13 research outputs found

    Usability and digital inclusion: standards and guidelines

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    This article aims at discussing e-government website usability in relation to concerns about digital inclusion. E-government web design should consider all aspects of usability, including those that make it more accessible to all. Traditional concerns of social exclusion are being superseded by fears that lack of digital competence and information literacy may result in dangerous digital exclusion. Usability is considered as a way to address this exclusion and should therefore incorporate inclusion and accessibility guidelines. This article makes an explicit link between usability guidelines and digital inclusion and reports on a survey of local government web presence in Portugal

    Online collaboration and cooperation : the recurring importance of evidence, rationale and viability

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    This paper investigates collaboration in teaching and learning and draws out implications for the promotion of collaboration within online environments. It is divided into four sections. First the case for collaboration, including specifically cooperative approaches, is explored. This case revolves around the impact of collaboration on the quality of learning and on learning outcomes. Collaboration is seen as constrained by context but, if structured and rewarded, it will bring important motivational and cognitive benefits. Next, the case for online collaboration is examined. This is based on longstanding arguments about the benefits of working together albeit in an environment which offers greater reach; a mix of media; and archives of interaction. The third section of the paper compares perspectives on online collaboration with a longer tradition of research into collaboration in general; it critiques the idea that online mediation offers a paradigm change in teaching and learning. The fourth section of the paper considers future directions for promoting online collaboration

    Ethik der Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen

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    Datafizierung, sektorale Entgrenzung und Überwachung (Surveillance) sind Entwicklungen, die aus ethischer Perspektive gerade fĂŒr das Gesundheitswesen von besonderer Relevanz sind. Mit Bezug auf Gesundheit und die spezifische Konstitution des Menschen (VulnerabilitĂ€t, Leiblichkeit, SozialitĂ€t) werden hier ethisch heikle Punkte berĂŒhrt, die bei der Forschung, Entwicklung, Verbreitung und Nutzung digitaler Gesundheitstechnologien besonders zu berĂŒcksichtigen sind. Abgerundet wird diese Betrachtung mit Überlegungen zum Einsatz von Robotern und Assistenzsystemen in Medizin und Pflege, weil an ihnen der transzendierende Charakter dieser Technik verdeutlicht werden kann. Es muss letztlich eine ethisch-anthropologische Neubestimmung erfolgen, sofern diese Technik den rein instrumentellen Charakter bisheriger Werkzeuge, Maschinen und Automaten ĂŒberschreitet. Um zu verhindern, dass ethische Fragestellungen zu spĂ€t angegangen werden, und um Schaden zu vermeiden skizziert dieser Artikel die Richtung der zu erwartenden Herausforderungen und identifiziert im Kern einige ethisch relevante Fragestellungen anhand konkreter Beispiele