36 research outputs found

    Environmental innovation in European transition countries

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    The aim of this paper is to highlight the determinants of environmental innovation of manufacturing firms in European Transition countries. Following an established literature, the analysis relies upon data drawn from the Community Innovation Survey - CIS14 . The data are cross-section covering the period between 2012 and 2014. We employ a multivariate probit model to observe the effect of several drivers on eco-innovation, captured by: (i) eco-product; (ii) eco-process; (iii) eco-organization. Findings highlight that regulation influences all measures of eco-innovation. The results are confirmed also when we perform alternative estimations. It is worth noting that – after interacting expected regulation and turnover – expected regulation has an impact on the current decision on eco-innovation if and only if the firms have a large turnover. Another interaction term between turnover and tax rates is positively associated with eco-innovation, so suggesting that when tax rate appears to be too high, firms prefer to invest in environmental innovation rather than being taxed

    Energy Saving in Transition Economies: Environmental Activities in Manufacturing Firms

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    This study seeks to explore the relationship between active environmental activities and energy saving in firms operating in a set of Transition countries. For this purpose, we exploit the enterprise survey data collected by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the World Bank Group (WBG). Employing a probit regression model, the main finding shows a positive relation between environmental practices and energy saving, controlling several firms’ characteristics such as size, affiliation, credit line, ownership status and age. The results are also confirmed when we perform the robustness check. Interestingly, medium and small firms appear to save more energy than large ones

    Decomposition of Poverty Change: A Case Study

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    This paper investigates the impact of change in total population in decomposition of poverty change in Albania providing empirical illustrations with data from a country still in economic and social transition, even if in recent years has registered a high growth of GDP rate. To quantify the impact of change in total population, we use the methodology developed by Mishra (2015). In previous literature decomposing poverty change into growth and inequality effects, the impact of change in total population concealed by the hypothesis that the growth effect can be quantified by observing at the growth rate of mean income. The Mishra’s method considers the population growth as an independent within-group effect that results different respect to the inequality and growth effect respectively. Furthermore, this method integrates that to Son (2003) so that variation in population shares across groups represents the between-group effect. Thus, we will have three effects: growth on account of total income, inequality, and change in total population. These effects can be calculated in multiple possibilities depending on the sequence that each is computed and the base year

    Kindergarten Proximity and the Housing Market Price in Italy

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    This paper investigates the impact of kindergarten proximity on housing market prices in the eleven major Italian Municipalities over the period 2004–2017. For this purpose, we employ a hedonic property price model. We also differentiate the impact of kindergarten proximity on houses’ market price between state and non-state premises. The findings highlight that (i) the level of housing price depends on kindergarten proximity; (ii) some quality school characteristics played a crucial role and (iii) the distinction between public and non-state kindergartens shows that the vicinity of the latter generates a more significant capitalization effect. Finally, the empirical evidence could be useful to several actors involved in urban planning when developing plans for the construction of new kindergartens in order to create a more homogeneous city


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    DIFFUSIONE TERRITORIALE, LIVELLI DI SPECIALIZZAZIONE E SEGREGAZIONE OCCUPAZIONALE NELL’INDUSTRIA MANIFATTURIERA ITALIANA Maria Carmela Miccoli, Antonella Biscione L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è l’analisi a livello regionale del grado di diffusione dell’industria manifatturiera italiana nelle sue principali specializzazioni e la misurazione territoriale della segregazione occupazionale di genere, sia di tipo orizzontale che di tipo verticale, nell’industria manifatturiera italiana. La misurazione della segregazione occupazionale di genere è effettuata utilizzando quattro indicatori (indice di dissimilarità, indice di Karmel e MacLachlan, indice di concentrazione e indice di segregazione). I dati utilizzati per misurare il fenomeno sono quelli risultanti dai data base Ateco dell’Istata relativi agli anni censimenti generali dell’industria e commercio degli anni 2001, 2011 e 2016. L’analisi è condotta sia con riferimento all’Italia nel suo complesso che a livello delle singole regioni, in modo da ottenere precise informazioni circa la distribuzione territoriale del fenomeno

    Economic growth, spatial redistribution of population and poverty in Albania

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    The object of this paper is to analyze the Albanian case, this country is making many efforts to comply with standards economic and political factors that characterize European Union even if it presents many contradictions. The idea of this work is to evaluate the dynamics of the economic growth, spatial redistribution of population and poverty in a country where the economic transition is still underway

    Economic growth, spatial redistribution of population and poverty in Albania

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    The object of this paper is to analyze the Albanian case, this country is making many efforts to comply with standards economic and political factors that characterize European Union even if it presents many contradictions. The idea of this work is to evaluate the dynamics of the economic growth, spatial redistribution of population and poverty in a country where the economic transition is still underway


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    DIVERSITÀ DI GENERE E INNOVAZIONE NEI PAESI DEI BALCANI OCCIDENTALI di Antonella Biscione1, Maria Carmela Miccoli2 1 Università Cattolica “Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio” di Tirana 2 DISA-MIS, Università di Salerno Abstract Utilizzando i dati tratti dai Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Surveys rilevati e resi disponibili congiuntamente dalla Banca Europea per la Ricostruzione e lo Sviluppo e dalla Banca Mondiale indaghiamo le relazioni esistenti tra la diversità di genere e le innovazioni tecnologiche e non-tecnologiche nei Paesi dei Balcani Occidentali. In particolare, lo scopo del lavoro è l’analisi delle differenze esistenti nelle decisioni strategiche delle donne manager e delle donne proprietarie di impresa sulle performance innovative del settore manifatturiero


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    The aim of this paper is to analyze and compare the family composition with regard to the dimension, the territorial location and the levels of poverty and richness. in Italy and Spain, the two southernmost countries of Mediterranean Europe. In order to quantify the degree of poverty, the class of FGT-indicators proposed by Foster et al (1984) will be used, while, to measure wealth, the wealth index classes developed by Peilch et al (2006) will be considered. The analysis will focus on the the period 2010-2013; the data that will be used are part of the official statistics produced by the National Statistics Institutes (ISTAT-INE) and the EU-Silc Survey conducted by Eurostat