1,729 research outputs found


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    The article presents an overview of the concept of sin in Hittite culture by discussing the relevant texual sources, the terminology (was(a)-, wastul, haratar, idalu-, idalu- lala-, idalu uttar, idalu mema-, natta āra etc.) as well as the relating social and religious practices (e.g. means to detect sinful behaviour and to get rid of its consequences)Der Artikel bietet einen Überblick ĂŒber den SĂŒndenbegriff in der hethitischen Kultur, die relevanten Textquellen, die Terminologie sowie Verfahren zur Festellung und Beseitigung von SĂŒnde und ihren Ursache


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    Turm. A. II. Philologisch. Bei den Hethitern

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    Seil und Schnur

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    The article presents an overview of the Hittite terms for strings, cords and similar objects (e.g. (kuĆĄ.)ishima, (kuĆĄ)ishiman(a)- (= sum. KU, akk. eblu), (sĂ­g.)pittula-, (sĂ­g.)suil-, sĂ­g.istagga(i)-, hanzana-, (uzu.)kapina-) their production and their various uses, esp. in Hittite magic and ritua


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    Fullerene-based Biocomponents : New Concepts For Functionalising Membranes

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    Lipophilic hexakisadducts of fullerene C60 form unprecedented rod-like nanoaggregates in phospholipid-membrane bilayers, resulting in modification of the micromechanic properties and stabilisation of the membrane. Lipofullerenes with amphiphilic side chains enable additionally derivatisation and molecular recognition at the membrane surface. The amphiphilic spacer acts as a transmembrane anchor and provides the terminal functionality outside of the membrane. New systems derived from parent compound 3 carry two functional groups each and can be easily modified due to the modular synthesis. Terminal functionalities to be investigated include D(+)-biotin and IDA (iminodiacetic acid) ligands, as used in nickel-histidine tags. Modification of the lipophilic region, for instance with unsaturated addends is also possible. These addends should allow polymerisation inside the membrane and potentially lead to a tremendous increase of the membrane rigidity. Furthermore, mono- and bilayer-forming fullerene derivatives without the membrane-forming support of lecithins are investigated and exhibit interesting features

    Sources of short-lived bromocarbons in the Iberian upwelling system

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    Seawater concentrations of the four brominated trace gases dibromomethane (CH2Br2), bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl2), dibromochloromethane (CHBr2Cl) and bromoform (CHBr3) were measured at different depths of the water column in the Iberian upwelling off Portugal during summer 2007. Bromocarbon concentrations showed elevated values in recently upwelled and aged upwelled waters (mean values of 30 pmol L−1 for CHBr3), while values in the open ocean were significantly lower (7.4 pmol L−1 for CHBr3). Correlations with biological variables and marker pigments indicated that phytoplankton could be identified as a weak bromocarbon source in the open ocean. In upwelled water masses along the coast, halocarbons were not correlated to Chl-a, indicating an external source, overlapping the possible internal production by phytoplankton. We showed that the tidal frequency had a significant influence on halocarbon concentrations in the upwelling and we linked those findings to a strong intertidal coastal source, as well as to a transport of those halocarbon enriched coastal waters by westward surface upwelling currents. Coastal sources and transport can be accounted for maximum values of up to 185.1 pmol L−1 CHBr3 in the upwelling. Comparison with other productive marine areas revealed that the Iberian upwelling had stronger halocarbon sources than the phytoplankton dominated sources in the Mauritanian upwelling. However, the concentrations off the Iberian Peninsula were still much lower than those of coastal macroalgal influenced waters or those of polar regions dominated by cold water adapted diatom
