296 research outputs found

    Riccardo da Venosa, \uabDe Paulino et Polla\ubb 325 e la fortuna medievale di un \u201cincipit\u201d boeziano

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    Richard of Venosa\u2019s De Paulino et Polla is a latin \u201celegiac comedy\u201d of the XIIIth century. Line 325 of the text (\uabPer Salvatorem mundi qui cuncta gubernat\ubb) is inspired by a rich and various hymnological tradition, whose principal source is Boethius, Cons. Phil. III, carm. 9,1 (O qui perpetua mundi ratione gubernas), incipit who knew a big diffusion in medieval poetry

    Il motivo della \u201cconversione\u201d nel \uabGallicanus\ubb di Rosvita di Gandersheim

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    This paper focuses on the subject of conversion in Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim\u2019s dramatic plays (or \uabdramatic dialogues\ubb) and, chiefly, in the first of them, the Gallicanus. The play is divided in two parts and is entirely founded on hagiograhical sources, regarding some episodes about the conversion of Gallican, emperor Constantine\u2019s commander-in-chief (BHL 3236: Conversio Gallicani principis militiae), and the martyrdom of primicerii John and Paul (BHL 3242: Passio martyrum Iohannis et Pauli). Through a strict analysis of Hrotsvitha\u2019s play\u2019s matter, can be highlighted the different typologies of the conversion\u2019s theme, which involves a spiritual renovation, and the treatment of dramatic plot in the figures of the leading role Gallican, his daughters Attica and Artemia, and the \uabvillain\ubb Terentian. In every way, through the narration of these episodes, Hrotsvitha aims to show the great power of God in this world

    Spunti di racconto in alcuni \uabCarmina Cantabrigiensia\ubb

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    The \uabCambridge Songs\ubb (\uabCarmina Cantabrigiensia\ubb) are a collection of short Latin poems which we find in the lone manuscript Gg. 35 (Ca), housed in the Cambridge University Library. The manuscript itself was produced at the monastery of St. Augustine in Canterbury, in the middle of the XIth century, just before the Norman invasion of England. The best part of the poems of the \uabCambridge Songs\ubb probably derives from Germany and belongs to a period between IXth and XIth centuries. The 84 poems of the collection display a diversity of form, content and function. We can extricate praise poetry for kings and bishops, erotic verses, nature poems, and other sort of writing less easily classified. The most recent classification divides the content of the \uabCambridge Songs\ubb in eight typologies: religious, narrative, political, amatoria, didactic, memorial, vernalia, moral poems, to which we may add the excerpta of Boethius, Vergil, Horace, Statius and Venantius Fortunatus. This paper \u2013 which follows a former essay published on this same revue \u2013 deals on the elements of narration and the stories we can find in some \uabCambridge Songs\ubb, not specifically in narrative poems, but in religious and political poems. This paper offers, then, a strict analysis of five \uabCambridge Songs\ubb: 4 (Grates usiae), 5 (Inclito celorum), 77 (Tur-gens in terra Lucifer ille), 82 (David, vates Dei, filius Isa\uef), 11 (Magnus cesar Otto). In conclusion, we can affirm that the taste and the interest for the narration and the tale are surely two of the most im-portant peculiarities of the \uabCambridge Songs\ubb

    “Versus aurei” nella poesia di Walahfrido Strabone

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    Walahfrido Strabone puĂČ essere senz’altro considerato il piĂč importante poeta dell’etĂ  carolingia. Vissuto fra l’809 e l’849, egli ha composto alcuni poemetti di vario genere e di diversa tipologia (Visio Wettini, Hortulus, Vita Mammae, Versus de beati Blaithmaic vita et fine, Versus de imagine Tetrici), nonchĂ© una gran quantitĂ  di carmina che rivelano la sua grande perizia metrica e versificatoria. In questa postilla, dopo una prima parte dedicata allo status degli studi sullo scrittore carolingio, sulla sua vita e sulla sua produzione poetica, si dĂ  particolare risalto a un artificio versificatorio da lui praticato, ossia il ricorso al "versus aureus", la cui frequenza e la cui incidenza vengono rilevate ed esemplificate nell’ultima parte dell’intervento.Walahfrid Strabo may be considered the most important poet of the Carolingian Age. He was born in 809 and died in 849, and composed some short poems of various typologies (Visio Wettini, Hortulus, Vita Mammae, Versus de beati Blaithmaic vita et fine, Versus de imagine Tetrici), and many poetic compositions that show his big skill in latin metric and versification. In this paper, after a first section devoted to the status of the studies about the Carolingian writer, to his life and his poetic pro-duction, we give a particular evidence to a metrical technic, the so-called versus aureus (“golden line”)

    Per il «Doligamus» di Adolfo di Vienna: le “fabulae” VIII e IX, ovvero alcune variazioni sul tema

