55 research outputs found

    Quantum Optical Interferometry and Quantum State Engineering

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    We highlight some of our research done in the fields of quantum optical interferometry and quantum state engineering. We discuss the body of work for which our research is predicated, as well as discuss some of the fundamental tenants of the theory of phase estimation. We do this in the context of quantum optical interferometry where our primary interest lies in the calculation of the quantum Fisher information as it has been shown that the minimum phase uncertainty obtained, the quantum Cramer-Rao bound, is saturated by parity-based detection methods. We go on to show that the phase uncertainty one obtains through the quantum Fisher information is in agreement with the error propagation calculus when using parity as a detection observable. We also introduce a technique through which one can generate new non-classical single and two-mode states of light known as photon catalysis. This involves a projective measurement made at the output of a beam splitter with variable transmittance, for \u27l\u27 photons, where our initial state is a tensor product between a single-mode field state and a number state comprised of \u27q\u27 photons. We close the paper with a discussion on a proposed state-projective scheme for generating pair coherent states using existing and readily available technology

    Interferometry with Photon-Subtracted Thermal Light

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    We propose and implement a quantum procedure for enhancing the sensitivity with which one can determine the phase shift experienced by a weak light beam possessing thermal statistics in passing through an interferometer. Our procedure entails subtracting exactly one (which can be generalized to m) photons from the light field exiting an interferometer containing a phase-shifting element in one of its arms. As a consequence of the process of photon subtraction, and somewhat surprisingly, the mean photon number and signal-to-noise ratio of the resulting light field are thereby increased, leading to enhanced interferometry. This method can be used to increase measurement sensitivity in a variety of practical applications, including that of forming the image of an object illuminated only by weak thermal light

    Unconditional remote entanglement using second-harmonic generation and twin two-mode squeezed vacuum states

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    We propose a photonics-based, continuous-variable (CV) form of remote entanglement utilizing strictly second-order nonlinear optical interactions that does not require the implementation of a state-projective measurement (i.e. remote entanglement without conditioning). This scheme makes use of two separate down-converters, wherein the corresponding nonlinear crystals are driven by strong classical fields as prescribed by the parametric approximation, as well as a fully quantum mechanical model of nondegenerate second harmonic generation (SHG) whose evolution is described by the trilinear Hamiltonian of the form H^shg=iκ(a^b^c^a^b^c^)\hat{H}_{\text{shg}} = i\hbar\kappa\big(\hat{a}\hat{b}\hat{c}^{\dagger} - \hat{a}^{\dagger}\hat{b}^{\dagger}\hat{c}\big). By driving the SHG process with the signal modes of the two down-converters, we show entanglement formation between the generated second-harmonic mode (SH-mode) and the non-interacting joint-idler subsystem without the need for any state-reductive measurements on the interacting modes

    Extending the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect: the power of nonclassicality

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    We show that the parity (evenness or oddness) of a nonclassical state of light has a dominant influence on the interference effects at a balanced beam splitter, irrespective of the state initially occupying the other input mode. Specifically, the parity of the nonclassical state gives rise to destructive interference effects that result in deep valleys in the output joint number distribution of which the Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) effect is a limiting case. The counterintuitive influence of even a single photon to control the output of a beam splitter illuminated by any field, be it a coherent or even a noisy thermal field, demonstrates the extraordinary power of nonclassicality. The canonical example of total destructive interference of quantum amplitudes leading to the absence of coincidence counts from a 50:50 beam splitter (BS) is the celebrated HOM effect, characterized by the vanishing of the joint probability of detecting singe photons in each of the output beams. We show that this is a limiting case of more general input states upon which a 50:50 BS can create total, or near total, destructive interference of quantum amplitudes. For the case of an odd photon-number input Fock state of arbitrary value n > 0 we show that the joint photon-number probabilities vanish when detecting identical photon numbers in each output beams. We specifically examine the mixing of photon-number states of n = 1 , 2, and 3 with a continuous-variable state, such as a coherent state of arbitrary amplitude, and a thermal state. These vanishing joint probabilities form what we call a central nodal line: A contiguous set of zeros representing complete destructive interference of quantum amplitudes. We further show that with odd or even photon-number Fock states n , with n > 1 , there will be additional off-diagonal curves along which the joint photon-number probabilities are either zero, or near zero, which we call pseudonodal curves, which constitute a near, but not complete, destructive interference pattern in the photon-number space. We interpret all of these interference effects as an extension of the HOM effect. We explain the origin of these effects and explore the experimental prospects for observing them with currently available number-resolving detectors in the presence of a small amount of noise

    Enhanced Thermal Object Imaging by Photon Addition or Subtraction

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    Long-baseline interferometry (LBI) is used to reconstruct the image of faint thermal objects. The image quality, for a given exposure time, is in general limited by a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We show theoretically that a significant increase of the SNR, in a LBI, is possible by adding or subtracting photons to the thermal beam. At low photon counts, photon addition-subtraction technology strongly enhances the image quality. We have experimentally realized a nondeterministic physical protocol for photon subtraction. Our theoretical predictions are supported by experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum-enhanced interferometry with weak thermal light

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    We propose and implement a procedure for enhancing the sensitivity with which one can determine the phase shift experienced by a thermal light beam possessing on average fewer than four photons in passing through an interferometer. Our procedure entails subtracting exactly one (which can be generalized to m) photon from the light field exiting an interferometer containing a phase-shifting element in one of its arms. As a consequence of the process of photon subtraction, the mean photon number and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the resulting light field are increased, leading to an enhancement of the SNR of the interferometric signal for that fraction of the incoming data that leads to photon subtraction