28 research outputs found

    Dynamical Critical Exponent for Two-Species Totally Asymmetric Diffusion on a Ring

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    We present a study of the two species totally asymmetric diffusion model using the Bethe ansatz. The Hamiltonian has Uq(SU(3))U_q(SU(3)) symmetry. We derive the nested Bethe ansatz equations and obtain the dynamical critical exponent from the finite-size scaling properties of the eigenvalue with the smallest real part. The dynamical critical exponent is 3/2 which is the exponent corresponding to KPZ growth in the single species asymmetric diffusion model

    Geometry of the momentum space: From wire networks to quivers and monopoles

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    A new nano--material in the form of a double gyroid has motivated us to study (non-commutative CC^* geometry of periodic wire networks and the associated graph Hamiltonians. Here we present the general abstract framework, which is given by certain quiver representations, with special attention to the original case of the gyroid as well as related cases, such as graphene. In these geometric situations, the non- commutativity is introduced by a constant magnetic field and the theory splits into two pieces: commutative and non-commutative, both of which are governed by a CC^* geometry. In the non-commutative case, we can use tools such as K-theory to make statements about the band structure. In the commutative case, we give geometric and algebraic methods to study band intersections; these methods come from singularity theory and representation theory. We also provide new tools in the study, using KK-theory and Chern classes. The latter can be computed using Berry connection in the momentum space. This brings monopole charges and issues of topological stability into the picture.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    Notes on topological insulators

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    This paper is a survey of the Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-valued invariant of topological insulators used in condensed matter physics. The Z\mathbb{Z}-valued topological invariant, which was originally called the TKNN invariant in physics, has now been fully understood as the first Chern number. The Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 invariant is more mysterious, we will explain its equivalent descriptions from different points of view and provide the relations between them. These invariants provide the classification of topological insulators with different symmetries in which K-theory plays an important role. Moreover, we establish that both invariants are realizations of index theorems which can also be understood in terms of condensed matter physics.Comment: 62 pages, 3 figure