11 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Analysis of Carbon-transition Metal Oxide Composites

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    Graphene, a two-dimensional honeycomb structure of carbon due to its high electrical and thermal conductivity, and high specific surface area, is an excellent candidate for nano-electronics and energy storage. However, it is very difficult and expensive to produce a single layered graphene by the traditional method of mechanical exfoliation of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG). It is mainly manufactured by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or more economically by chemical exfoliation of graphite by Hummer’s modified method. But there is a major disadvantage in using the chemical exfoliation, instead of forming single layer of pure graphene, a non-stoichiometric and insulating graphene oxide (GO) is formed. GO further needs to be reduced into graphene by either chemical or thermal method. In our work, we have synthesized and evaluated several compositions of transition metal oxides and carbon based materials. The structure and composition of materials are determined from diffraction and absorption experimental results. The diffraction techniques applied for characterization of carbon transitional metal oxides nanocomposites are selected area electron diffraction and powder x-ray diffraction. Absorption experiments used during experiments are Infrared absorption spectroscopy, UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (including X-ray absorption near edge structure and Extended X-ray absorption fine structure)

    Political economy of urban change: contestations and contradictions in urban development in Kathmandu Valley focusing on a case of Southern Part of Lalitpur Metropolitan City

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    Being one of the top ten fastest urbanizing countries in the world with almost 60% urban areas, Nepal and mostly Kathmandu valley (KV), is undergoing rapid urban transition of spatial, demographic and economic changes, especially after the restoration of democracy in 1990 and subsequent political turmoil and changes. As a capital city with opportunities like access to education, jobs, health facilities and others, KV has been constantly pulling people from different parts of the country that led to densification of the city cores and uncontrolled urban sprawl, leading to unplanned growth of the built-up areas in the peri-urban landscape. This working paper, taking a case from a southern settlement of KV called Khokana, analyses the current trend of urbanization in KV with a reference of land use in general, and examines the responses from the local Newar communities as part of the tension and contradictions brought by the urbanization process and development interventions there in. Based on ethnographic fieldwork and review of literature, this study found that there is increasing demand of land creating speculative rise in land prices espoused by the infrastructure development projects being implemented by the federal government. Ultimately, the traditional place and culture are threatened so is the alienation of local people from their land, impacting their livelihood. Also, these development projects do not have resilient plans for their negative impacts in case of natural hazards, risking the achievement of resilient development in tomorrow's cities

    Hemoglobin status in children in the age group 6 to 60 months

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    Objective of this study was to see the prevalence rate of anemia in children among the age of 6-60 months who attended paediatric out patient department of Kathmandu Medical College. 100 children aged 6-60 months were randomly selected for hemoglobin measurement and anthropometry. Detailed clinical examination including anthropometry was done. Hemoglobin was checked by Hemocue machine with prior consent from the attendant. Mean height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) were measured. Forty six percent of the study group population had hemoglobin <11gm/dl, similar numbers of the children were in the various state of malnutrition. Twenty eight percent of the children came from outside of the valley residing in Kathmandu. Fifty percent were illiterate or had primary level education only. Poverty, high rate of illiteracy and lack of awareness on taking appropriate food were important factors related to such a high childhood anemia. Iron supplementation should be given to the children particularly in the age group of 6 months to 3 years. Key Words: Anemia, Nutritional status, Children 6 months to 60 months

    Use of GeoGebra in Teaching and Learning Geometric Transformation in School Mathematics

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    The use of GeoGebra in teaching geometric transformations was investigated in this study. GeoGebra is a math software available in over 100 plus languages, both online and offline. GeoGebra is a useful application to improve and enrich mathematics teaching and learning by allowing students to visualize mathematical concepts, which is extremely useful for mathematical experiments and discoveries at all educational levels, from elementary school to university. The theoretical referents used in this article are cognitive learning theory and Vygotsky's social learning theory. Twenty students (twelve boys and eight girls) in grade IX from a private school in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, were taught mathematics using a variety of specific instances of transformation highlighted in this study, including reflection, rotation, translation, and dilation. This research used a qualitative research method called a teaching experiment to examine the use of GeoGebra in eleven episodes. Students were aided in visualizing abstract concepts of change by using relevant images, photos, and animations of GeoGebra-created objects. The findings of a classroom experiment are GeoGebra is an easy-to-use application, GeoGebra allows for discovery learning, GeoGebra encourages collaborative learning, and GeoGebra to visualize geometric transformations. Likewise, GeoGebra aids in the teaching and comprehension of abstract transformation concepts. These findings show how students can develop into active knowledge builders when GeoGebra is used in mathematics classes. They also communicate with one another, keep track of the change process, and respect their instructors' authority in such classes. It is an important instructional tool that supports the educational system's transition from a teacher-centered to a learner-centered approach by complementing the traditional lecture method of teaching mathematics

    Development and Evaluation of E-Learning Courses: Validity, Practicality, and Effectiveness

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    This study attempts to develop a reliable, practical, and efficient process for developing online and distance courses. The study aims to develop e-learning online and distance education courses. ICT and e-Research course development processes have shown significant learning opportunities and outcomes. A substitute for raising these opportunities is the need for innovative research in education while implementing online and distance modes of learning and teaching. Subscribing research and development research methodology, the study aims to produce e-learning instructional materials using a three-stage development model. The course, along with the learning strategy, the learning tools, the assessment tools, and other components, are designed and developed using the Plomp model, a development research model. The research participants were forty-two 2021 Winter Batch MPhil in Educational Studies students and nine lecturers at Nepal Open University (NOU), Nepal. The descriptive analysis uses data analysis to explain the online course's validity, applicability, and effectiveness. Experimental research design was developed using the one-group pre-test post-test design methodology. The most important results are results of preliminary analysis, validity: average material validation is 0.885; average media validation is 0.885 and practicality: more than 71% (very practical). This article proposes a more comprehensive framework to design, develop, and implement online and distance courses in e-learning systems in higher education