18 research outputs found

    Hospitalisations pour effet indésirable médicamenteux: recensement prospectif dans un Service d'urgences médicales.

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    [Table des matières] I. Mise en perspective et méthodologie. II. Données démographiques : intoxications volontaires: descriptif succinct. III. Effets indésirables, descriptifs. 1. Médicaments. 2. Effets indésirables. 3. Imputabilité. 4. Gravité. 5. Evitabilité. 6. Responsabilité de l'évitabilité. 7. Destination des patients à la sortie de l'hôpital. 8. Caractéristiques des patients. 9. Durée de séjour et coûts. 10. Durée d'hospitalisation. 11. Jours d'hospitalisation imputables et évitables. 12. Coût des hospitalisations. IV. Associations. 1. Effets indésirables et médicaments incriminés. 2. Nombre de médicaments consommés. 3. Profil clinique des patients. V. Validation

    Population pharmacokinetics of fluconazole given for secondary prevention of oropharyngeal candidiasis in HIV-positive patients

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    Abstract.: Objectives: To determine fluconazole population pharmacokinetics and explore the relationships between fluconazole average concentration and treatment effectiveness or microbiological resistance induction during a study aimed at evaluating the efficacy, tolerability and resistance induction after secondary prevention with fluconazole (150mg weekly) versus placebo in human immunodeficiency virus-positive (HIV+) patients with oropharyngeal candidiasis. Methods: Population pharmacokinetic parameters of fluconazole determined from 458 serum drug concentration measurements obtained over 37months in 132 HIV+ patients not receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy. Mean estimates and variabilities were generated using non-linear regression analysis. Logistic and linear regression analyses were used to explore the relationships between the estimated average concentration of fluconazole and candidiasis relapse or fungal resistance towards fluconazole. Results: Fluconazole kinetics were best described by a one-compartment model with first-order oral absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. The pharmacokinetics were influenced only by body weight. No effect was observed for gender, age, height or lymphocyte CD4 counts. The mean apparent population clearance was 0.79l/h, the volume of distribution 57l and the absorption constant (ka) 0.93h-1. Inter-occasion variability in clearance (45%) was large relative to inter-subject variability (21%). Taking into account the average fluconazole concentration or the time above the minimal inhibitory concentrations did not clinically improve the prediction of the occurrence of oropharyngeal relapse or microbiological resistance. Conclusion: The relationship between fluconazole concentrations and preventive effectiveness was poor. Together with the rather large inter-occasion variability in fluconazole clearance, this suggests no role of therapeutic drug monitoring in optimising fluconazole treatment for secondary preventio

    Cell disposition of raltegravir and newer antiretrovirals in HIV-infected patients: high inter-individual variability in raltegravir cellular penetration

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    Objectives The site of pharmacological activity of raltegravir is intracellular. Our aim was to determine the extent of raltegravir cellular penetration and whether raltegravir total plasma concentration (Ctot) predicts cellular concentration (Ccell). Methods Open-label, prospective, pharmacokinetic study on HIV-infected patients on a stable raltegravir-containing regimen. Plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells were simultaneously collected during a 12 h dosing interval after drug intake. Ctot and Ccell of raltegravir, darunavir, etravirine, maraviroc and ritonavir were measured by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry after protein precipitation. Longitudinal mixed effects analysis was applied to the Ccell/Ctot ratio. Results Ten HIV-infected patients were included. The geometric mean (GM) raltegravir total plasma maximum concentration (Cmax), minimum concentration (Cmin) and area under the time-concentration curve from 0-12 h (AUC0-12) were 1068 ng/mL, 51.1 ng/mL and 4171 ng·h/mL, respectively. GM raltegravir cellular Cmax, Cmin and AUC0-12 were 27.5 ng/mL, 2.9 ng/mL and 165 ng·h/mL, respectively. Raltegravir Ccell corresponded to 5.3% of Ctot measured simultaneously. Both concentrations fluctuate in parallel, with Ccell/Ctot ratios remaining fairly constant for each patient without a significant time-related trend over the dosing interval. The AUCcell/AUCtot GM ratios for raltegravir, darunavir and etravirine were 0.039, 0.14 and 1.55, respectively. Conclusions Raltegravir Ccell correlated with Ctot (r = 0.86). Raltegravir penetration into cells is low overall (∼5% of plasma levels), with distinct raltegravir cellular penetration varying by as much as 15-fold between patients. The importance of this finding in the context of development of resistance to integrase inhibitors needs to be further investigate

    Toxicité rénale de l'acétate de phénylmercure chez le rat

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    Population Pharmacokinetics of Atazanavir in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection

