232 research outputs found

    Determinants of Trust between Buyers and Suppliers in Agribusiness: Empirical Evidence from the German Pork Sector

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    There are several hints that there is lack of trust in the relationships between farmers and processors in the meat industry. To generate instruments of trust management, a survey is conducted in the German pork chain measuring the level of trust perceived by farmers as well as the antecedents of trust. Overall satisfaction, the perceived neutrality of the carcass grading system, fairness and farmer orientation are the most import factors explaining trust.Satisfaction, reliability, regression analysis, pork chain, Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries,

    A contribution to the development of quality standards for blood sampling in cattle

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    1 EINLEITUNG UND ZIELSETZUNG 2 LITERATURÜBERSICHT: DER FORTSCHRITT DER BLUTUNTERSUCHUNG UND DEREN QUALITÄT 3 MATERIAL UND METHODEN 4 ERGEBNISSE 5 DISKUSSION 6 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 7 SUMMARY 8 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS VERÖFFENTLICHUNGEN DANKSAGUNG SELBSTÄNDIGKEITSERKLÄRUNGDie Blutuntersuchung kann beim Rind einen entscheidenden Hinweis auf den Gesundheitsstatus des Einzeltieres oder der Herde liefern. Die Analysemethoden wurden in den letzten Jahren verfeinert und das Qualitätsmanagement in die Labors eingeführt, so dass analytische Fehler stark zurückgegangen sind. Die vorliegende Studie sollte Rahmenbedingungen für den ex vivo-Umgang mit Blutproben liefern und so einen Beitrag zur Qualitätssicherung in der Rinderpraxis leisten. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Blutentnahmesysteme und Transportbedingungen auf die Serumgehalte ausgewählter Stoffwechselparameter untersucht. Für den Vergleich verschiedener Blutentnahmesysteme wurden Serum-Monovetten®, die sowohl offen als auch geschlossen zum Einsatz kamen, und Vacutainer® mit und ohne Trenngel verwendet. Im Serum wurden zum Teil statistisch signifikante Unterschiede in den Parametergehalten festgestellt, was mit den unterschiedlichen Materialien der Röhrchen zusammenhängen kann. Einige Differenzen waren auch klinisch bedeutsam, da sie das Risiko einer diagnostischen Fehlinterpretation des Laborbefundes in sich bergen. In einem weiteren Versuch wurden Vacutainer® mit Trenngel verwendet, die unterschiedlichen Transportbedingungen bezüglich Temperatur, Transportdauer und Zentrifugationsstatus ausgesetzt wurden. Es zeigte sich, dass das Zentrifugieren der Blutproben auf die Stabilität der meisten Parameter einen größeren Einfluss hatte als die Temperatur. Eine kurze Transportdauer wirkte sich zusätzlich besser auf die Analyseresultate aus als eine längere, da auch im Serum weiterhin metabolische Prozesse ablaufen. Diese Prozesse sind jedoch geringgradiger als im Vollblut. Bei dieser Untersuchung wurden auch NaF/KOx-Röhrchen zur Glukose-Bestimmung mitgeführt. Es zeigte sich, dass der Glukosegehalt im Plasma der unzentrifugierten NaF/KOx-Röhrchen stärker variierte als in den zentrifugierten Serum-Röhrchen. Zusätzlich war der Glukosegehalt im Plasma signifikant niedriger als im Serum. Aus den Ergebnissen dieser Untersuchungen ergaben sich die Empfehlungen, \- Referenzbereiche zusammen mit dem verwendeten Blutentnahmesystem anzugeben, \- Serum vor dem Transport der Blutproben abzuzentrifugieren, \- auf die Bestimmung einiger Parameter zu verzichten, wenn eine längere Transportdauer nicht vermieden werden kann und \- Serum-Röhrchen für die Bestimmung des Glukosegehaltes zu verwenden, wenn eine Zentrifuge verfügbar ist. Diese Arbeit hat gezeigt, dass die Präanalytik einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Stabilität der Parameter in Rinderblutproben ausüben kann. Eine Standardisierung dieses Teilbereiches im Gesamtprozess der Analyse einer Blutprobe ist daher notwendig, um diagnostisch verwertbare Analyseresultate zu erhalten. Demzufolge sollten weitergehende Untersuchungen zu Wechselwirkungen zwischen Röhrchenmaterial und Serum durchgeführt, eine standardisierte Vorgabe zur Zentrifugationsmethodik von Rinderblutproben entwickelt und eigenständige Referenzbereiche für Glukose im Serum und Plasma festgelegt werden.Blood examination in cattle can be an important factor regarding the health status of single animals or of the herd. In the last few years, analytic methods have been refined and quality management was introduced in laboratory procedures. Thus, analytical errors could be reduced significantly. The objective of this study was to create the general framework for dealing with blood samples ex vivo and to provide guidelines for the quality assurance in cattle practice. To this end, the influence of different systems for blood sampling and transport conditions were examined with regard to serum concentrations of selected metabolic parameters. Open and closed serum monovettes® and vacutainers® with or without separator gel were used for the comparisons of different systems for blood sampling. Statistically significant differences were found for certain parameters, which could be related to the different materials from which the blood tubes were made. Certain differences were of clinical importance, since they bear the risks of diagnostic misinterpretations of laboratory results. In order to examine the relevance of different transport conditions, vacutainers® containing separator gel were transported at different temperatures, for differing periods of time and were either centrifugated or not. Apparently, centrifugation of blood samples was more important than temperature regarding the stability of most parameters. Short-term transportation caused more accurate results of blood analyses than if the samples had been transported for a longer period of time, since certain metabolic processes continue within the serum. However, activity of metabolic processes is less than in whole blood samples. Examination of NaF/KOx tubes for determination of glucose showed a greater variety in uncentrifugated plasma samples than in centrifuged serum samples. Moreover, glucose concentrations were significantly lower in the plasma than in the serum. Recommendations based on the results of this study are: \- citation of reference ranges according to the blood sampling system used; \- centrifugation of serum prior to the transport of the blood samples; \- certain parameters should not be examined in cases of long periods of transportation; \- serum tubes should be used for determination of glucose if a centrifuge is available. This study shows that preanalysis can be an important factor for the stability of parameters in bovine blood samples. Thus, standardisation of this process is necessary to obtain diagnostic reliable results when analysing blood samples. Accordingly, further studies on the interaction of serum and the material of blood tubes, standardised prerequisites on the centrifugation methods of bovine blood samples and individual reference ranges for glucose concentrations in serum as well as in plasma are necessary

