79 research outputs found

    Biographical Review: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Somerset, Piscataquis, Hancock, Washington, and Aroostook Counties, Maine

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    THe present volume of the BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW, the XXIX. of our Atlantic Series, is the fifth devoted to the Pine Tree State. It covers a wide field, comprising the border counties of Aroostook and Washington, Hancock of the southern coast, central Piscataquis, and far-reaching Somerset. With upward of four hundred and seventy names in the index, denoting that number of biographical sketches of prominent workers in various fields of useful activity, factors of progress and worthy of remembrance, this book may be considered, without undue assumption on our part, we trust, fairly representative of the industrial, the professional, and the public life of its locality in the closing years of the nineteenth century. Mindful of the growing interest in questions of descent and kinship, we have afforded space, where desired, for the addition of genealogical to biographical lore, giving to personal details, in a number of cases, perhaps the majority, a setting in an epitome of family history. At the same time these pages bear witness that we have not forgotten that the special province of biography is to show the worth and importance of the individual in society, to emphasize the power of personality

    Biographical Review : Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, and Waldo Counties, Maine

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    As its name implies, the present volume, the twentieth in our Atlantic States Series of Reviews, is made up of biographical sketches of representative citizens of Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, and Waldo Counties, its subjects being found in the ranks of the now living, or among those who have but recently passed from the scenes of their struggles and successes. Earnest workers in various fields of useful toil and high endeavor, the persons here commemorated, loyal sons and daughters of the State of Maine, have done their part, most of them being still active in furthering, each according to his several ability or opportunity, the industrial, political, and social development of the times. The question of Who\u27s who? being nowadays often considered, we have gladly availed ourselves of the genealogical data furnished by some of our patrons to show lines of descent and kinship, incidentally suggesting the transmission of characteristic traits, and tending to strengthen the ties of human brotherhood. The best way to honor noble ancestors is to emulate their virtues. The wise generation does its own work in its own way, and, writing its own records, leaves to posterity an example worthy of imitation

    Biographical Review : This Volume Contains Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of Cumberland County, Maine

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    In all this wide earth there is nothing else so interesting and important as human life ; and the history of individual lives is recognized as, at its best, one of the most attractive and valuable forms of literature. It behooves every generation to write its own records, to leave behind its own memorials. The present volume of local biographies, carefully prepared from materials furnished by the patrons of the work, is issued by the publishers in the confident hope that it will prove satisfactory as the fulfilment of promise and a work of permanent value. These pages treat of earnest toilers of to-day and of yesterday, workers with hand and brain, who have been largely instrumental in the industrial, social, and political development of Cumberland County — men and women who, taking life in earnest, have made footprints on the sands of time. The conquests here recited are of mind over matter and circumstance. To preserve the memory of local worthies, as well as of national celebrities, is to foster home ties, local attachments, and patriotism, and to encourage good citizenship. Furthermore, to borrow the words of an eminent speaker, Whatever fame great achievements may bestow, whatever honors the world may give, it is ever the most cherished hope of every seeker after fame and fortune to be kindly remembered and lovingly honored on the spot which gave him birth

    Biographical Review: This Volume Contains Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of York County, Maine

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    In all this wide earth there is nothing else so interesting and important as human life; and the history of individual lives is recognized as, at its best, one of the most attractive and valuable forms of literature. It behooves every generation to write its own records, to leave behind its own memorials. The present volume of local biographies, carefully prepared from materials furnished by the patrons of the work, is issued by the publishers in the confident hope that it will prove satisfactory as the fulfilment of promise and a work of permanent value. These pace\u27s treat of earnest toilers of to-day and of yesterday, workers with hand and brain, who have been largely instrumental in the industrial, social, and political development of York County — men and women who. taking life in earnest, have made footprints on the sands of time. The Conquests here recited are of mind over matter and circumstance. To preserve the memory of local worthies, as well as of national celebrities, is to foster home ties, local attachments, and patriotism, and to encourage good citizenship. Furthermore, to borrow the words of an eminent speaker, Whatever fame great achievements may bestow, whatever honors the world may give, it is ever the most cherished hope of every seeker after fame and fortune to be kindly remembered and lovingly honored on the spot which gave him birth.\u2

    Biographical Review : This Volume Contains Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of Oxford and Franklin Counties, Maine

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    In all this wide earth there is nothing else so interesting and important as human life; and the history of individual lives is recognized as, at its best, one of the most attractive and valuable forms of literature. It behooves every generation to write its own records, to leave behind its own memorials. The present volume of local biographies, carefully prepared from materials furnished by the patrons of the work, is issued by the publishers in the confident hope that it will prove satisfactory as the fulfilment of\u27 promise and a work of permanent value. These pages treat of earnest toilers of to-day and of yesterday, workers with hand and brain, who have been largely instrumental in the industrial, social, and political development of Oxford and Franklin Counties—men and women who, taking life in earnest, have made footprints on the sands of time. The conquests here recited are of mind over matter and circumstance. To preserve the memory of local worthies, as well as of national celebrities, is to foster home ties, local attachments, and patriotism, and to encourage good citizenship. Furthermore, to borrow the words of an eminent speaker, Whatever fame great achievements may bestow, whatever honors the world may gdve, it is ever the most cherished hope of every seeker after fame and fortune to be kindly remembered and lovingly honored on the spot which gave him birth

    Diamond days: the NHS at 60 years

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