706 research outputs found

    Localization of cold atoms in state-dependent optical lattices via a Rabi pulse

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    We propose a novel realization of Anderson localization in non-equilibrium states of ultracold atoms trapped in state-dependent optical lattices. The disorder potential leading to localization is generated with a Rabi pulse transfering a fraction of the atoms into a different internal state for which tunneling between lattice sites is suppressed. Atoms with zero tunneling create a quantum superposition of different random potentials, localizing the mobile atoms. We investigate the dynamics of the mobile atoms after the Rabi pulse for non-interacting and weakly interacting bosons, and we show that the evolved wavefunction attains a quasi-stationary profile with exponentially decaying tails, characteristic of Anderson localization. The localization length is seen to increase with increasing disorder and interaction strength, oppositely to what is expected for equilibrium localization.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Forecasting Inflation: the Relevance of Higher Moments

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    We provide evidence that higher moments of the relative price distribution improve out-of-sample forecasts of inflation. Further, we show how theoretically consistent higher moments can be calculated by expanding the seminal work by Theil (1967). Results presented here are of direct relevance to monetary authorities, policy analysts and academic economistsrelative price distribution, higher moments, out-of-sample inflation forecasting

    Re-assessing the merits of measuring tax evasions through surveys: evidence from Serbian firms

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    This paper addresses the major weakness of measuring tax evasion through business and household surveys, namely the reluctance of respondents to answer truthfully due to the threat of disclosure. First, we assess the merits of a novel questioning method to gather information about tax evasion by means of business surveys. This approach allows estimating the prevalence of tax evasion, but it does not allow identifying whether the individual firm engages in tax evasion or not, therefore providing incentives for survey participants to answer truthfully. Second and contrary to most other business surveys, we differentiate between two common modes of tax evasion, namely underreporting of sales and informal supplements to official wages (‘envelope wages’). Using evidence from Serbia, we show that the estimated share of firms which underreport sales and wages, respectively, by at least 10% is higher under the crosswise model compared to the case when conventional questioning methods applied in business surveys such as the World Bank Enterprise Surveys are used. However, the difference is only significant with respect to sales. These results appear to be robust to a number of modifications, and we explore various potential causes that lead to these results

    Development of body mass and sexual size dimorphism in Danish red foxes (Vulpes vulpes)

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    <span class="fontstyle0">In this study, we examine the development of body mass and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in 178 juvenile wild Danish red </span><span class="fontstyle0">foxes </span><span class="fontstyle0">from 99 litters </span><span class="fontstyle0">using </span><span class="fontstyle0">piecewise analyses of regression lines for age </span><span class="fontstyle2">versus</span><span class="fontstyle0"> weight</span><span class="fontstyle0">. When fox cubs are younger than 100 days, only slight (SSD=1.7%) and no significant difference</span><span class="fontstyle0"> (t-test: t=1.2, p=0.24) </span><span class="fontstyle0">was found in the mean weight of </span><span class="fontstyle0">males (2.03± kg) and females (1.93± kg), and</span><span class="fontstyle0"> no significant difference was found in the slope of regression lines </span><span class="fontstyle0">for </span><span class="fontstyle0">males and females </span><span class="fontstyle0">(F=0.97E-5, p = 0.99). In the growth period between 100 days of age and mating around 275 days of age, the regression line in males steepens more than that of females (difference in slopes, F=5.9, p&lt;0.02) and the difference in mean weight of the sexes become highly significant (SSD=7.4%, difference in mean t=4.6, p=2.2E-5). After mating the growth curve levels off i.e. the slope of the regression lines for age </span><span class="fontstyle2">versus</span><span class="fontstyle0"> weight is not significantly different from zero. Yearly variation was revealed in the growth rate of juvenile foxes (difference in slope for males; F=3.9, p&lt;0.01 and females; F=8.6, p&lt;0.001). Conclusion: SSD in red foxes mainly develop </span><span class="fontstyle0">as a result of a faster grow rate in males </span><span class="fontstyle0">between indepency and maturity. Ontogony of red foxes may genetically be disposed to prevent males outcompeting females in the early stages of life (&lt;100 days), when cubs are still fed by adults and the increase in SSD before mating, may be an adaption to selective forces benefitting larger males. </span><span class="fontstyle0">The growth rate of juvenile foxes of both sexes is influenced by environmental variation in different years.</span> <br /

    Willingness and ability to pay for artemisinin-based combination therapy in rural Tanzania

