225 research outputs found

    Az Ășjkori orvostudomĂĄny barokk kezdetei

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    Kalmyk and Khalkha Ethnographica in Gábor Bálint of Szentkatolna’s manuscripts (1871–1873)

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    The Hungarian (SzĂ©kely) GĂĄbor BĂĄlint of Szentkatolna (1844–1913) was one of the first researchers of Kalmyk and Khalkha vernacular language, folklore and ethnography. His valuable records are written in a very accurate transcription and include the specimens of Kalmyk and Khalkha spoken languages, folklore material and ethnographic narratives, and a comparative grammar of western and eastern Mongolian languages. BĂĄlint’s manuscripts had not been released until recent years when Ágnes Birtalan published his Comparative Grammar in 2009 and the Kalmyk corpus with a comprehensive analysis in 2011. The present article aims to give an introduction to BĂĄlint’s ethnographic materials recorded among the Kalmyks (1871–1872) and Khalkhas (1873). Despite the similar economic and cultural milieu the two ethnic groups lived in, there is considerable difference between the Kalmyk and Khalkha text corpora. Besides presenting and systematising BĂĄlint’s ethnographic material, I shall try to clarify the reason why this significant divergence emerges between the two text corpora. Specimens of a particular phase of the wedding ceremony are represented as examples from both text corpora

    A Magyar Orvosi Kamara, mint elsƑ polgĂĄri mozgalom ĂșjraalakĂ­tĂĄsĂĄnak szubjektĂ­v törtĂ©nete. Az Ășjkori orvostörtĂ©nelem egyik nagy esemĂ©nye = Subjective seen history of re-foundation of the Hungarian Medical Chamber as the first civil organization. One of the great events of modern history of medicine

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    Az 1980 utĂĄn a kelet-eurĂłpai szocialista orszĂĄgok tĂĄrsadalmi, gazdasĂĄgi helyzete a strukturĂĄlis problĂ©mĂĄk következtĂ©ben egyre több feszĂŒltsĂ©get mutatott. A dolgozĂłk, a szorgalmas Ă©s alkotĂł egyĂ©nek - a kĂŒlönbözƑ foglalkozĂĄsi csoportokban - a lehetƑsĂ©gĂŒk kereteit egyre szƱkebbnek talĂĄltĂĄk. Az 1980-ig mĂ©g elviselt, de mind kellemetlenebbĂ© vĂĄlĂł izolĂĄltsĂĄg a nyugati vilĂĄgtĂłl, mely a technikai, tudomĂĄnyos fejlƑdĂ©sben valĂł elmaradĂĄs (COCOM lista), a nemzetközi kapcsolatok, a fejlƑdĂ©si ĂŒtem tartĂĄsĂĄnak nehĂ©zsĂ©gei, a vilĂĄgszĂ­nvonal tĂĄvolodĂĄsa, a gazdasĂĄgi ollĂł nyĂ­lĂĄsa, az egyĂ©ni lehetƑsĂ©gek szƱk skĂĄlĂĄja, az egyĂ©ni Ă©rdekeltsĂ©g nem megfelelƑ tĂĄmogatĂĄsa, a mindent formalizĂĄlni akarĂł politika, az individumok bekategorizĂĄlĂĄsa, az innovatĂ­v gondolatok, kezdemĂ©nyezĂ©sek elnyomĂĄsa, az önmegvalĂłsĂ­tĂĄs gĂĄtlĂĄsa szinte minden tĂ©ren, Ă­gy a tĂĄrsadalmi, gazdasĂĄgi, tudomĂĄnyos ill. az Ă©rdekkĂ©pviseleti munkĂĄban is megmutatkozott

    The representation of the Mongolian shaman deity Dayan Deerh in invocations and in a Buddhist scroll painting

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    The material discussed here is part of the records of the Hungarian-Mongolian Expedition for the Research on Dialects and Folk Culture. One of the main aims of the expedition was to investigate the relics of the traditional Mongolian folk culture and to document its present-day transformation. The folk religious practices are vivid among many ethnic groups in Mongolia and their pantheon is a remarkable cultural phenomenon. Dayan Deerh is one of the best known deities, even beyond the boundaries of the region where it is worshipped (Cagaan ĂœĂŒr in Hövsgöl province). The present paper is based on fieldwork material and investigates the living tradition of Dayan Deerh’s worship, comparing an illustrated source (a Buddhist thangka painting) and the oral tradition (shamanic invocations).Les matĂ©riaux discutĂ©s ici font partie des rĂ©sultats de l’ExpĂ©dition Hongroise-Mongole pour la Recherche sur les Dialectes et la Culture Populaire. L’un des principaux objectifs de cette expĂ©dition est d’explorer les vestiges de la culture populaire mongole traditionnelle et de documenter son Ă©volution Ă  l’heure actuelle. Les pratiques religieuses populaires sont trĂšs vivaces parmi les groupes ethniques de Mongolie, et leur panthĂ©on est un fait culturel notable. Dayan Deerh est l’une des divinitĂ©s les mieux connues, mĂȘme au-delĂ  des frontiĂšres de la rĂ©gion oĂč elle est vĂ©nĂ©rĂ©e (Cagaan ĂœĂŒr, Province du Hövsgöl). Cet article est basĂ© sur des matĂ©riaux de terrain, et explore la tradition vivante du culte de Dayan Deerh, en comparant une source illustrĂ©e (un thangka bouddhique) et la tradition orale (invocations chamaniques)
