10 research outputs found

    Wound healing and Cadmium detoxification in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris – a potential case for coelomocytes?

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    Earthworms are affected by physical stress, like injury, and by exposure to xenobiotics, such as the toxic metal cadmium (Cd), which enters the environment mainly through industry and agriculture. The stress response to the single and the combination of both stressors was examined in regenerative and unharmed tissue of Lumbricus terrestris to reveal if the stress response to a natural insult like injury (amputation) interferes with Cd detoxification mechanisms. We characterized the roles of metallothionein 1 (MT1) and MT2 isoforms, heat shock protein 70 as well as immune biomarkers such as the toll-like receptors (TLR) single cysteine cluster TLR and multiple cysteine cluster TLR. The role of the activated transcription factors (ATFs) ATF2, ATF7, and the cAMP responsive element binding protein as putative regulatory intersection as well as a stress-dependent change of the essential trace elements zinc and calcium was analyzed. Phosphorylated AMP activated protein kinase, the cellular energy sensor, was measured to explore the energy demand, while the energy status was determined by detecting carbohydrate and protein levels. Taken together, we were able to show that injury rather than Cd is the driving force that separates the four treatment groups – Control, Cd exposure, Injury, Cd exposure and injury. Interestingly, we found that gene expression differed regarding the tissue section that was analyzed and we hypothesize that this is due to the migration of coelomocytes, earthworm immune cells, that take over a key role in protecting the organism from a variety of environmental challenges. Surprisingly, we discovered a role for MT1 in the response to multiple stressors and an isoform-specific function for the two newly characterized TLRs. In conclusion, we gathered novel information on the relation of innate immunity, wound healing, and Cd detoxification mechanisms in earthworms

    DNA Methylation and Detoxification in the Earthworm Lumbricus terrestris Exposed to Cadmium and the DNA Demethylation Agent 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine

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    Earthworms are well-established model organisms for testing the effects of heavy metal pollution. How DNA methylation affects cadmium (Cd) detoxification processes such as the expression of metallothionein 2 (MT2), however, is largely unknown. We therefore exposed Lumbricus terrestris to 200 mg concentrations of Cd and 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (Aza), a demethylating agent, and sampled tissue and coelomocytes, cells of the innate immune system, for 48 h. MT2 transcription significantly increased in the Cd- and Cd-Aza-treated groups. In tissue samples, a significant decrease in MT2 in the Aza-treated group was detected, showing that Aza treatment inhibits basal MT2 gene activity but has no effect on Cd-induced MT2 levels. Although Cd repressed the gene expression of DNA-(cytosine-5)-methyltransferase-1 (DNMT1), which is responsible for maintaining DNA methylation, DNMT activity was unchanged, meaning that methylation maintenance was not affected in coelomocytes. The treatment did not influence DNMT3, which mediates de novo methylation, TET gene expression, which orchestrates demethylation, and global levels of hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), a product of the demethylation process. Taken together, this study indicates that Aza inhibits basal gene activity, in contrast to Cd-induced MT2 gene expression, but does not affect global DNA methylation. We therefore conclude that Cd detoxification based on the induction of MT2 does not relate to DNA methylation changes

    Aquaporin Expression and Cholesterol Content in Eel Swimbladder Tissue

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    Leakiness of the swimbladder wall of teleost fishes must be prevented to avoid diffusional loss of gases out of the swimbladder. Guanine incrustation as well as high concentrations of cholesterol in swimbladder membranes in midwater and deep-sea fish has been connected to a reduced gas permeability of the swimbladder wall. On the contrary, the swimbladder is filled by diffusion of gases, mainly oxygen and CO2, from the blood and the gas gland cells into the swimbladder lumen. In swimbladder tissue of the zebrafish and the Japanese eel, aquaporin mRNA has been detected, and the aquaporin protein has been considered important for the diffusion of water, which may accidentally be gulped by physostome fish when taking an air breath. In the present study, the expression of two aquaporin 1 genes (Aqp1aa and Aqp1ab) in the swimbladder tissue of the European eel, a functional physoclist fish, was assessed using immunohistochemistry, and the expression of both genes was detected in endothelial cells of swimbladder capillaries as well as in basolateral membranes of gas gland cells. In addition, Aqp1ab was present in apical membranes of swimbladder gas gland cells. The authors also found high concentrations of cholesterol in these membranes, which were several fold higher than in muscle tissue membranes. In yellow eels the cholesterol concentration exceeded the concentration detected in silver eel swimbladder membranes. The authors suggest that aquaporin 1 in swimbladder gas gland cells and endothelial cells facilitates CO2 diffusion into the blood, enhancing the switch-on of the Root effect, which is essential for the secretion of oxygen into the swimbladder. It may also facilitate CO2 diffusion into the swimbladder lumen along the partial gradient established by CO2 production in gas gland cells. Cholesterol has been shown to reduce the gas permeability of membranes and thus could contribute to the gas tightness of swimbladder membranes, which is essential to avoid diffusional loss of gas out of the swimbladder

