11 research outputs found

    A survey on lifestyle and level of biomarkers of environmental exposure in residents in Civitavecchia (Italy)

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    Background. The assessment of individual exposure to toxicants in industrially contaminated areas is difficult when multiple productions are active close to residential areas. Two thermoelectric power plants and a large harbor have been operating since the ’60s in the area of Civitavecchia (North of Rome). Methods. The ABC (Ambiente e Biomonitoraggio nell’area di Civitavecchia, Environment and Biomonitoring in Civitavecchia) program involved, in the period 2013-2014, residents in Civitavecchia and in the nearby municipalities (Santa Marinella, Allumiere, Tolfa and Tarquinia). They were randomly selected from the Municipal Register’s data and their residence addresses were geocoded using GIS techniques. Biomonitoring of the following urinary metals, Sb, Be, Mo, Cd, Sn, W, Ir, Pt, Hg, Tl, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rh, Pd, As were performed. Glucose and lipid metabolism, liver, renal, and endocrine function were evaluated through blood laboratory tests. Tests of lung function were also carried out as well as saturometry (oxygen rate in the blood with an illuminated sensor placed on the fingertip), anthropometric and blood pressure measurements. Information on individual characteristics, histories of exposure, such as the consumption of local food, occupational history, lifestyle and medical history were collected through a validated questionnaire. Samples of nails and hair were also collected. The biological material (blood, urine, nails and hair) was stored in a biobank for future analysis related to the possible mechanisms of biological damage. The study protocol received the approval of the local ethics committee. Results. A total of 1177 residents were enrolled (58% female, 60% with a secondary or graduate school degree). No particular differences in metal concentrations based on the municipality of residence were observed. For arsenic, mercury, lead, and tungsten some differences between the two geographical areas were observed, probably due to different diet, lifestyle (e.g., alcohol consumption, smoking, use of jewelry and piercings, tattoos, physical activity, hormonal and mineral supplements, and drugs), and occupational exposure. Conclusions. The undergoing study on the association between biomarkers concentration and pollutants concentrations − estimated using a dispersion modeling approach, and adjusting for personal characteristics and concomitant other environmental exposure − could clarify the individual exposure of the residents in this industrial area

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 11

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1

    spectroscopy and

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    time-correlated single photon counting technique fo

    Seeps and Tectonic Structure of the Hydrothermal System of the Panarea Volcanic Complex (Aeolian Islands, Tyrrhenian Sea)

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    High-definition bathymetry mapping, combined with the measurement of dissolved benthic fluxes and water column biogeochemical properties, allows for a description of new biogeochemical processes around the Panarea Volcanic island. Investigations focused on the CO2 releases from the bottom sea on the east of the Panarea volcanic complex provided insights into the geological setup of the marine area east and south of the Panarea Island. Between the Panarea Island and the Basiluzzo Islet lies a SW-NE-stretching graben structure where a central depression, the Smoking Land Valley, is bounded by extensional faults. Abundant acidic fluids rich in dissolved inorganic Carbon are released on the edges of the graben, along the extensional faults, either diffusely from the seafloor, from hydrothermal chimneys, or at the center of craters of different sizes. The precipitation of iron dissolved in the acidic fluids forms Fe-oxyhydroxides bottom sea crusts that act as a plug, thus preventing the release of the underlying gases until their mounting pressure generates a bursting release. This process is cyclic and results in intermittent gas release from the bottom, leaving extinct craters and quiescent chimneys. The measurement of dissolved benthic fluxes allowed us to estimate the volcanic DIC venting at 15 Mt of CO2 over the past 10,000 years. The fluxes are not distributed homogeneously but rather concentrate along fractures and fault planes, which facilitate their rise to the seafloor. The acidic fluids released affect the chemical properties and structure of the water column through the formation of layers with a lower pH under the pycnocline, which can limit volcanic CO2 release to the atmosphere. Further and continuous monitoring and investigation of the area are needed in order to complete a thorough picture of the variations in fluid releases through time and space. The importance of such monitoring lies in the development of a new method for detecting and quantifying the diffusive dissolved benthic fluxes on a volcanic sea bottom affected by hydrothermal seeps

    Time-Resolved Reflectance Spectroscopy as a Non Destructive Tool to Assess the Maturity at Harvest and to Model the Softening of Nectarines

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    none9G. Biscotti; R. Cubeddu; P. Eccher Zerbini; M. Fibiani; M. Grassi; A. Pifferi; A. Rizzolo; A. Torricelli; M. VanoliG., Biscotti; Cubeddu, Rinaldo; P., Eccher Zerbini; M., Fibiani; M., Grassi; Pifferi, ANTONIO GIOVANNI; A., Rizzolo; Torricelli, Alessandro; M., Vanol

    New Alien Plant Taxa for Italy and Europe: An Update

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    Despite the wide amount of scientific contributions published on alien plant species, their diffusion dynamics, and their interactions with native taxa, it is increasingly difficult to slow down their spreading and their negative impact on habitats. Last recent years, in fact, a sharp rise in the number of new alien plant taxa introduced in Italy and Europe has been recorded. The aim of this work is to investigate most of the Italian territory in order to verify whether this alarming trend is still underway. Specimen collections and/or observations of alien plants have been performed in as many as 12 Italian regions. All the collected specimens are stored in public or private herbaria. Taxa have been identified according to the literature from the countries of origin of the investigated taxa, while the nomenclature followed the current international references. Updates on 106 taxa are reported. In particular, among 117 new records, 89 are first records, 27 are changes to status and there is 1 extinction. Seven new taxa for Italian alien flora are reported, two of which are new to Europe. The administrative regions with the highest number of records are Calabria (48), Sardegna (17) and Sicilia (15). Five of the surveyed taxa, for the first time, have been considered invasive aliens to Italian territory. The unfrequent amount of original results provided by this work, over the simple importance of data itself, proves how floristic investigation, still today, represents one of the most effective tools in broadening the current knowledge about alien taxa and their dynamics