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    Il «Doligamus», opera latina in 342 distici elegiaci e 7 esametri leonini degli inizi del sec. XIV (1315), si inserisce pienamente nel filone di poesia misogina di origine clericale che ebbe grande diffusione durante il Medioevo. Il suo autore, Adolfo di Vienna, attinge alla tradizione degli "exempla" e del materiale favolistico per condannare, in nove "fabulae", il comportamento deplorevole delle donne, siano esse mogli infedeli o vecchie diaboliche. In questo lavoro, dopo una presentazione generale dell’autore e dell’opera, ci si sofferma sulle ultime due "fabulae" del «Doligamus», la VIII e la IX, delle quali vengono studiati e analizzati la trama, i modelli, lo stile, la lingua e, soprattutto, le diverse “variazioni sul tema” nell’ambito della produzione novellistica ed esemplare dei secc. XIII e XIV.The «Doligamus», a latin work of 342 elegiac couplets and 7 leonine hexameters of the beginnings of XIVth century (1315), is strictly inserted in the misogynous clerical poetry which had a big diffusion during the Middle Ages. His author, Adolph of Vienna, draws from the tradition of "exempla" and "fabulae" for condemning, in his nine "fabulae", the dreadful manners of women, adulterous wives or diabolic old females. This paper, after a general presentation on the author and the work, offers an analysis of the lost two "fabulae" of the «Doligamus» (fab. VIIIth and IXth), in his plot, sources, style, language and, expecially, in the several “variations on the theme” in the literary production of short stories and "exempla" between XIIIth and XIVth centuries

    Res utrique placuit (CB 72, str. 5a, 1). Il desiderio d’amore e la sua realizzazione nei «Carmina Burana»

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    L’esternazione, da parte dell’io narrante, di un desiderio d’amore (o anche soltanto sensuale, erotico, passionale) Ăš un tema che ricorre a piĂč riprese nei «Carmina Burana», costituendo uno dei temi portanti della seconda sezione della raccolta mediolatina, quella dedicata alle poesie d’amore. Tale desiderio, espresso nelle forme e nei modi piĂč svariati, spesso rimane allo stadio di inappagamento, onde l’innamorato, che soffre e illanguidisce per una fanciulla (secondo il consueto tĂłpos della "maladie d’amour"), non riesce – per vari motivi, soprattutto per l’insensibilitĂ  di lei, che, con varie giustificazioni, non vuole ricambiare il suo sentimento – a coronare il proprio sogno e a farla sua (o soltanto a possederla fisicamente, chĂ© Ăš questo lo scopo che, spesso, si prefigge l’innamorato protagonista). Vi sono perĂČ, sempre nella seconda sezione dei «Carmina Burana», altri componimenti nei quali il desiderio sensuale espresso dall’io protagonista nei confronti della donna da lui amata (o soltanto concupita), che in altri carmi restava allo stadio di doloroso inappagamento, giunge al suo completo coronamento e alla sua piena realizzazione, con narrazioni e descrizioni sovente improntate a un forte erotismo. All’interno di questo “doppio” percorso, nel libro sono analizzati, complessivamente, quindici componimenti, nove riguardanti il tema del desiderio inappagato, sei concernenti il motivo della realizzazione del desiderio. Il volume Ăš completato da un breve saggio in appendice e da un’ampia bibliografia sui «Carmina Burana».The narration's externalization of a desire for love (or even just sensual, erotic, passionate) is a theme that recurs several times in the «Carmina Burana», constituting one of the main themes of the second section of the mediolatina collection, the one dedicated to love poems. This desire, expressed in the most varied forms and ways, often remains at the stage of unfulfillment, so that the lover, who suffers and languishes for a girl (according to the usual tĂłpos of the "maladie d'amour"), fails - for various reasons, especially for her insensitivity, which, with various justifications, does not want to return her feeling - to crown her dream and make it her own (or only to physically sit it, for this is the purpose that often , aims the enamored protagonist). However, there are still, in the second section of the «Carmina Burana», other compositions in which the sensual desire expressed by the protagonist towards the woman he loved (or just coveted), who in other poems remained at the stage of painful unfulfillment, it reaches its complete crowning and full realization, with narratives and descriptions often marked by a strong eroticism. Within this "double" path, fifteen poems are analyzed in the book, nine concerning the theme of unfulfilled desire, six concerning the reason for the realization of desire. The volume is completed by a short essay in the appendix and by a large bibliography on the «Carmina Burana»

    Developmental Dental Aberrations After the Dioxin Accident in Seveso

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    Children’s developing teeth may be sensitive to environmental dioxins, and in animal studies developing teeth are one of the most sensitive targets of toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Twenty-five years after the dioxin accident in Seveso, Italy, 48 subjects from the contaminated areas (zones A and B) and in patches lightly contaminated (zone R) were recruited for the examination of dental and oral aberrations. Subjects were randomly invited from those exposed in their childhood and for whom frozen serum samples were available. The subjects were frequency matched with 65 subjects from the surrounding non-ABR zone for age, sex, and education. Concentrations of TCDD in previously analyzed plasma samples (zone ABR subjects only) ranged from 23 to 26,000 ng/kg in serum lipid. Ninety-three percent (25 of 27) of the subjects who had developmental enamel defects had been < 5 years of age at the time of the accident. The prevalence of defects in this age group was 42% (15 of 36) in zone ABR subjects and 26% (10 of 39) in zone non-ABR subjects, correlating with serum TCDD levels (p = 0.016). Hypodontia was seen in 12.5% (6 of 48) and 4.6% (3 of 65) of the zone ABR and non-ABR subjects, respectively, also correlating with serum TCDD level (p = 0.05). In conclusion, developmental dental aberrations were associated with childhood exposure to TCDD. In contrast, dental caries and periodontal disease, both infectious in nature, and oral pigmentation and salivary flow rate were not related to the exposure. The results support our hypothesis that dioxins can interfere with human organogenesis

    Vulnerability to heat-related mortality: a multicity, population-based, case-crossover analysis.

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