    Developmental Expression and Hypoxic Induction of Hypoxia Inducible Transcription Factors in the Zebrafish.

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    The hypoxia inducible transcription factor (HIF) has been shown to coordinate the hypoxic response of vertebrates and is expressed in three different isoforms, HIF-1α, HIF-2α and HIF-3α. Knock down of either Hif-1α or Hif-2α in mice results in lethality in embryonic or perinatal stages, suggesting that this transcription factor is not only controlling the hypoxic response, but is also involved in developmental phenomena. In the translucent zebrafish embryo the performance of the cardiovascular system is not essential for early development, therefore this study was designed to analyze the expression of the three Hif-isoforms during zebrafish development and to test the hypoxic inducibility of these transcription factors. To complement the existing zfHif-1α antibody we expressed the whole zfHif-2α protein and used it for immunization and antibody generation. Similarly, fragments of the zfHif-3α protein were used for immunization and generation of a zfHif-3α specific antibody. To demonstrate presence of the Hif-isoforms during development [between 1 day post fertilization (1 dpf) and 9 dpf] affinity-purified antibodies were used. Hif-1α protein was present under normoxic conditions in all developmental stages, but no significant differences between the different developmental stages could be detected. Hif-2α was also present from 1 dpf onwards, but in post hatching stages (between 5 and 9 dpf) the expression level was significantly higher than prior to hatching. Similarly, Hif-3α was expressed from 1 dpf onwards, and the expression level significantly increased until 5 dpf, suggesting that Hif-2α and Hif-3α play a particular role in early development. Hypoxic exposure (oxygen partial pressure = 5 kPa) in turn caused a significant increase in the level of Hif-1α protein even at 1 dpf and in later stages, while neither Hif-2α nor Hif-3α protein level were affected. In these early developmental stages Hif-1α therefore appears to be more important for the coordination of hypoxic responsiveness

    Western blot and relative quantification of zfHif-1α protein (A), of zfHif-2α protein (B) and of zfHif-3α protein (C) of normoxic zebrafish embryos and of embryos incubated under hypoxic conditions (PO<sub>2</sub> = 5 kPa) for 4 hours starting at 28 h after fertilization (1 dpf), 52 h after fertilization (2 dpf) or 76 h after fertilization (3 dpf) (mean ± SEM).

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    <p>All samples were taken at the end of the respective hypoxic incubation. Different capital letters indicate significant differences between different sampling days (= developmental differences); * indicates significant differences between control and hypoxic groups at the same day. (p<0.05, n = 4).</p

    Specificity test for the zfHif-2α and the zfHif-3α antibody.

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    <p>A,150 μg total protein of normoxic (lane 2) and hypoxic (lane 3) zebrafish larvae at 5 dpf have been subjected to SDS electrophoresis. Incubation with the zfHif-2α specific antibody results in a band at 93 kD. Preincubation of the antibody with recombinant zfHif-2α protein eliminates this band (lane 5, normoxic, lane 6, hypoxic sample). Lane 1 and 4 show the marker. B, 150 μg total protein of hypoxic (lane 1) zebrafish embryo at 3 dpf have been subjected to SDS electrophoresis. Incubation with the zfHif-3α specific antibody results in a band at 69 kD. Preincubation of the antibody with recombinant zfHif-3α protein eliminates this band (lane 2). Lane 3 shows the marker.</p

    Correction: High-risk additional chromosomal abnormalities at low blast counts herald death by CML (Leukemia, (2020), 34, 8, (2074-2086), 10.1038/s41375-020-0826-9)

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    An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper