pubblico ministero, a soli fini identificativi e purch\ue9 sussistesse il pericolo di alterazione o dispersione della res. Non era contemplato il potere giudiziale di disporre un prelievo biologico a fini peritali e l\u2019esclusivo orientamento teleologico dell\u2019atto d\u2019indagine ne limitava fortemente l\u2019utilit\ue0. Veniva, pertanto, inopinatamente elusa la doppia riserva, di legge e di giurisdizione, che presidia la materia. La riforma realizza una netta soluzione di continuit\ue0 rispetto alla normativa precedente, attraverso l'individuazione nell'organo giurisdizionale del baricentro del micro-sistema normativo dedicato ai prelievi biologici coattivi. Se la libert\ue0 personale pu\uf2 subire restrizioni per atto motivato dell'autorit\ue0 giudiziaria, pertanto anche del pubblico ministero, l'intrusione nella sfera corporale esige l'egida di un soggetto super partes, indifferente rispetto all'esito del processo. Il legislatore ha costruito una disciplina minuziosa, concernente sia l'an che il quomodo dei prelievi, in ossequio alla riserva di legge dettagliata (nei \u201cmodi\u201d e nei \u201ccasi\u201d) imposta dalla Consulta. Ne \ue8 derivato un apparato \uabmulti-livello\ubb, calibrato sulla sistematica del codice e diversificato in base all'orientamento teleologico dell'accertamento \u2013istituzionale, probatorio, investigativo o identificativo-, in cui ogni tipologia \ue8 rigidamente separata dalle altre