2 research outputs found

    Dynamic Information System for Failure Analysis with It’s Application on Ship Main Engine

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    Ships are often used to move cargo, and their main engines are crucial. Accidents and financial losses might result from the main engine being in poor condition. Before completing maintenance, conducting a failure analysis is necessary. The existing method is static and involves using a list of failure modes from the engine's manufacturing phase. This study proposes a preliminary design of dynamic system prototype that seeks to improve ship engine monitoring of status. It includes features such as a list of failure modes and codes based on ISO 14224:2016, data collection unit worksheet, and dynamic charts for visualizing the results. Two testing iterations were performed on the prototype. First, literature data obtained from the internet was used to generate annual and monthly report charts, confirming the functionality of the prototype. Second, real data from engine failures on the tanker ship were used to ensure logical correlations among failure causative factors. The result from real data testing included Structural Deficiency (STD), External Leakage Fuel (ELF), and Breakdown (BRD) were shown. Based on these results through the prototype simulation, can be taken into consideration for the ship's crew and shipping company management to plan oil monitoring, heating the oil properly, and conduct routine maintenance check as a preventive action to reduce the impact of engine damage in the future due to Engine Breakdown and Structural Defiency

    Dynamic Information System For Failure Analysis With It’s Application On Ship Main Engine

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    Ships are often used to move cargo around the world, and their main engines are crucial. Accidents and financial losses might result from the main engine being in poor condition. Before completing maintenance, conducting a failure analysis is necessary. The existing method is static and involves using a list of failure modes from the engine's manufacturing phase. This study proposes a dynamic system prototype that seeks to improve ship engine monitoring of status. It includes features such as a list of failure modes and codes based on ISO 14224:2016, data collection unit worksheet, and dynamic charts for visualizing the results. Two testing iterations were performed on the prototype. First, literature data obtained from the internet was used to generate annual and monthly report charts, confirming the functionality of the prototype. Second, real data from engine failures on the MT. Ferimas Santosa were used to ensure logical correlations among failure causative factors. The recorded failures included Structural Deficiency (STD), External Leakage Fuel (ELF), and Breakdown (BRD). Structural Deficiency (STD) was the most common failure, occurring twice in 2021. The most expensive failure was Breakdown (BRD), resulting in losses of Rp. 215,000,000. Based on these results through the prototype simulation, can be taken into consideration for the ship's crew and shipping company management to plan oil monitoring, heating the oil properly, and conduct routine maintenance check as a preventive action to reduce the impact of engine damage in the future due to Engine Breakdown and Structural Defiency. ================================================================================================================================== Kapal sering digunakan untuk memindahkan kargo ke seluruh dunia, dan mesin utamanya sangat penting. Kecelakaan dan kerugian finansial dapat terjadi akibat kondisi mesin utama yang buruk. Sebelum menyelesaikan pemeliharaan, perlu dilakukan analisis kegagalan. Metode yang ada bersifat statis dan melibatkan penggunaan daftar mode kegagalan dari fase pembuatan mesin. Studi ini mengusulkan prototipe sistem dinamis yang berupaya meningkatkan pemantauan status mesin kapal. Ini mencakup fitur seperti daftar mode dan kode kegagalan berdasarkan ISO 14224:2016, lembar kerja unit pengumpulan data, dan bagan dinamis untuk memvisualisasikan hasil. Dua iterasi pengujian dilakukan pada prototipe. Pertama, data literatur yang diperoleh dari internet digunakan untuk menghasilkan bagan laporan tahunan dan bulanan, yang memastikan fungsionalitas prototipe. Kedua, data riil kerusakan mesin di MT. Ferimas Santosa digunakan untuk memastikan korelasi logis antara faktor penyebab kegagalan. Kerusakan yang tercatat antara lain Structural Deficiency (STD), External Leakage Fuel (ELF), dan Breakdown (BRD). Structural Deficiency (STD) merupakan kegagalan yang paling sering terjadi, terjadi dua kali pada tahun 2021. Kegagalan yang paling mahal adalah Breakdown (BRD), yang mengakibatkan kerugian sebesar Rp. 215.000.000. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut melalui simulasi prototype, dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan bagi manajemen awak kapal dan perusahaan pelayaran untuk merencanakan monitoring oli, memanaskan oli dengan baik, dan melakukan pengecekan perawatan rutin sebagai tindakan preventif untuk mengurangi dampak kerusakan mesin di kemudian hari akibat Engine Breakdown dan Structural Defiency