95 research outputs found


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    This study was conducted to investigate the effect of diets containing blends of soy oil and its acidulated soapstock on broiler performance. Six hundred 7–day-old Ross broiler chicks were assigned to factorial arrangement (2×5) with 2 levels of oil (3 , 6%) and 5 blends of soy oil and its soapstock (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100) with 4 replicates in a completely randomized design . The levels of inclusion of fat in diets had a significant effect on feed intake and feed conversion ratio(FCR), and birds fed diets containing 3% of fat had higher weight gain and better FCR (P<0.05). Weight gain and feed conversion ratio were significantly (P<0.05) affected by the blending ratio of soy oil and its acidulated soapstock. The soy oil: soapstock ratio of 0:100, in diet resulted in significantly lower weight gain, but there were not any significant differences between other blending ratios on weight gain and FCR. The interaction effects of fat levels× blending ratio of soy oil and its acidulated soapstock were significant on weight gain and FCR in the whole rearing period. The weight gain of birds receiving diets containing 6% of fat with the 0:100 (soy oil: soapstock) were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than those in the other treatments. It was concluded that the acidulated soy oil soapstock could be used as an energy source in broiler diets, and the soy oil replaced witht its soapstock by 75% in the whole rearing period.Ovaj je rad proveden radi istraživanja djelovanja obroka sa soijnim uljem i njegovom zakiseljenom sapunastom smjesom na rezultate brojlerskih pilića. Šest 7 dana starih brojlerskih pilića linije Ross svrstano je u faktorijalni red (2x5) s dvije količine ulja (3%,6%) i 5 mješavina sojinog ulja i njegove sapunaste smjese (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 i 0:100) s 4 ponavljanja u potpuno slučajnom planu. Razine uključivanja masnoće u obroke imale su značajan učinak na uzimanje hrane i omjer konverzije hrane (FCR), te su pilići hranjeni obrocima s 3% masnoće imali veći prirast tjelesne mase i bolji FCR (P<0.05). Na prirast tjelesne mase i omjer konverzije hrane značajno je djelovao omjer miješanja sojinog ulja i njegove zakiseljene sapunaste smjese (P<0.05). Omjer sojino ulje: sapunasta smjesa od 0:100 u obrocima rezultirao je značajno nižim prirastom tjelesne mase ali nije bilo nikakve druge značajne razlike između drugih omjera miješanja na prirast tjelesne mase i na FCR. Djelovanje interakcije razine masti x omjer miješanja sojinog ulja i zakiseljene sapunaste smjese bilo je značajno na prirast tjelesne mase i FCR u čitavom razdoblju uzgoja. Prirast tjelesne mase pilića koji su dobivali obroke sa 6% masti s 0:100 (sojino ulje : sapunasta smjesa) bio je značajno niži (P<0,05) od prirasta pilića u drugim tretiranjima. Zaključuje se da bi se zakiseljena sapunasta smjesa sojinog ulja mogla upotrijebiti kao izvor energije u obrocima brojlera a sojino ulje nadomjestiti sa 75% sapunaste smjese u čitavom uzgojnom razdoblju

    Effects of copper reduction on angiogenesis-related factors in recurrent glioblastoma cases

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    Purpose: To evaluate the therapeutic effects of copper reduction on angiogenesis-related factors in patients with glioblastoma multiforme treated by gamma knife radiosurgery. Materials and Methods: In the present block randomized, placebo-controlled trial, fifty eligible patients with a diagnosis of glioblastoma multiforme who were candidates for gamma knife radiosurgery were randomly assigned into two groups to receive daily either 1gr penicillamine and a low copper diet or placebo for three months. The intervention started on the same day as gamma knife radiosurgery. Serum interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and copper levels were measured at baseline and after the intervention. The serum copper level was used as the final index of compliance with the diet. In order to control probable side effects of intervention, laboratory tests were conducted at the beginning, middle and end of the study. Results: The patients had a mean age and Karnofsky Performance Scale of 43.7 years and 75 respectively. Mean serum copper levels were significantly reduced in intervention group. Mean survival time was 18.5 months in intervention group vs. 14.9 in placebo group. VEGF and IL-6 levels in the intervention group were also significantly reduced compared to the placebo group and TNF-α increased less. Conclusions: It seems that reducing the level of copper in the diet and dosing with penicillamine leads to decline of angiogenesis-related factors such as VEGF, IL-6 and TNF-α. Approaches targeting angiogenesis may improve survival and can be used as a future therapeutic strategy

