41 research outputs found

    Strategi Pemberdayaan Ternak Sapi di Desa Salam Kecamatan Patuk Kabupaten Gunungkidul Yogyakarta

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    Salam Village, Patuk District, Gunungkidul Regency, the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, as the location of Kuliah Kerja Nyata Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta period 81 Group 2 Unit A, has natural, agricultural and livestock potential. Livestock is the main goal of Salam Village, but its processing and marketing is still very conventional, which makes Salam Village less developed. This paper aims to present strategies of cattle empowerment from the waste processing into organic fertilizer and biogas to marketing techniques via online

    Pengolahan Hasil Perkebunan Kelapa sebagai Peningkat Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Patuk Kecamatan Patuk Kabupaten Gunungkidul

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    Patuk Village is one of the villages located in Patuk District, Gunungkidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. With KKN 81 Society 5.0 activities in this village, namely increasing the potential of village natural resources, namely garden land that is not cultivated into coconut plantations and coconut processing into coconut oil. The author took the initiative to provide insight by providing how to make coconut oil. Based on the data collection regarding the potential of Patuk Village, the authors produced outputs in the form of e-books and video pocket books on how to process coconuts, e-books and videos about village potential. Authors expect that these results can be useful and become a business opportunity for Patuk Village that can increase the economy of the Patuk Village community

    Program Potensi Desa dan Pengolahan Hasil Bumi Desa Beji, Kapanewon Patuk, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

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    Beji Village is one of the villages located in Patuk District, Gunungkidul Regency, the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This paper aims to propose programs to develop the unique potency by using the service method. The village potency consists of the potency of agricultural products such as plantations, agriculture, and tourist attractions. From the results of data collection on the potential of the village, so the author makes an output in the form of an interactive e-book and video that explains the potential of Beji village. In addition, the author also identified the potential and potential of agricultural products as a material for discussion in a pocket book regarding processing agricultural products from mangoes which was then made in the form of an e-book, pocket book and interactive video. Mango fruit is processed into candied fruit which can later provide other options to be used as souvenirs from Beji Village. The results are expected to be useful and become new innovations for Beji Village in developing village innovation

    Pengembangan Potensi Pariwisata Desa Pengkol

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    Tourism is one of the leading sectors in several regions that potentially increase the regional income and open up business opportunities for the surrounding community. As a local and foreign tourist destination, the Special Region of Yogyakarta has many unique tourist attractions that are the main tourists’ attraction. Pengkol Village which is located in Patuk District, Gunungkidul Regency, the Special Region of Yogyakarta has some potential tourist destinations. Through the Kuliah Kerja Nyata which was took place in Pengkol Village, authors proposes to develop the tourism potential of Mount Keruk, Mount Genter and cultural art tourism in Pengkol Village. This tourism development proposal is based on the literature review and secondary data related to the Pengkol Village’s potential, identification of problems, data analysis that narrows to solving tourism development problems. Some of the solutions offered to increase tourist visits are the addition of supporting facilities to increase comfort for the visitors and hold cultural arts performances at tourist sites

    Disain Wisata Desa Triwidadi, Kapanewon Pajangan, Kabupaten Bantul - Zona A

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    “Pengabdian pada Masyarakat” was done to assist partners by designing tourism-supporting facilities. The intended outcomes of this Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat are the increase in tourist visits and its effect on the welfare of the surrounding local communities. The Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat was conducted in three steps, i.e., Preparation and Data Collection, Location Survey and Interviewing Partners, and Drafting Concepts and Designs. This tourist destination has a potential artificial lake, but no tourism support facilities exist, so it can not be developed. Tourism support facilities are essential because they serve as tourist attractions when in a tourist destination. The problem in this design is how the creation of this attraction is aligned with the local natural conditions. The program’s conclusion is a design of tourism-supporting facilities in Triwidadi village such as Resto, Gazebo, Viewing Post, Toilet, and Playground

    Long-term monitoring and simulations of the daylighting and thermal performance of an anidolic daylighting system on a tropical urban house

