14 research outputs found

    Health education guide for promotion of understanding and use of isoniazid preventative therapy uptake amongst HIV positive patients

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop a health education guide to promote understanding and use of Isoniazid preventive therapy amongst HIV positive patients to decrease tuberculosis burden in HIV patients. DESIGN: This study used explanatory sequential mixed methods; quantitative data collection and analysis followed by qualitative data collection and analysis. METHODS: The quantitative phase was followed by data collection and analysis of the qualitative phase. Structured and semi-structured interview guide questionnaires were used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. A total of 252 patients and 12 health care providers enrolled in quantitative and qualitative study respectively. Simple random sampling method was used for quantitative study. Descriptive statistics was used, and percentages were calculated. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regressions were applied to identify associations between variables. In subsequent qualitative section of the study, health care providers were interviewed. Qualitative data was organized in themes and analysis was done manually. RESULTS: Quantitative and qualitative data was analyzed subsequently. Of the 252 study participants, 56.7% of the participants were provided with tuberculosis preventive therapy. However, only 43.3% completed the prescribed treatment within the specified period. In logistic regression analysis, participants’ gender (P=0.032), residence (P=0.020), viral load suppression status (P=0.037), awareness and information on IPT benefit (P=0.000), awareness on IPT reduce the occurrence of tuberculosis (P=0.017), was found significantly associated with IPT acceptance. In addition, in an indepth interview of health care providers: patient’s refusal, non completion, inadequate providers counseling and patient education practices, misconceptions and misunderstandings of patients about IPT, fear of drug resistance, pill burden and drug side effect, lack of training and education guide were identified barriers for IPT implementation. CONCLUSION: Uptake of isoniazid preventive therapy in PLHIV in a tertiary hospital is sub-optimal and the completion rate among initiated IPT was found low. Intervention focused on initiation as well as completion of IPT needed. Consequently Health education guide developed to improve IPT uptake; client focused individual counseling; BCC and the need for initiation of short term TPT regimens were recommended.Health StudiesD. Litt. et Phil. (Public Health

    Phenotypic Characterization of Camels and their Production System in Yabello and Melka Soda Districts,