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    Atazanavir (ATV) is a new azapeptide protease inhibitor recently approved and currently used at a fixed dose of either 300 mg once per day (q.d.) in combination with 100 mg ritonavir (RTV) or 400 mg q.d. without boosting. ATV is highly bound to plasma proteins and extensively metabolized by CYP3A4. Since ATV plasma levels are highly variable and seem to be correlated with both viral response and toxicity, dosage individualization based on plasma concentration monitoring might be indicated. This study aimed to assess the ATV pharmacokinetic profile in a target population of HIV patients, to characterize interpatient and intrapatient variability, and to identify covariates that might influence ATV disposition. A population analysis was performed with NONMEM with 574 plasma samples from a cohort of 214 randomly selected patients receiving ATV. A total of 346 randomly collected ATV plasma levels and 19 full concentration-time profiles at steady state were available. The pharmacokinetic parameter estimates were an oral clearance (CL) of 12.9 liters/h (coefficient of variation [CV], 26%), a volume of distribution of 88.3 liters (CV, 29%), an absorption rate constant of 0.405 h(−1) (CV, 122%), and a lag time of 0.88 h. A relative bioavailability value was introduced to account for undercompliance due to infrequent follow-ups (0.81; CV, 45%). Among the covariates tested, only RTV significantly reduced CL by 46%, thereby increasing the ATV elimination half-life from 4.6 h to 8.8 h. The pharmacokinetic parameters of ATV were adequately described by a one-compartment population model. The concomitant use of RTV improved the pharmacokinetic profile. However, the remaining high interpatient variability suggests the possibility of an impact of unmeasured covariates, such as genetic traits or environmental influences. This population pharmacokinetic model, together with therapeutic drug monitoring and Bayesian dosage adaptation, can be helpful in the selection and adaptation of ATV doses

    Population Pharmacokinetics of Indinavir in Patients Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus

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    Indinavir is currently used at a fixed dose of 800 mg either three times a day or twice a day in combination with 100 mg of ritonavir. Dosage individualization based on plasma concentration monitoring might, however, be indicated. This study aimed to assess the pharmacokinetic profile of indinavir in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus to characterize interpatient and intrapatient variability and to build up a Bayesian approach for dosage adaptation. A population analysis was performed with the NONMEM computer program with 569 plasma samples from a cohort of 239 unselected patients receiving indinavir. A one-compartment model with first-order absorption was adapted, and the influences of clinical characteristics on oral clearance (CL) and distribution volume (V) were examined. Predicted average drug exposure and trough and peak concentrations were derived for each patient and correlated with efficacy and toxicity markers. The population estimates of CL were 32.4 liters/h for female and 42.0 liters/h for male patients; oral V was 65.7 liters; and the rate constant of absorption (K(a)) was 1.0 h(−1). CL decreased by 63% with ritonavir intake and was moderately correlated to body weight. Both interpatient variability, best assigned to oral CL (coefficient of variation [CV], 39%) and K(a) (CV, 67%), and intrapatient variability were large (CV, 41%; standard deviation, 670 μg/liter). In conclusion, initial indinavir dosage should be decided according to ritonavir intake and sex, prior to plasma concentration measurements. The high interpatient pharmacokinetic variability represents an argument for therapeutic drug monitoring

    A single LC-tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous determination of 14 antimalarial drugs and their metabolites in human plasma.

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    Among the various determinants of treatment response, the achievement of sufficient blood levels is essential for curing malaria. For helping us at improving our current understanding of antimalarial drugs pharmacokinetics, efficacy and toxicity, we have developed a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method (LC-MS/MS) requiring 200mul of plasma for the simultaneous determination of 14 antimalarial drugs and their metabolites which are the components of the current first-line combination treatments for malaria (artemether, artesunate, dihydroartemisinin, amodiaquine, N-desethyl-amodiaquine, lumefantrine, desbutyl-lumefantrine, piperaquine, pyronaridine, mefloquine, chloroquine, quinine, pyrimethamine and sulfadoxine). Plasma is purified by a combination of protein precipitation, evaporation and reconstitution in methanol/ammonium formate 20mM (pH 4.0) 1:1. Reverse-phase chromatographic separation of antimalarial drugs is obtained using a gradient elution of 20mM ammonium formate and acetonitrile both containing 0.5% formic acid, followed by rinsing and re-equilibration to the initial solvent composition up to 21min. Analyte quantification, using matrix-matched calibration samples, is performed by electro-spray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry by selected reaction monitoring detection in the positive mode. The method was validated according to FDA recommendations, including assessment of extraction yield, matrix effect variability, overall process efficiency, standard addition experiments as well as antimalarials short- and long-term stability in plasma. The reactivity of endoperoxide-containing antimalarials in the presence of hemolysis was tested both in vitro and on malaria patients samples. With this method, signal intensity of artemisinin decreased by about 20% in the presence of 0.2% hemolysed red-blood cells in plasma, whereas its derivatives were essentially not affected. The method is precise (inter-day CV%: 3.1-12.6%) and sensitive (lower limits of quantification 0.15-3.0 and 0.75-5ng/ml for basic/neutral antimalarials and artemisinin derivatives, respectively). This is the first broad-range LC-MS/MS assay covering the currently in-use antimalarials. It is an improvement over previous methods in terms of convenience (a single extraction procedure for 14 major antimalarials and metabolites reducing significantly the analytical time), sensitivity, selectivity and throughput. While its main limitation is investment costs for the equipment, plasma samples can be collected in the field and kept at 4 degrees C for up to 48h before storage at -80 degrees C. It is suited to detecting the presence of drug in subjects for screening purposes and quantifying drug exposure after treatment. It may contribute to filling the current knowledge gaps in the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics relationships of antimalarials and better define the therapeutic dose ranges in different patient populations