3 research outputs found


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    Conventional file sharing and media viewing usually involves ledious file transfer. This project aims to provide access convenience for sharing data and direct-viewing of media files by having file server (FS) and media cenler (MC) capability using Raspberry Pi. The system consists of several funclionalities that ware developed through iterative and incremental development. The resulting system has its function catered by Samba program and its MC function catered by Kodi program. Direct MC output is on high-definition television (HDTV). The web-based user interface (WebUI) provides administrative functions for the system, its FS ond users management and indirect access to ils MC function through web player for all registered users. The syslem has undergone several testing processes and it is a working prototype of an economical and feasible file server and media center using Raspberry Pi. The system can still be improved with other functions and features in the future

    SambaKodiPi A Personal File Server and Media Center

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    Conventional file sharing and media viewing usually involve slow and tedious data transfer. This project aims to provide access convenience for sharing data and directviewing of media files by having file server (FS) and media center (MC) capability using Raspberry Pi (RPi). The system consists of several functionalities that were developed through iterative and incremental development. The resulting system has its FS function catered by Samba program and its MC function catered by Kodi program. Direct MC output is on highdefinition television (HDTV). The web-based user interface (WebUI) provides administrative functions for the system, its FS and users management and indirect access to its MC function through web player for all registered users. The system has undergone several testing processes, and it is a working prototype of an economical and feasible file server and media center using RPi. The system can still be improved with other functions and features in the future