    Dynamic Markets – Dynamic Relationships: The Example of Grain Marketing in Germany

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     Grain markets in Germany, as in the rest of the world, are becoming more and more volatile. At the same time, the consolidation process on the level of the first hand, buying the grain from farmers, is moving forward in a strong pace, leaving farmers with less local alternatives to sell their grain. This paper addresses the question of what these developments mean for farmers’ grain marketing decisions and for their relationships with local marketing partners...

    More Trust Instead of More Vertical Integration in the German Pork Production? Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Considerations

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    It is often hypothesized that contracts and vertical integration are paramount for the future competitiveness of meat supply chains. In this paper we review empirical evidence and theoretical reflections underlying this argumentation. We confront the contract and integration hypothesis with transaction cost considerations taking into account current technological and institutional developments and results from a survey in German pig production. It is concluded that more trust and commitment in non-contractual long-term relationships may be a viable alternative to stricter vertical coordination in meat supply chains.pig-pork-chain, transaction cost economics, supplier relationship management, Agribusiness, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Determinants of Job Search Success of German Agricultural Sciences Graduates

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    This paper shows how job search success, measured as search duration and entry salary, is affected directly or indirectly by personal and process as well as structural characteristics. A specific focus is on the relevance of practical experience which is claimed to be a key feature of employability. While self-assessed practical and namely international experience is positively related to salary, but not to search duration, the number and duration of internships does not affect job search success. Results are relevant for higher education institutions to develop their curricula, for students to prepare for job search, and for employers to understand the genesis of employability and their potential means to impact it


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    The German meat market is facing considerable changes. Along with the boom of case-ready and discount stores, butchers and smaller retailers loose market shares, and private labels become widely accepted. The consumers' preferences are often neglected by these trends. This contribution discusses the German case-ready trend on the basis of an extensive literature review and a consumer survey. A target group of high-income consumers with high preference for meat counters is identified. Consumers who currently buy case-ready meat are acting rather due to price advantages than for reasons of technical advantages such as longer storage life. International examples show that in such a situation it is up to the retailers, if meat counters can survive. Der deutsche Fleischmarkt befindet sich in einer Umbruchphase. Mit dem Siegeszug von SB und Discountware verlieren Fleischerfachgeschäfte und kleinere Handelsgeschäfte an Relevanz, Handelsmarken setzen sich durch. Weitgehend unbeachtet bleiben dabei die tatsächlichen Verbraucherpräferenzen. Dieser Beitrag diskutiert den SB-Trend im deutschen Fleischmarkt auf Basis einer umfangreichen Literaturanalyse und einer Verbraucherbefragung. Es wird eine einkommensstarke Zielgruppe mit beträchtlicher Präferenz für hochwertige Thekenware identifiziert. Verbraucher, die derzeit SB-Fleisch kaufen, tun dies weniger aufgrund der produktionstechnischen Vorteile (z. B. längere Haltbarkeit), als aufgrund von Preisvorteilen. Internationale Beispiele zeigen, dass es in einer solchen Situation vom Anbieter-Verhalten abhängt, ob Bedienungsware langfristig Marktanteile verteidigen kann.Discountereffekt, Kaufverhalten, Regressionsanalyse, Zielgruppen, Discount store effect, Buying behaviour, Regression analysis, Target groups, Consumer/Household Economics,

    Exploring the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Cooperative Members' Switching Decisions

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    This article analyses the spatiotemporal dynamics of the actual switching behaviour of farmers’ in a dairy cooperative’s membership base. Space-time permutation scan statistic is used to identify clusters of switching decisions in space and time, while objective and publicly available indicators are related to the occurrence of these clusters. The analysis reveals two classes of clustered switching decisions: Clusters in which many farmers switch on a particular day and clusters covering longer periods of time with farmers switching in a herd-like pattern. Additionally, the relationship between farm sizes as well as price incentives and clustered switching decisions is observed. [EconLit citations: Q13; C23; L25]

    Does having a Choice make a Difference? Market Potential of the Animal Welfare Label in Germany

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    This paper investigates the effects of the introduction of a specific animal welfare label on consumer decision making when shopping for pork. Based on two empirical studies, we analyze whether substitution effects between organic, regional, and animal welfare products have to be expected under current market conditions. Our results show that persons with preference for animal welfare decide significantly more often for the animal welfare or the organic product, not for local, and that organic heavy buyers do not differ from rest of sample with respect to animal welfare or local choice. The animal welfare label as stand-alone selling proposition may be too weak to create value added. Based on the examination of interaction terms, we find that organic does not gain by combination with an animal welfare label, whereas regional labels are not associated yet with animal welfare and would profit more by including an additional informational cue. We tentatively conclude that animal welfare programs should be embedded in regional marketing programs
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