19 research outputs found

    Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008

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    Current aspects of the definition and diagnosis of sepsis and antibiotic resistance

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    Die Krankenhaussterblichkeit von Patienten mit sekundärer Sepsis ist mit ca. 40 % unverändert hoch. Aufgrund methodischer Mängel der bisher verwendeten Definitionen fehlen jedoch valide Daten zur Epidemiologie der sekundären Sepsis, welche Vergleiche im nationalen und internationalen Kontext ermöglichen. Seit 2016 stehen neue klinische diagnostische Werkzeuge zur Verfügung, die auch für das Sepsisscreening außerhalb von Intensivstationen geeignet sind. Um der hohen Sterblichkeit der nosokomial verursachten Sepsis zu begegnen, sind auf diesem Gebiet neue Ansätze in der Früherkennung bei Risikopatienten erforderlich. Eine ausreichende Blutkulturabnahmerate sowie eine hohe präanalytische Qualität sollten als Grundlage der Qualitätssicherung gerade im Bereich der nosokomialen Blutstrominfektionen etabliert werden, da ansonsten das Risiko eines Surveillance-Bias besteht. Daten der laborbasierten Antibiotika-Resistenz-Surveillance (ARS) zeigen für MRSA in den letzten vier Jahren für Blutkulturisolate einen rückläufigen Trend. Im gramnegativen Bereich wird über diesen Zeitraum für viele der Erreger-Antibiotikakombinationen eine relativ stabile Resistenzsituation beobachtet.Peer Reviewe

    Avaliação protéica de uma nova multimistura com base no milho QPM BR 473 Protein evaluation of a nutritional supplement based on QPM BR 473 maize

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    A multimistura tem sido utilizada no Brasil pela Pastoral da Criança, em parceria com governos municipais, a fim de reduzir a desnutrição infantil. Não obstante, a eficácia deste suplemento tem sido constantemente arguida, devido à possível presença de fatores antinutricionais. No presente trabalho descrevemos a avaliação biológica de um suplemento contendo milho QPM BR473. Trinta e seis ratos Wistar machos, com 21-23 dias de idade, foram divididos em seis grupos de seis animais cada e alimentados com dietas de caseína contendo multimistura pura, com QPM BR473, láctea (contendo leite em pó), láctea contendo QPM BR473 ou a multimistura proposta (contendo QPM BR473, farinhas de aveia, soja e banana e açúcar mascavo). Mediu-se a Retenção Protéica Líquida. A condição microbiológica dos suplementos e seu custo foram também determinados. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o QPM BR473 pode ser usado em suplementos nutricionais, com alto valor nutritivo, expresso por sua qualidade protéica, e com baixa relação custo/benefício.<br>Nutritional supplements, known as "multimisturas", prepared with low cost ingredients have been distributed in Brazil by municipal governments, in partnership with non-governmental organizations, in order to reduce infant malnutrition. Nevertheless the efficacy of these supplements has been constantly argued, due to the possible presence of anti-nutritional factors. The present work describes the biological evaluation of a supplement containing Quality Protein Maize BR 473. Thirty six 21-23-day old male Wistar rats were divided into six groups of six animals each. The groups were fed casein diets, each containing respectively: "multimistura", "multimistura" with QPM BR 473, "multimistura" with powdered milk, "multimistura" with powderedmilk and QPM BR 473 or the proposed new supplement (containing QPM BR 473 flour, oat meal, soybean flour, brown sugar and banana meal). Net protein retention was measured. Microbiological condition and cost of the supplements were also determined. The results showed that QPM BR 473 can be used in nutritional supplements, with high nutritional value, as expressed by its protein quality, and low cost/benefit ratio