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     አህፅሮት የዚህ ጥናት ዋና ዓሊማ በያቤልና መሌካሶዳ ወረዳዎች በሚገኙ ግመልች ውጪያዊ ባህሪያቸውን በመጠንና በብዛት መሇየት መሠረት ያደረገ ነበር፡፡ በዚህም መሠረት ከሁሇቱ ወረዳዎች ከሚኖሩት አርብቶ አደሮች ሇውጫዊ ባህርይ ትንተና ጥናት 192 አባወራዎችና 3ዏዏ ግመልች በነሲብ ተመርጠዋሌ፡፡ በመሌካሶዳ የሚገኙ ግመልች ከፍተኛና ጉሌህ የሆነ ሌዩነት ከያቤል ግመልች ማሇትም ደረት ዙር፣ በደረት ስፋት፣ በሰውነት ክብደት፣ በሸንጥ/ዳላ ስፋት፣ በደረት ጥሌቀት፣ በጉብሌ ዙሮሽ እንደሚበሌጡ ጥናቱ አመሌክቷሌ፡፡ የግመልች ፆታ ሌዩነት (ወንድና ሴት ግመሌ) በተመሇከተ የፊት እግር ርዝመት፣ የኃሊ እግር ርዝመት፣ የጫንቃ ከፍታ፣ የደረት ዙር፣ የሆድ ስፋት ዙር፣ የሰውነት ክብደት፣ የደረት ስፋት፣ ሻኛ/ጉበሌ ዙሮሽ፣ ሻኛ/ጉበሌ ርዝመት፣ የፊት ሾከና ዙር/ስፋት፣ የኋሊ ሾከና ዙር/ስፋት ሌዩነት እንዳሊቸው ከጥናቱ ሇመረዳት ተችሎሌ፡፡ በጥናቱ የግመልች ዕድሜ መጠን ከሁለም የሰውነት ክብደት ሌኬቶች ጋር ጉሌህ የሆነ ሌዩነት እዳሇው ሇመገንዘብ ተችሎሌ፡፡ በተጨማሪ የደረት ስፋትና የደረት ጥሌቀት ተሇዋዋጭ ሌኬት ሇሰውነት ክብደት ውጫዊ ገጽታ መሇኪያነት ሉያገሇግለ ይችሊለ፡፡ የወንድ ግመልች እክብ ናሙና በቀጥታ ሇሰውነት መሇኪያዎች ማሇትም የደረት ዙርና ሆድ ዙር/ስፋት ጠንካራ አዎንታዊ ዝምድና (r=0.03) ከሰውነት ክብደት ጋር አሊቸው፡፡ የሴት ግመልች ክብደት ጠንካራ አዎንታዊና (P<0.05) ጉሌህ ዝምድና ከደረት ዙር (r=0.95) ጋር አሇው፡፡ የዚህ የግመልች ውጪአዊ እይታ መረጃ በዋነኛነት ሇግመልች ዝርያ ጥበቃ ሇድቀሊና ሇመረጣ በሥነ-ባህርይ ትንተና በተደገፇ እስትራተጂ ሉያገሇግሌ ይችሊሌ፡፡ በተጨማሪ በቦረናና አካባቢ እንዲሁም በላልች የሀገሪቱ ክፍልች የሚኙትን ማህበረሰብ የግመልችን የምርት ውጤት ፍሊጐት ሇሟሟሊት ከፍተኛ ትኩረት በመስጠት በግመልች ሊይ ብዙ መሠረት እንዳሇበት ይጠቁማሌ፡፡ ይህ ጥናት በያቤልና በመሌካ ሶዳ አካባቢ የሚገኙትን የግመሌ ሀብት ሇወደፊት ዝርያቸውን ሇማሻሻሌና ሇመጠበቅ በሚደረገው እንቅስቃሴ በዋነኛነት እንደ መረጃ ሉያገሇግሌ ይችሊሌ፡፡AbstractThe objectives of the study were to characterize the production system of camel in Yabello and Melka Soda districts and to characterize phenotypically camel based on quantitative and qualitative traits. A total of 192 households were selected for characterization of the production system and 300 camels were sampled randomly for characterization of phenotypic traits. Camels of Melka Soda had significantly higher in heart girth, barrel girth, body weight, hip width, chest depth and hump circumference (P<0.05) than Yabello camels. Sex of the camels had significant (P<0.05) effect on forelimb length, hind limb length, wither height, heart girth, barrel girth, body weight, chest width, hump circumference, hump length, fore hoof circumference and hind hoof circumference. Body weight and all the body measurements were significantly (P<0.05) affected by age. Heart girth and barrel girth were found to be the most important variables for estimation of body weight in camels. In male sample populations of linear body measurements, heart girth and barrel girth had strong positive correlation (r=0.93) with body weight. In female sample camels body weight had strong positive and significant (P<0.05) correlation with heart girth (r=0.95). This phenotypic information can serve as a basis for designing appropriate conservation, breeding and selection strategies for camels in the study area and could be complemented with genetic analyses. Thus attention should be given to exploit the performance of camels based on their specialization to fulfill the current demand of camel and camel by-products in the Borena and also in different parts of the country. The present study can be used to understand the camel resources of the study sites for future genetic improvement and conservation actions

    Serological Investigation of Peste Des Petits Ruminants in East Shewa and Arsi Zones, Oromia Region, Ethiopia

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    Peste des petits ruminant (PPR) is an economically important disease of small ruminants with a rapidly expanding geographical distribution. There are fragmented reports to the occurrence and distribution of the disease in Ethiopia. A total of 700 serum samples were collected from goats and sheep to detect the presence of antibody against PPR virus using Competitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (C-ELISA). An overall PPR seropositivity was reported to be 48.43% in the area. There is no statistically significant difference in the seroprevalence of the disease between sheep and goats (50.85% and 46.68%), respectively. However, there was statistically significant variation (P0.05). High seroprevalence of Peste des petites ruminants in the study area indicated the virus circulation and endemicity of the disease. The disease causes substantial economic losses by affecting the livelihood of the farmers. Therefore, control measures should be put in place to minimize the loss associated with the disease