983 research outputs found

    From Street to Storage: 'Grupo de Fotografos Independientes' in the Personal Archives of Armando Cristeto

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    This talk will relate my experiences working with the personal photography archives of Armando Cristeto, a photographer and historian living in Mexico City. Cristeto was a member of the photography collective known as the Grupo de Fotografos Independientes, one of the numerous cooperatives of artists known as Los Grupos proliferating during the late 1970s in Mexico. Founded by Cristeto's brother Adolfo Patino, the Fotografos sought to reach new audiences by taking their exhibitions out onto the street, where their works could interact with the urban context and be appreciated by new classes of people. Their exhibitions were installed along the sidewalks of Mexico City, employing clothesline to hang their photographic prints, or were even paraded through the streets on wheeled carts. This ephemeral and interactive method of display bordered on the performative, and carried an institutional critique in the avoidance of traditional exhibition venues. Due to the transient nature of the practices of the Fotografos Independientes, research in 'hidden archives' like Cristeto's is essential to understanding the group's production. This paper will explore how the activities of the Fotografos can be reconstructed through the assembly of photographic documentation preserved in Cristeto's archives, including the images produced by the group's members themselves in addition to photographic records of their temporary exhibitions and events. This research comprises a part of my doctoral dissertation, which considers the theme of 'the street' in photography in Mexico City after 1968.Original research sponsored by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation photo archives grants, 2010. Presented at the conference held March 25-26, 2011, at the Institute of Fine Arts/NY, sponsored by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the NYU Humanities Initiative, the IFA Visual Resources Collections, and Princeton University, Department of Art and Archaeology, Visual Resources Collection

    Last Chance Agreements: How Many Chances Is an Employee Entitled To

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    Over the years, a large number of cases involving labor issues have gone to arbitration. Of these labor cases, a distinct sub-category are those governed by the Railway Labor Act (RLA). In labor cases, including those governed by the RLA, the Supreme Court has repeatedly reaffirmed the strong federal policy in favor of arbitration. Furthermore, courts have consistently held that great deference must be shown toward the arbitrator when reviewing an arbitration award. However, there are still issues that arise as to just how much deference should be afforded to an arbitrator\u27s decision and when a court can overturn an arbitration award. In Continental, the Fifth Circuit addresses both of these issues

    Open Banking und standardisierte Schnittstellen auf dem Finanzplatz Schweiz

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    Die Studie untersucht die Auswirkungen von Open Banking und standardisierten Schnittstellen auf die Schweizer Bankenindustrie. Ziel war es, den Stand von Open Banking in der Schweiz, die Chancen und Risiken des Ansatzes sowie den Einfluss auf die Geschäftsmodelle zu untersuchen und daraus Handlungsempfehlungen für die Praxis abzuleiten. Es wurde aufgezeigt, dass Open Banking in der Schweiz noch in den Anfängen steckt und gegenüber den Vorreitern aus Großbritannien und der Europäischen Union Nachholbedarf besteht. Open Banking bietet die Chance, mit innovativen Services das bestehende Angebot zu erweitern und so die Customer Experience auf ein neues Level zu heben. Weitere Chancen sind Partnerschaften mit FinTechs und der Aufbau von Ökosystemen. Die etablierten, geschlossenen Geschäftsmodelle müssen hierzu aufgebrochen werden und der Trend deutet auf digitale Ökosysteme mit klarem Kundenfokus hin

    Critical success factors for mobile field service applications: A case research

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    This paper presents a multiple case research concerning success factors and issues of mobile field service implementations. Based on Eisenhardt’s explorative research design, five successful mobile technology implementations are compared and analysed. Important aspects of the implementation strategy and the used technology are examined and discussed. The results indicate that the success of mobile field service implementations is influenced by the implementation strategy, project management, change management, and technological restrictions of the used mobile technology. The analysis identifies the complexity of technological components and their limitations as well as aspects influencing user acceptance as central challenges for mobile technology implementations

    Term Analysis – Improving the Quality of Learning and Application Documents in Engineering Design