    Adaptation, growth and survival of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Bafgh brackish water

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    An experiment was conducted to evaluate the possibility of adaptation, growth and survival of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with 0.3g initial weight and red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) with 0.7g initial weight in underground brackish water. Fry of Nile tilapia and red tilapia imported from Indonesia and after passing larviculture (25g) were examined separately in fiber glass tank by two replicate. Fish were fed at a restricted feeding program according to standard table during the light period. The results showed that some growth factors such as final weight, final length, daily growth rate, specific growth rate and weight gain in Nile tilapia were slightly higher than red tilapia but other factors such as survival and feed conversion rate in red tilapia were slightly higher than Nile tilapia. There were no significantly differences at 99% level among these factors. Length-weight relationship equation was w = 0.012×TL3.189 in Nile tilapia and w = 0.014×TL3.119 in red tilapia (r2 = 0.99), b value were 3.189 and 3.119 respectively in Nile and red tilapia representing isometric growth. According to the reliable growth and high survival rate (98%), it seems that both Nile and red tilapia could be good candidates for rearing in brackish water condition

    Investigation of Litopenaeus vannamei culture in brackish waters of Bafgh, Yazd Province

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    This survey is part of the investigation on feasibility of introduction of Litopenaeus vannamei Boone, 1931 in shrimp culture industry of Iran. The objective was evaluation of the adaptation of the white leg shrimp, L. vannamei to brackish groundwaters of the Bafgh area in Yazd province. Around 120000 shrimp postlarvae (PL7 and 15) were stocked in four 0.15ha earthen ponds (17 and 23 ind/m ^(2)) in July 2005 and the culture period took about four months. Physicochemical and biological factors were studied during the culture. Shrimps were fed with commercial feed of the L. vannamei. Results showed low survival (19.2%) and growth (2-2.5g mean body weight). Based on the assessments, the limnological factors were most unfavorable elements causing the low growth in the shrimp. Concentration of K, Ca, Mg and Na Fe (II and III), different heavy metals, nitrogenous compounds, water hardness and the season and thermal periods are probably the most essential factors affecting production yield of the shrimp because of underground origin of the water. Also, the structure of ponds and drainages, presence of invasive water plants and insects may have affected the survival and growth of the shrimp as well

    Biotechnics of live feed (Chironomidae) culture for using in feeding of cultured aquatics

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    Larvae of the chironomid midges (blood worms) are known as use full live food for cultured aquatics. There are endemic blood worms in sediments of the earthponds of Bafgh area at center of Iran. This study tended to identification of two chironomid species, Chironomus aprilinus Meigen, 1830 and Dicrotendipes sudanicus Freeman, 1959 & 1961, from Iran as a new record. Culture of blood worms was successful in glass thanks with 16h. Light, at 24-26°C temperature. Eggs were incubated after 14 days. Suitable concentration of harvesting is 1-2 egg masses (1250eggs/m2). Enrichment of earth ponds or plastic thanks including sedime is offered for culture of chironomid larvae. Collectors prepared with low cost materials are useful for collection of egg masses. May, June and July are the best time for egg collection. Large blood worms are mainly available in winter. Results of body analysis of the larvae indicated high dry matter with good quality

    Production yield of the white-leg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) culture in brackish water of Yazd Province