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    The aim of this study was to analyse willingness to pay (WTP) and ability to pay (ATP) for ACT for children below five years of age in a rural setting in Tanzania before the introduction of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) as first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria. Socio-economic factors associated with WTP and expectations on anti-malaria drugs, including ACT, were also explored. Structured interviews and focus group discussions were held with mothers, household heads, health-care workers and village leaders in Ishozi, Gera and Ishunju wards in north-west Tanzania in 2004. Contingent valuation method (CVM) was used with "take-it-or-leave-it" as the eliciting method, expressed as WTP for a full course of ACT for a child and households' opportunity cost of ACT was used to assess ATP. The study included descriptive analyses with multivariate adjustment for potential confounding factors. Among 265 mothers and household heads, 244 (92%, CI = 88%-95%) were willing to pay Tanzanian Shillings (TSh) 500 (US0.46)forachild′sdoseofACT,butonly55 0.46) for a child's dose of ACT, but only 55% (49%-61%) were willing to pay more than TSh 500. Mothers were more often willing to pay than male household heads (adjusted odds ratio = 2.1, CI = 1.2-3.6). Socio-economic status had no significant effect on WTP. The median annual non-subsidized ACT cost for clinical malaria episodes in an average household was calculated as US 6.0, which would represent 0.9% of the average total consumption expenditures as estimated from official data in 2001. The cost of non-subsidized ACT represented 7.0% of reported total annual expenditure on food and 33.0% of total annual expenditure on health care."Rapid effect," "no adverse effect" and "inexpensive" were the most desired features of an anti-malarial drug. WTP for ACT in this study was less than its real cost and a subsidy is, therefore, needed to enable its equitable affordability. The decision taken in Tanzania to subsidize Coartem fully at governmental health care facilities and at a consumer price of TSh 300-500 (US$ 0.28-0.46) at special designated shops through the programme of Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) appears to be well founded

    Hawking Radiation on an Ion Ring in the Quantum Regime

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    This paper discusses a recent proposal for the simulation of acoustic black holes with ions. The ions are rotating on a ring with an inhomogeneous, but stationary velocity profile. Phonons cannot leave a region, in which the ion velocity exceeds the group velocity of the phonons, as light cannot escape from a black hole. The system is described by a discrete field theory with a nonlinear dispersion relation. Hawking radiation is emitted by this acoustic black hole, generating entanglement between the inside and the outside of the black hole. We study schemes to detect the Hawking effect in this setup.Comment: 42 pages (one column), 17 figures, published revised versio

    Should we screen for the sexually-transmitted infection Mycoplasma genitalium? Evidence synthesis using a transmission-dynamic model

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    There is increasing concern about Mycoplasma genitalium as a cause of urethritis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility and ectopic pregnancy. Commercial nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) are becoming available, and their use in screening for M. genitalium has been advocated, but M. genitalium's natural history is poorly-understood, making screening's effectiveness unclear. We used a transmission-dynamic compartmental model to synthesise evidence from surveillance data and epidemiological and behavioural studies to better understand M. genitalium's natural history, and then examined the effects of implementing NAAT testing. Introducing NAAT testing initially increases diagnoses, by finding a larger proportion of infections; subsequently the diagnosis rate falls, due to reduced incidence. Testing only symptomatic patients finds relatively little infection in women, as a large proportion is asymptomatic. Testing both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients has a much larger impact and reduces cumulative PID incidence in women due to M. genitalium by 31.1% (95% range:13.0%-52.0%) over 20 years. However, there is important uncertainty in M. genitalium's natural history parameters, leading to uncertainty in the absolute reduction in PID and sequelae. Empirical work is required to improve understanding of key aspects of M. genitalium's natural history before it will be possible to determine the effectiveness of screening

    Charge density analysis of two polymorphs of antimony(III) oxide

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    High-resolution X-ray diffraction data have been collected on the cubic polymorph of antimony(III) oxide (senarmontite) to determine the charge distribution in the crystal. The results are in quantitative agreement with crystal Hartree–Fock calculations for this polymorph, and have been compared with theoretical calculations on the orthorhombic polymorph (valentinite). Information about the nature of bonding and relative bond strengths in the two polymorphs has been extracted in a straightforward manner via topological analysis of the electron density. All the close contacts in both polymorphs are found to be similar in nature based on the value of the Laplacian, the magnitude of the electron density and the local energy density at the bond critical points, and these characterise the observed interactions as substantially polar covalent, similar to molecular calculation results on Si–O and Ge–O. Electrostatic potential isosurfaces reveal the octopolar nature of this function for senarmontite, and shed light on the observed packing arrangement of Sb4O6 molecules in the crystal

    The Glenburgh Orogeny as a record of Paleoproterozoic continent-continent collision

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    The Gascoyne Province lies at the western end of the Capricorn Orogen, and includes a range of Paleoproterozoic gneisses and metasedimentary basins, known as the Glenburgh Terrane, that are exotic to both the Yilgarn and Pilbara Cratons. Here we present sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb ages for a variety of detrital zircons and metamorphic zircon and monazite from several of these pre-collisional siliciclastic basins that were deformed and metamorphosed at high metamorphic grade during the Glenburgh Orogeny, when the Yilgarn Craton collided with a previously assembled Pilbara Craton – Glenburgh Terrane. The precursors to the Moogie Metamorphics were deposited sometime between 2240 and 2125 Ma in either a foreland basin to the Ophthalmian Orogeny, or a retro-arc that formed during the collision of the Glenburgh Terrane with the Pilbara Craton. The Quartpot Pelite of the Camel Hills Metamorphics was deposited between 2000 Ma and 1985 Ma as a fore-arc deposit to the Dalgaringa continental margin arc. The Petter Calc-silicate of the Camel Hills Metamorphics was deposited sometime between 2610 and 1965 Ma as part of the Yilgarn Craton passive margin. Metamorphic zircon and monazite ages indicate that continental collision and high-grade metamorphism during the Glenburgh Orogeny (D2g) took place between 1965 Ma and 1950 Ma
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