400 research outputs found

    Phase Transitions in the Multicomponent Widom-Rowlinson Model and in Hard Cubes on the BCC--Lattice

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    We use Monte Carlo techniques and analytical methods to study the phase diagram of the M--component Widom-Rowlinson model on the bcc-lattice: there are M species all with the same fugacity z and a nearest neighbor hard core exclusion between unlike particles. Simulations show that for M greater or equal 3 there is a ``crystal phase'' for z lying between z_c(M) and z_d(M) while for z > z_d(M) there are M demixed phases each consisting mostly of one species. For M=2 there is a direct second order transition from the gas phase to the demixed phase while for M greater or equal 3 the transition at z_d(M) appears to be first order putting it in the Potts model universality class. For M large, Pirogov-Sinai theory gives z_d(M) ~ M-2+2/(3M^2) + ... . In the crystal phase the particles preferentially occupy one of the sublattices, independent of species, i.e. spatial symmetry but not particle symmetry is broken. For M to infinity this transition approaches that of the one component hard cube gas with fugacity y = zM. We find by direct simulations of such a system a transition at y_c ~ 0.71 which is consistent with the simulation z_c(M) for large M. This transition appears to be always of the Ising type.Comment: 11 pages, 4 postscript figures (added in replacement), Physica A (in press

    Confinement Effects in Antiferromagnets

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    Phase equilibrium in confined Ising antiferromagnets was studied as a function of the coupling (v) and a magnetic field (h) at the surfaces, in the presence of an external field H. The ground state properties were calculated exactly for symmetric boundary conditions and nearest-neighbor interactions, and a full zero-temperature phase diagram in the plane v-h was obtained for films with symmetry-preserving surface orientations. The ground-state analysis was extended to the H-T plane using a cluster-variation free energy. The study of the finite-T properties (as a function of v and h) reveals the close interdependence between the surface and finite-size effects and, together with the ground-state phase diagram, provides an integral picture of the confinement in anisotropic antiferromagnets with surfaces that preserve the symmetry of the order parameter.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Ordering and Demixing Transitions in Multicomponent Widom-Rowlinson Models

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    We use Monte Carlo techniques and analytical methods to study the phase diagram of multicomponent Widom-Rowlinson models on a square lattice: there are M species all with the same fugacity z and a nearest neighbor hard core exclusion between unlike particles. Simulations show that for M between two and six there is a direct transition from the gas phase at z < z_d (M) to a demixed phase consisting mostly of one species at z > z_d (M) while for M \geq 7 there is an intermediate ``crystal phase'' for z lying between z_c(M) and z_d(M). In this phase, which is driven by entropy, particles, independent of species, preferentially occupy one of the sublattices, i.e. spatial symmetry but not particle symmetry is broken. The transition at z_d(M) appears to be first order for M \geq 5 putting it in the Potts model universality class. For large M the transition between the crystalline and demixed phase at z_d(M) can be proven to be first order with z_d(M) \sim M-2 + 1/M + ..., while z_c(M) is argued to behave as \mu_{cr}/M, with \mu_{cr} the value of the fugacity at which the one component hard square lattice gas has a transition, and to be always of the Ising type. Explicit calculations for the Bethe lattice with the coordination number q=4 give results similar to those for the square lattice except that the transition at z_d(M) becomes first order at M>2. This happens for all q, consistent with the model being in the Potts universality class.Comment: 26 pages, 15 postscript figure

    Reexamination of the long-range Potts model: a multicanonical approach

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    We investigate the critical behavior of the one-dimensional q-state Potts model with long-range (LR) interaction 1/rd+σ1/r^{d+\sigma}, using a multicanonical algorithm. The recursion scheme initially proposed by Berg is improved so as to make it suitable for a large class of LR models with unequally spaced energy levels. The choice of an efficient predictor and a reliable convergence criterion is discussed. We obtain transition temperatures in the first-order regime which are in far better agreement with mean-field predictions than in previous Monte Carlo studies. By relying on the location of spinodal points and resorting to scaling arguments, we determine the threshold value σc(q)\sigma_c(q) separating the first- and second-order regimes to two-digit precision within the range 3q93 \leq q \leq 9. We offer convincing numerical evidence supporting $\sigma_c(q)Comment: 18 pages, 18 figure

