4 research outputs found

    Comparison of 2D and 3D neural induction methods for the generation of neural progenitor cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells

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    Neural progenitor cells (NPCs) from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) are frequently induced using 3D culture methodologies however, it is unknown whether spheroid-based (3D) neural induction is actually superior to monolayer (2D) neural induction. Our aim was to compare the efficiency of 2D induction with 3D induction method in their ability to generate NPCs, and subsequently neurons and astrocytes. Neural differentiation was analysed at the protein level qualitatively by immunocytochemistry and quantitatively by flow cytometry for NPC (SOX1, PAX6, NESTIN), neuronal (MAP2, TUBB3), cortical layer (TBR1, CUX1) and glial markers (SOX9, GFAP, AQP4). Electron microscopy demonstrated that both methods resulted in morphologically similar neural rosettes. However, quantification of NPCs derived from 3D neural induction exhibited an increase in the number of PAX6/NESTIN double positive cells and the derived neurons exhibited longer neurites. In contrast, 2D neural induction resulted in more SOX1 positive cells. While 2D monolayer induction resulted in slightly less mature neurons, at an early stage of differentiation, the patch clamp analysis failed to reveal any significant differences between the electrophysiological properties between the two induction methods. In conclusion, 3D neural induction increases the yield of PAX6(+)/NESTIN(+) cells and gives rise to neurons with longer neurites, which might be an advantage for the production of forebrain cortical neurons, highlighting the potential of 3D neural induction, independent of iPSCs' genetic background

    A mikro-RNS-ek patogenetikai szerepe 茅s expresszi贸s mint谩zata praeeclampsi谩ban [The pathogenetic role and expression profile of microRNAs in preeclampsia].

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    Preeclampsia is the leading cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality that affects 3-8% of pregnancies worldwide. Its main symptoms include new onset of high blood pressure and proteinuria after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The cause of the disease is still debated. microRNAs are short, non-coding RNA molecules that play a pivotal part in the posttranscriptional regulation of eukaryotic genes. They are involved in fine-tuning of vital physiological processes such as cell cycle, proliferation, differentiation and cell death. In genomic studies, hundreds of microRNAs were detected in the placenta, which are supposed to regulate placental development and contribute to uncomplicated pregnancy. Several studies have reported changes in the expression of microRNAs in pregnancy. Abnormal microRNA expression may have a role in the development of preeclampsia as it affects the proliferation, migration, and invasion of the trophoblast cells, spiral artery remodeling, and angiogenesis. Some placental microRNAs (e.g., the C19MC microRNA cluster) are able to reach the maternal circulation through their release via exosomes from the trophoblast layer. These 'circulating' microRNA molecules can be applied as biomarkers for the detection of various placental disorders owing to their stability and specificity. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(14): 547-556