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    Conceptual homogeneity is one determinant of the quality of text documents. A concept remains the same if the words used (termini) change [1, 2]. In other words, termini can vary while the concept retains the same meaning. Human beings are able to handle concepts and termini because of their semantic network, which is able to connect termini to the actual context and thus identify the adequate meaning of the termini. Problems could arise when humans have to learn new content and correspondingly new concepts. Since the content is basically imparted by text via particular termini, it is a challenge to establish the right concept from the text with the termini. A term might be known, but have a different meaning [3, 4]. Therefore, it is very important to build up the correct understanding of concepts within a text. This is only possible when concepts are explained by the right termini, within an adequate context, and above all, homogeneously. So, when setting up or using text documents for teaching or application, it is essential to provide concept homogeneity.Understandably, the quality of documents is, ceteris paribus, reciprocally proportional to variations of termini. Therefore, an analysis of variations of termini could form a basis for specific improvement of conceptual homogeneity.Consequently, an exposition of variations of termini as control and improvement parameters is carried out in this investigation. This paper describes the functionality and the profit of a tool called TermAnalysis.It also outlines the margins, typeface and other vital specifications necessary for authors preparing camera-ready papers for submission to the 5th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design. The aim of this paper is to ensure that all readers are clear as to the uniformity required by the organizing committee and to ensure that readers’ papers will be accepted as camera-ready for the conference.TermAnalysis is a software tool developed within the pinngate project [5] by the authors of the paper at the department of product development and machine elements at Darmstadt (pmd) University of Technology. This tool is able to analyze arbitrarily and electronically represented text documents concerning the variation of termini. The similarity of termini is identified by using the Levensthein distance [6]. Identified variations are clustered and presented to the user of the tool. The number of variations provides the basis for identifying potentials of improvement with regard to conceptual homogeneity.The use of TermAnalysis leads to the discovery of variations of termini and so generates awareness of this problem. Homogenization improves the document quality and reduces the uncontrolled growth of the concepts. This has a positive effect for the reader/learner and his/her comprehension of content [7]. By analyzing documents by various authors, a surprisingly high number of variations per document have been revealed. The investigations have indentified three main scenarios which are fully described in this paper.

    Design and Manual to Construct Rainout-Shelters for Climate Change Experiments in Agroecosystems

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    Climate change models predict reduced summer precipitations for most European countries, including more frequent and extreme summer droughts. Rainout-shelters which intercept part of the natural precipitation provide an effective tool to investigate effects of different precipitation levels on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In this study, we evaluate and describe in detail a fixed-location rainout shelter (2.5×2.5m) with partial interception of natural rainfall. We provide a complete parts list, a construction manual and detailed CAD drawings allowing to rebuild and use these shelters for rainfall manipulation studies. In addition, we describe a rainout-shelter control treatment giving the possibility to quantify and account for potential shelter artifacts. To test the rainout-shelters, we established the following three treatments each in eight winter wheat plots of the agricultural long-term farming system comparison trial DOK in Therwil (Switzerland): (1) A rainout-shelter with 65% interception of rainfall, (2) a rainout-shelter control without interception of rainfall, and (3) an ambient control. The rainout-shelter effectively excluded 64.9% of the ambient rainfall, which is very close to the a priori calculated exclusion of 65.1%. In comparison to the ambient control plots, gravimetric soil moisture decreased under the rainout-shelter by a maximum of 11.1 percentage points. Air temperature under the rainout-shelter differed little from the ambient control (−0.55◦C in 1.2m height and +0.19◦C in 0.1m height), whereas soil temperatures were slightly higher in periods of high ambient temperature (+1.02◦C), but remained basically unaffected in periods of low ambient temperature (+0.14◦C). A maximum edge effect of 0.75m defined a sampling area of 1 × 1m under the rainout-shelter. The rainout-shelters presented here, proved to sustain under heavy weather and they were well-suited to be used in agricultural fields where management operations require the removal of the rainout-shelters for management operations. Overall, the results confirmed the good performance of the presented rainout-shelters regarding rainout-shelter artifacts, predictable rain exclusion, and feasibility for experimental studies in agricultural fields

    FPGA-based System for In-Line Measurement of Velocity Profiles of Fluids in Industrial Pipe Flow

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    From Street to Storage: 'Grupo de Fotografos Independientes' in the Personal Archives of Armando Cristeto

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    This talk will relate my experiences working with the personal photography archives of Armando Cristeto, a photographer and historian living in Mexico City. Cristeto was a member of the photography collective known as the Grupo de Fotografos Independientes, one of the numerous cooperatives of artists known as Los Grupos proliferating during the late 1970s in Mexico. Founded by Cristeto's brother Adolfo Patino, the Fotografos sought to reach new audiences by taking their exhibitions out onto the street, where their works could interact with the urban context and be appreciated by new classes of people. Their exhibitions were installed along the sidewalks of Mexico City, employing clothesline to hang their photographic prints, or were even paraded through the streets on wheeled carts. This ephemeral and interactive method of display bordered on the performative, and carried an institutional critique in the avoidance of traditional exhibition venues. Due to the transient nature of the practices of the Fotografos Independientes, research in 'hidden archives' like Cristeto's is essential to understanding the group's production. This paper will explore how the activities of the Fotografos can be reconstructed through the assembly of photographic documentation preserved in Cristeto's archives, including the images produced by the group's members themselves in addition to photographic records of their temporary exhibitions and events. This research comprises a part of my doctoral dissertation, which considers the theme of 'the street' in photography in Mexico City after 1968.Original research sponsored by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation photo archives grants, 2010. Presented at the conference held March 25-26, 2011, at the Institute of Fine Arts/NY, sponsored by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the NYU Humanities Initiative, the IFA Visual Resources Collections, and Princeton University, Department of Art and Archaeology, Visual Resources Collection

    International views on nuclear safety

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