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    This survey is one of the researches of Investigation on feasibility of introduction of Litopenaeus vannamei in shrimp culture industry of Iran project. The aim of this survey was study about probability of adaptation of the white-leg shrimp, L. vannamei with brackish groundwater for culture at central Iran. 120/000 postlarvae (PL7&15) were stocked in four 0.15ha earthponds (17 & 23 N/m^2), in July 2005. Culture continued for about four months. Physicochemical and biological factors were studied. Shrimps were fed with L. vannamei commercial food. Results showed low survival (19.2%) and growth (2-2.5gr mean body weight while capture). Limnological factors may be the most important agent for unfavorable culture efficiency at based on the results of measurements. Concentration of K^+ (40mg/l), Ca^+2 (370- 472mg/l), Mg^+2 (340-407mg/l), Na^+ (3450mg/l), and their proportions; Fe^+2&+3 (0.18-1.17mg/l), Zn^+2 (0.072mg/l), nitrogenous compounds especially NH_3 (3.22mg/l), water hardness (2350-2870mg/l), different heavy metals; season of stocking and daily thermal periods (2.5-12°C with 8°C mode) are probably the most essential factors effecting production yield of L. vannamei, mainly because of underground origin of the water. Also, the structure of ponds and drainages, presence of invasive water plants and insects may affect survival and growth, as well

    Environment impact assessment of tilapia (Tilapia Nilotica) farming project in brachish water of Bafgh

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    The aim of the present study is the environmental impact assessment of tilapia (Tilapia nilotica) farming project in brackish water of Bafgh, with goals to achieve localization of technology and knowledge of tilapia fish production, employment and the possibility to controlled development in other areas. Desired range, located in northwest of Daranjir desert (Inland Salt Water Fishes Research Station, Bafgh). Total area used for the project includes three indoor hall for breeding operation, nursery (juvenile breeding) and fattening. Besides these, three 3000 m 3 available earth ponds has been considered as a potential area breeding after setting apart the quarantine. In order to achieve sustainable development of breeding this fish, impact assessment of this project development in which both environmental and social - economic effects are considered, it seems essential and project will be accomplished more confidently. So, after considering the technical characteristics of the project, the immediate, direct and indirect impact area were determined and environmental aspects of area identified. Matrix methods was utilized for the environmental impact assessment. The most important operational activities, including greenhouse structures implementation and water conveyance facilities, including excavation and embankment, channel, piping, lining of channels and their accessories including inlet and outlet valves, concrete, stone, porcelain, walling up , roof, construction of drainage network and access roads. Based on investigation, accessibility of the region, compatibility with the other land uses, lack of monuments in the area, not covered with the sensitive habitats range, the lack of permanent river flow, low quality of underground water and end up underground water flows in downstream desert and evaporated which result in impossibility of escaping introduced fish from the farm and the use of existing spaces in the first half of the year to product lead to make fewer infrastructure costs and increase revenue, are the main criteria for the sustainable development of this species culture in the area. Considering the executed studies and results of the matrix assessment construction and operation phases, it was concluded that there is no considerable destructive impacts related to the project. Therefore due to the fact that 50% of means in rows and columns of the matrix were not less than -3.1 so, we proposed execution of it with rehabilitation plans. Therefore, some strategies and plans to consider reducing the negative effects and enhance positive effects of the project, including monitoring programs, were proposed

    An investigation on feasibility of introduction of tilapia to aquaculture industry of inland brackish waters at desert areas of Iran

