111 research outputs found

    The turbidity maximum zone of the Yenisei River (Siberia) and its impact on organic and inorganic proxies

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    A general overview of the processes taking place in the summer mixing zone of the fresh Yenisei River water with the marine waters of the Kara Sea is given in this study, with special emphasis on the interaction between bulk (total suspended matter), inorganic (Fe, Mn) and organic (suspended organic carbon, suspended nitrogen) proxies. Within the mixing zone, a zone of enhanced turbidity (maximum turbidity zone) was observed comparable to studies in other rivers. Flocculation of particles due to changes in salinity and hydrography cause this maximum turbidity zone, and resuspension additionally enhances the turbidity in the near-bottom layers. Organic matter behaves conservatively in the mixing zone in terms of its percentage of suspended matter. It, however, undergoes degradation as revealed by amino acid data. Inorganic, redox- and salinity-sensitive, proxies (Mn, Fe) behave non-conservatively. Dissolved iron is removed at low salinities (<2) due to precipitation of iron oxyhydroxides and adsorption of manganese on suspended particles, enhancing the Mn/Al ratio of the suspended matter in the same zone. At higher salinities within the mixing zone, Fe/Al and Mn/Al ratios of the suspended particles are depleted due to resuspension of sediment with lower Fe/Al and Mn/Al ratios. Dissolved manganese concentrations are significantly higher in the near-bottom layers of the mixing zone due to release from the anoxic sediment. All things considered, the Yenisei River mixing zone shows patterns similar to other world's rivers

    Coordinating sustained coastal and ocean observing efforts in Germany

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    Germany’s national ocean observing activities are carried out by multiple actors including governmental bodies, research institutions, and universities, and miss central coordination and governance. A particular strategic approach to coordinate and facilitate ocean research has formed in Germany under the umbrella of the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM). KDM aims at bringing together the marine science expertise of its member institutions and collectively presents them to policy makers, research funding organizations, and to the general public. Within KDM, several strategic groups (SGs), composed of national experts, have been established in order to strengthen different scientific and technological aspects of German Marine Research. Here we present the SG for sustained open ocean observing and the SG for sustained coastal observing. The coordination effort of the SG’s include (1) Representing German efforts in ocean observations, providing information about past, ongoing and planned activities and forwarding meta-information to data centers (e.g., JCOMMOPS), (2) Facilitating the integration of national observations into European and international observing programs (e.g. GCOS, GOOS, BluePlanet, GEOSS), (3) Supporting innovation in observing techniques and the development of scientific topics on observing strategies, (4) Developing strategies to expand and optimize national observing systems in consideration of the needs of stakeholders and conventions, (5) Contributing to agenda processes and roadmaps in science strategy and funding, and (6) Compiling recommendations for improved data collection and data handling, to better connect to the global data centers adhering to quality standards

    Composition and grain size distribution of laminated sediment core SO130_275KL from northeastern Arabian Sea off Pakistan

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    Laminated sediments of the continental slope off the Makran coast in the northern Arabian Sea are well-known climate archives and record productivity as well as supply of material from land. Here we studied sediment core 275KL off Pakistan in concert with sediment trap, dust and river samples in order to characterise and quantify land-derived material deposited in varves and event layers. We analysed grain sizes, mineral assemblages, bulk components, and stable isotopes (δ13C, δ18O) of carbonates. In winter, enhanced river discharge is the main source of lithogenic matter contributing the major amounts to the total annual sedimentation of the northern Arabian Sea. During the late summer season, lithogenic matter accumulation is slightly enhanced, probably carried along with the southeastward blowing Levar winds from the Balochistan and the Sistan Basins and the summer monsoon discharge maximum of perennial streams. C/N ratios and stable carbon and oxygen isotopes could not be used to distinguish between organic matter produced on land and in the ocean, whereas stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of carbonates suggest that sedimentation of event layers is dominated by direct inputs from land. Catastrophic denudation and storm events occur on average once every 50 years and lead to sedimentation rates that exceed the mean annual sedimentations of 983 g m-2 yr-1 by 6 to 10 times. Nevertheless, due to their rare occurrence they contributed only 7% to the total sedimentation during the last ca 5,000 years. End-member modelling of grain sizes in accordance with lithogenic matter accumulation rates and event layer frequencies showed that arid conditions prevailed between 4,000 and 5,000 a BP while more humid conditions commenced around 2,000 ka BP in accordance with the Pacific ENSO record
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