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    A poorly lit interior due to high external obstruction from the neighbourhood is a common problem in dense urban settlements. To improve the daylighting performance; meanwhile, to maintain its thermal performance of a living room in a tropical urban house, an anidolic daylighting system (ADS) was applied on the east facade. Long-term monitoring and simulations were conducted before and after the ADS installation to assess the room’s day lighting and thermal performance. The living room’s daylight levels and the daylighting glare probability (DGP) were analyzed using Radiance and Evalglare based lighting simulation softwares. Design Builder was employed to observe the thermal impact of the application. Whereas, the long-term monitoring of the ADS performance covered field measurements of the living room’s daylight levels, DGP, air temperature, relative humidity and ADS collector’s surface temperature before and after the ADS installation . Long-term monitoring and simulation results prove that ADS is a promising solution for daylighting problems in tropical regions. It convincingly improved the daylight levels within the imperceptible glare range without the increasing of the indoor air temperature

    The Effectiveness of Light Shelf in Tropical Urban Context

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    Light shelf was developed to create uniform indoor illuminance. However, in hot climates the unshaded clerestory above the shelf transmits high solar heat gain. In dense urban context, these advantages and disadvantages might vary regarding the context and position of the fenestration. This study employed an integrated energy simulation software to investigate the effectiveness of light shelf application in a tropical urban context in terms of building energy consumption. Radiance and EnergyPlus based simulations performed the effects of urban canyon aspect ratio and external surface albedo on the daylighting performances, space cooling load, as well as the lighting energy consumption of the building equipped with lightshelves in 2 humid tropical cities. Comparison of the energy performances of 3 fenestration systems, i.e. fenestration without any shading device, with overhangs, and with light shelves, yielded some recommendations concerning the best application of light shelf on the certain floor levels and aspect ratio of the urban context

    Pengembangan area wisata ATV dan hammock di Dusun Trucuk, Kalurahan Triwidadi

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    The development of the ATV and hammock tourism area is part of the design of the community-based tourism region along the Progo River in Trucuk Hamlet. The design theme is natural and based on ecological principles. Minimal environmental intervention with a maximum provision of tourist facilities is carried out by by conserving the local vegetation maximally and selecting environmentally friendly construction materials and permeable surface materials. The ATV tourist area is the end of a series of areas with a bridge connecting this tourist area with the Progo River bank area on the other side. This area provides an ATV point and track and a playground. The hammock tourist area in the middle of the region functions as a resting point where visitors can lie down in the hammock, eat at a floating restaurant, and take a boat down the Progo River

    Pengembangan desa wisata zona B di Desa Gilangharjo, Kabupaten Bantul

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    The design of organic paddy fields and Gunung Cilik tourist areas is a part of Gilangharjo Village tourism development based on community empowerment (CBT). The tourist facilities provided in the area were designed to preserve local wisdom and ecological principles included as characteristics of CBT. The preservation of local wisdom was manifested through applying Bantul's distinctive architectural style and using local materials and vegetation. The ecological principles were applied through a temporary stage system, efficient material building design, high albedo materials, and porous paving. This design hopefully can empower the local community to the maximum extent, preserve local wisdom, and increase tourism visits without harming the environment

    Perancangan Taman Gizi Terpadu Pedukuhan Gumulan di Kelurahan Caturharjo

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    Gumulan village, one of 14 villages in Caturharjo Village, has the highest population density, which launched a movement of 14 vegetable villages in the form of a nutrition garden. This community service activity aimed to assist the Gumulan Village in reviving a nutrition garden that was abandoned due to the pandemic through an integrated nutrition garden design service with a green architecture approach. The added facilities based on the results of the identification of the village’s problems and potency are intended to optimize the land use, empower communities and natural resources (bamboo), and develop local arts, which lead to improving the health and welfare of the population without destroying the environment. With the concept of green architecture, an integrated nutrition garden design can be realized as a space for gardening, exercising, playing, culinary tours, and performances that suit the environmental context