197 research outputs found

    Understanding Dynamic Social Grouping Behaviors of Pedestrians

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    Representation and shape matching of 3-D objects

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    Journal ArticleA three-dimensional scene analysis system for the shape matching of real world 3-D objects is presented. Various issues related to representation and modeling of 3-D objects are addressed. A new method for the approximation of 3-D objects by a set of planar faces is discussed. The major advantage of this method is that it is applicable to a complete object and not restricted to single range view which was the imitation of the previous work in 3-D scene analysis. The method is a sequential region growing algorithm. It is not applied to range images, but rather to a set of 3-D model of an object is obtained

    Context guided belief propagation for remote sensing image classification.

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    We propose a context guided belief propagation (BP) algorithm to perform high spatial resolution multispectral imagery (HSRMI) classification efficiently utilizing superpixel representation. One important characteristic of HSRMI is that different land cover objects possess a similar spectral property. This property is exploited to speed up the standard BP (SBP) in the classification process. Specifically, we leverage this property of HSRMI as context information to guide messages passing in SBP. Furthermore, the spectral and structural features extracted at the superpixel level are fed into a Markov random field framework to address the challenge of low interclass variation in HSRMI classification by minimizing the discrete energy through context guided BP (CBP). Experiments show that the proposed CBP is significantly faster than the SBP while retaining similar performance as compared with SBP. Compared to the baseline methods, higher classification accuracy is achieved by the proposed CBP when the context information is used with both spectral and structural features

    Dynamic low-level context for the detection of mild traumatic brain injury.

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    Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) appears as low contrast lesions in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Standard automated detection approaches cannot detect the subtle changes caused by the lesions. The use of context has become integral for the detection of low contrast objects in images. Context is any information that can be used for object detection but is not directly due to the physical appearance of an object in an image. In this paper, new low-level static and dynamic context features are proposed and integrated into a discriminative voxel-level classifier to improve the detection of mTBI lesions. Visual features, including multiple texture measures, are used to give an initial estimate of a lesion. From the initial estimate novel proximity and directional distance, contextual features are calculated and used as features for another classifier. This feature takes advantage of spatial information given by the initial lesion estimate using only the visual features. Dynamic context is captured by the proposed posterior marginal edge distance context feature, which measures the distance from a hard estimate of the lesion at a previous time point. The approach is validated on a temporal mTBI rat model dataset and shown to have improved dice score and convergence compared to other state-of-the-art approaches. Analysis of feature importance and versatility of the approach on other datasets are also provided

    SAGE: Sequential Attribute Generator for Analyzing Glioblastomas using Limited Dataset

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    While deep learning approaches have shown remarkable performance in many imaging tasks, most of these methods rely on availability of large quantities of data. Medical image data, however, is scarce and fragmented. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have recently been very effective in handling such datasets by generating more data. If the datasets are very small, however, GANs cannot learn the data distribution properly, resulting in less diverse or low-quality results. One such limited dataset is that for the concurrent gain of 19 and 20 chromosomes (19/20 co-gain), a mutation with positive prognostic value in Glioblastomas (GBM). In this paper, we detect imaging biomarkers for the mutation to streamline the extensive and invasive prognosis pipeline. Since this mutation is relatively rare, i.e. small dataset, we propose a novel generative framework - the Sequential Attribute GEnerator (SAGE), that generates detailed tumor imaging features while learning from a limited dataset. Experiments show that not only does SAGE generate high quality tumors when compared to standard Deep Convolutional GAN (DC-GAN) and Wasserstein GAN with Gradient Penalty (WGAN-GP), it also captures the imaging biomarkers accurately
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