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    Tilapia is the third most cultured fish in the world. Studies about tilapia were started in Iran from November 2008 for the first time. Immature black Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, and red hybrids were stocked in 6 cylindrical 3m3 fiberglass tanks from September 2009, for breeding. Samples were stocked in 27±0.5ºC water temperature, 11.5±0.5ppt salinity, 2500lux light/day (18h L: 6h D), sex ratio of 1:3 (male: female) at 5/m^3 density. Body weight and total length of spawned females were measured. Eggs were incubated in conical glass jars, after counting. Length of the large diameter and weight of 25 eggs were measured in the laboratory. Absolute and relative fecundity, spawning frequency of both black and red broodstocks, incubation period and hatching percent of the eggs were acquired. Power regression between body weight and total length of spawners, Pearson correlation coefficients of body weight and total length against absolute and relative fecundity, weight of egg clutch, length and weight of egg were obtained. Black and red spawners were compared for fecundity and egg quality, by t-student test (p<0.05). Spawning frequencies and optimum ranges of length, weight and age of spawning in black and red female tilapias were defined

    Quantitative evaluation of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss cultured in brackishwater and freshwater of Yazd province, at the based on muscle

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    Fish culture has developed in Yazd province of Iran since recent decade and the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss is the most important fisheries product in the area. There is a few information about carcass composition of cultured fish in Iran. Rainbow trout samples were collected from 6 fish brackish and fresh water fish farms of Yazd province during February 2007. Fish muscle samples were freezed in -30 C after being homogenized, till laboratory analyses. Proximate composition of samples contained 17.05-18.53% crude protein, 2.35-5.13% total fat, 1.31-1.7% ash and 74.18-77.05% wet. Saturated fatty acids including palmitic acid (14.06-19.60%), stearic acid (6.44-6.1%), myristic acid (1.29-5.66%) and lauric acid (0.13-2.76), also unsaturated fatty acids oleic (30.24-40.14%) and linoleic (21.18-38.85%) were extracted from muscle tissue of fish of different farms, using GC. Other unsaturated fatty acids including -linolenic acid, EPA and DHA had low concentrations (1-3%) in samples. Vitamin E level was 4.33-94.34 g/100gr. Concentration of minerals in homogenated muscle tissues were as: Na 822.58-1052.78ppm, K 12272.75-13715.25ppm, Ca 104.75-171.03ppm, Fe 19-40ppm, Cu 0.044- 1.01ppb, Zn 7.02-12.47ppb, Cd 0.879-1.099ppb and Cr 1.895-3.86ppb. Heavy metal concentrations were lower than permitted values

    Study on economic aspects of tilapia culture in Iran

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    The study on economic aspects of tilapia culture in Iran is a subproject of a comprehensive project on introduction of tilapia to central regions of the country. Two types of red and black of the exotic tilapia were imported from Indonesia in 2009 for research and were transferred to the research center of Bafgh. Since tilapia has capabilities in aquaculture such as resistance to diseases, fast growth, tolerance to high intensity, growth in freshwater, brackish water and in saline water, also ability to grow in pond, cage and aquaculture tanks, so it is likely that it’s production be of economic advantages. Therefore the present study looked at economic aspects of raising tilapia. The factors examined were feed expenditures, wages, fertilizer spending, costs of fish fingerlings, and pond preparation in two treatments of black and red tilapia in 0.45 hectare earth ponds, 3m^2 aquaculture tanks with two replicates. Results of data analyses showed that benefit of each pond for black tilapia would be about 5968763 Rials. For red tilapia this amounted to 5939696 Rials. On total the benefit for black tilapia pond culture was 11940444 Rials while this for red tilapia was 11879392 Rials, so we can conclude that pond culture of tilapia is beneficial. Culture cost of black tilapia in tanks with 57 Kg outcome, was 2540600 Rials. Accordingly the cost of each kilogram of fish is 44572 Rials, so with 20 percent benefit, the price for each kilogram is 53485 Rials. Also for producing 37 kilograms red tilapia in tank some 2531500 Rials was expended. Each kilogram red tilapia cost 68419 Rls to produce which is much more than other cultured fish and if we expect 20 percent benefit the price of each kilogram of red tilapia would be 82103 Rls. So it is concluded that tank fish culture of tilapia would not be beneficial and economically speaking there would be no point to raise tilapia this way