    Stability of mode-locked kinks in the ac driven and damped sine-Gordon lattice

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    Kink dynamics in the underdamped and strongly discrete sine-Gordon lattice that is driven by the oscillating force is studied. The investigation is focused mostly on the properties of the mode-locked states in the {\it overband} case, when the driving frequency lies above the linear band. With the help of Floquet theory it is demonstrated that the destabilizing of the mode-locked state happens either through the Hopf bifurcation or through the tangential bifurcation. It is also observed that in the overband case the standing mode-locked kink state maintains its stability for the bias amplitudes that are by the order of magnitude larger than the amplitudes in the low-frequency case.Comment: To appear in Springer Series on Wave Phenomena, special volume devoted to the LENCOS'12 conference; 6 figure

    Simulation of Potts models with real q and no critical slowing down

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    A Monte Carlo algorithm is proposed to simulate ferromagnetic q-state Potts model for any real q>0. A single update is a random sequence of disordering and deterministic moves, one for each link of the lattice. A disordering move attributes a random value to the link, regardless of the state of the system, while in a deterministic move this value is a state function. The relative frequency of these moves depends on the two parameters q and beta. The algorithm is not affected by critical slowing down and the dynamical critical exponent z is exactly vanishing. We simulate in this way a 3D Potts model in the range 2<q<3 for estimating the critical value q_c where the thermal transition changes from second-order to first-order, and find q_c=2.620(5).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures slightly extended version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Generating a checking sequence with a minimum number of reset transitions

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    Given a finite state machine M, a checking sequence is an input sequence that is guaranteed to lead to a failure if the implementation under test is faulty and has no more states than M. There has been much interest in the automated generation of a short checking sequence from a finite state machine. However, such sequences can contain reset transitions whose use can adversely affect both the cost of applying the checking sequence and the effectiveness of the checking sequence. Thus, we sometimes want a checking sequence with a minimum number of reset transitions rather than a shortest checking sequence. This paper describes a new algorithm for generating a checking sequence, based on a distinguishing sequence, that minimises the number of reset transitions used.This work was supported in part by Leverhulme Trust grant number F/00275/D, Testing State Based Systems, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada grant number RGPIN 976, and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant number GR/R43150, Formal Methods and Testing (FORTEST)

    The Harris-Luck criterion for random lattices

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    The Harris-Luck criterion judges the relevance of (potentially) spatially correlated, quenched disorder induced by, e.g., random bonds, randomly diluted sites or a quasi-periodicity of the lattice, for altering the critical behavior of a coupled matter system. We investigate the applicability of this type of criterion to the case of spin variables coupled to random lattices. Their aptitude to alter critical behavior depends on the degree of spatial correlations present, which is quantified by a wandering exponent. We consider the cases of Poissonian random graphs resulting from the Voronoi-Delaunay construction and of planar, ``fat'' ϕ3\phi^3 Feynman diagrams and precisely determine their wandering exponents. The resulting predictions are compared to various exact and numerical results for the Potts model coupled to these quenched ensembles of random graphs.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, REVTeX 4. Version as published, one figure added for clarification, minor re-wordings and typo cleanu

    Calculation of ground states of four-dimensional +or- J Ising spin glasses

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    Ground states of four-dimensional (d=4) EA Ising spin glasses are calculated for sizes up to 7x7x7x7 using a combination of a genetic algorithm and cluster-exact approximation. The ground-state energy of the infinite system is extrapolated as e_0=-2.095(1). The ground-state stiffness (or domain wall) energy D is calculated. A D~L^{\Theta} behavior with \Theta=0.65(4) is found which confirms that the d=4 model has an equilibrium spin-glass-paramagnet transition for non-zero T_c.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 31 references, revtex; update of reference

    Edge effects in a frustrated Josephson junction array with modulated couplings

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    A square array of Josephson junctions with modulated strength in a magnetic field with half a flux quantum per plaquette is studied by analytic arguments and dynamical simulations. The modulation is such that alternate columns of junctions are of different strength to the rest. Previous work has shown that this system undergoes an XY followed by an Ising-like vortex lattice disordering transition at a lower temperature. We argue that resistance measurements are a possible probe of the vortex lattice disordering transition as the linear resistance RL(T)A(T)/LR_{L}(T)\sim A(T)/L with A(T)(TTcI) A(T) \propto (T-T_{cI}) at intermediate temperatures TcXY>T>TcIT_{cXY}>T>T_{cI} due to dissipation at the array edges for a particular geometry and vanishes for other geometries. Extensive dynamical simulations are performed which support the qualitative physical arguments.Comment: 8 pages with figs, RevTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev.