347 research outputs found

    Ubiquitous Computing e Patrimonio Culturale: dalla fruizione alla salvaguardia

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    Il contributo propone una sintesi della ricerca internazionale sull'Ubiquitous Computing dalla fine degli anni '80, periodo durante il quale muove i primi passi, sino ai giorni nostri. La nuova sfida, fortemente caratterizzata e basata sui concetti di localizzazione, contesto e scalabilità è stata accolta dagli informatici ma anche da chi si occupa di informazione geografica, di sensoristica, di reti di comunicazione, di telefonia mobile e, negli ultimi tempi, di Patrimonio Culturale. In particolare si parla di Location Based Services che, specie negli ultimi anni (in cui) assumono importanza centrale e diffusa. Si conclude con un approfondimento sulle applicazioni più recenti relative alla fruizione ed alla salvaguardia del Patrimonio Culturale, anche attraverso la partecipazione del cittadino

    Modelli predittivi per un'archeologia preventiva operativa: note metodologiche e applicazioni

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    Il presente lavoro, nell'ambito della tematica Analisi avanzate archeologico e del paesaggio, mostra un insieme di tecniche utilizzate e casi di studio seguiti, relativi allo sviluppo di alcuni modelli applicati in ambiti territoriali diversi e con finalità diverse. Più nello specifico tali esempi riguardano lo studio di dinamiche insediative nel bacino idrografico del rio Grande di Nazca, lospaziale applicate a scala regionale ed infine la costruzione di un nel Tavoliere

    Convolutional Neural Networks Trained to Identify Words Provide a Surprisingly Good Account of Visual Form Priming Effects

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    A wide variety of orthographic coding schemes and models of visual word identification have been developed to account for masked priming data that provide a measure of orthographic similarity between letter strings. These models tend to include hand-coded orthographic representations with single unit coding for specific forms of knowledge (e.g., units coding for a letter in a given position). Here we assess how well a range of these coding schemes and models account for the pattern of form priming effects taken from the Form Priming Project and compare these findings to results observed with 11 standard deep neural network models (DNNs) developed in computer science. We find that deep convolutional networks (CNNs) perform as well or better than the coding schemes and word recognition models, whereas transformer networks did less well. The success of CNNs is remarkable as their architectures were not developed to support word recognition (they were designed to perform well on object recognition), they classify pixel images of words (rather than artificial encodings of letter strings), and their training was highly simplified (not respecting many key aspects of human experience). In addition to these form priming effects, we find that the DNNs can account for visual similarity effects on priming that are beyond all current psychological models of priming. The findings add to the recent work of (Hannagan et al., 2021) and suggest that CNNs should be given more attention in psychology as models of human visual word recognition

    Un approccio operativo e a basso costo alla protezione del Patrimonio artistico: il sistema zbSens

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    Il contributo presenta zbSens, tra i più innovativi sistemi di tracciabilità e protezione del Patrimonio Culturale: i suoi componenti sono miniaturizzati e non invasivi, low cost, userfriendly ed a bassissimo consumo energetico. Può essere facilmente utilizzato per garantire la movimentazione di singole oper

    Environmental innovation in European transition countries

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    The aim of this paper is to highlight the determinants of environmental innovation of manufacturing firms in European Transition countries. Following an established literature, the analysis relies upon data drawn from the Community Innovation Survey - CIS14 . The data are cross-section covering the period between 2012 and 2014. We employ a multivariate probit model to observe the effect of several drivers on eco-innovation, captured by: (i) eco-product; (ii) eco-process; (iii) eco-organization. Findings highlight that regulation influences all measures of eco-innovation. The results are confirmed also when we perform alternative estimations. It is worth noting that – after interacting expected regulation and turnover – expected regulation has an impact on the current decision on eco-innovation if and only if the firms have a large turnover. Another interaction term between turnover and tax rates is positively associated with eco-innovation, so suggesting that when tax rate appears to be too high, firms prefer to invest in environmental innovation rather than being taxed

    Energy Saving in Transition Economies: Environmental Activities in Manufacturing Firms

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    This study seeks to explore the relationship between active environmental activities and energy saving in firms operating in a set of Transition countries. For this purpose, we exploit the enterprise survey data collected by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the World Bank Group (WBG). Employing a probit regression model, the main finding shows a positive relation between environmental practices and energy saving, controlling several firms’ characteristics such as size, affiliation, credit line, ownership status and age. The results are also confirmed when we perform the robustness check. Interestingly, medium and small firms appear to save more energy than large ones

    Archeologia preventiva: il ruolo delle analisi spaziali e del remote sensing nei modelli predittivi

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    In questo lavoro viene presentata la redazione di uno stato dell'arte relativo alle applicazioni delle ICT, in particolare i
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