872 research outputs found

    Tripartite quantum state mapping and discontinuous entanglement transfer in a cavity QED open system

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    We describe the transfer of quantum information and entanglement from three flying (radiation) to three localized (atomic) qubits via cavity modes resonantly coupled to the atoms, in the presence of a common reservoir. Upon addressing the full dynamics of the resulting nine-qubit open system, we find that once the cavities are fed, fidelity and transferred entanglement are optimal, while their peak values exponentially decrease due to dissipative processes. The external radiation is then turned off and quantum correlations oscillate between atomic and cavity qubits. For a class of mixtures of W and GHZ input states we deal with a discontinuous exchange of entanglement among the subsystems, facing the still open problem of entanglement sudden death and birth in a multipartite system.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Perencanaan Tebal Perkerasan Ruas Jalan Di Sta 0+000 S/d 4+000 Pada Areal Perkebunan Sawit PT. Jabontara Eka Karsa

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    Kabupaten Berau adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Ibu kota kabupaten ini terletak di Tanjung Redeb. Di kabupaten inilah terdapat perkebunan kelapa sawit milik PT. JEK (Jambontara Eka Karsa) tepatnya di kecamatan Batu Putih dengan luas wilayah 25.000 hektar. Dengan demikian akan berakibat langsung kepada kebutuhan akan sistem transportasi. Salah satu alternatif pemecahanannya dengan meningkatan fasilitas dan kemampuan jaringan jalan. oleh karena itu, perlu direncanakan jalan demi memudahkan arus lalu lintas di daerah tersebut

    Agriculture Policy Is Health Policy.

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    The Farm Bill is meant to supplement and secure farm incomes, ensure a stable food supply, and support the American farm economy. Over time, however, it has evolved into a system that creates substantial health impacts, both directly and indirectly. By generating more profit for food producers and less for family farmers; by effectively subsidizing the production of lower-cost fats, sugars, and oils that intensify the health-destroying obesity epidemic; by amplifying environmentally destructive agricultural practices that impact air, water, and other resources, the Farm Bill influences the health of Americans more than is immediately apparent. In this article, we outline three major public health issues influenced by American farm policy. These are (1) rising obesity; (2) food safety; and (3) environmental health impacts, especially exposure to toxic substances and pesticides

    The coherent interaction between matter and radiation - A tutorial on the Jaynes-Cummings model

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    The Jaynes-Cummings (JC) model is a milestone in the theory of coherent interaction between a two-level system and a single bosonic field mode. This tutorial aims to give a complete description of the model, analyzing the Hamiltonian of the system, its eigenvalues and eigestates, in order to characterize the dynamics of system and subsystems. The Rabi oscillations, together with the collapse and revival effects, are distinguishing features of the JC model and are important for applications in Quantum Information theory. The framework of cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED) is chosen and two fundamental experiments on the coherent interaction between Rydberg atoms and a single cavity field mode are described.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. Tutorial. Submitted to a special issue of EPJ - ST devoted to the memory of Federico Casagrand

    Gambaran Epidemiologi Leptospirosis di Kecamatan Jepara, Kabupaten Jepara, Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Background: In 2011 two cases of leptospirosis were found in two villages of Jepara Subdistrict, Jepara District, Central Java. The objectives of this study were to determine the epidemiology of leptospirosis in that area, covering : success rate of rat trapping, positivity of leptospirosis in rat species, environment condition and prediction of transmission. Methods: Observational study with cross sectional design was done in Panggang and Saripan Village, Jepara Sub district, Jepara district on July 2011. As much 250 traps had been used at each location (area of two village as location of leptospirosis cases) two traps were set indoor and two traps were set outdoor during 3 days. Environment observation and location coordinates were determined by using Global Positioning System (GPS). Interviews with community around leptospirosis cases were also conducted. Rats had been trapped, identified, counted trap success, and serra were taken from blood of the rat cardiac. Identification of Leptospira strain were conducted by using Polimerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Data analyzed descriptively in table and picture. Results: Trap success was high, 8,4% with trap success indoor 15,83% and outdoor 4,9%, rat species which had been found were Rattus tanezumi, Suncus murinus dan R. norvegicus, PCR examination showed negative Leptospira sp. Examined water samples showed one sample positive of Leptospira sp. Environment condition supported for leptospirosis transmission. The location of the survey was about 1 km from the river. Conclusion: Leptospirosis transmission in Jepara must cautious with one positive sample of water with Leptospira and high trap success Keywords: seroprevalence, leptospirosis, Jepara Abstrak Latar Belakang: Dalam tahun 2011 ditemukan adanya leptospirosis yang ditemukan pada dua Desa/Kelurahan di Kecamatan Jepara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui epidemiologi leptospirosis di wilayah tersebut, meliputi : keberhasilan penangkapan tikus, species tikus yang positif leptospira, kondisi lingkungan dan kemungkinan penularan. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah observasi dengan desain survei potong lintang. Penangkapan tikus dilakukan pada satu lokasi ditemukannya kasus leptospirosis di Kecamatan Jepara, Kabupaten Jepara, pada bulan Juli 2011. Sebanyak 250 perangkap dipasang, di dalam rumah 2 perangkap dan di luar rumah 2 perangkap, serta lahan di sekitar lingkungan tersebut selama 3 malam berturut-turut. Wawancara dilakukan pada penduduk di sekitar penderita leptospirosis, pengukuran dan pengamatan faktor lingkungan, serta pengambilan titik GPS (Global Positioning System). Tikus yang tertangkap diidentifikasi, dihitung kepadatannya dan diambil darahnya untuk diperiksa keberadaan bakteri leptospira secara PCR (Polimerase Chain Reaction), bersama dengan data wawancara dan hasil pengamatan lingkungan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil: Keberhasilan penangkapan tinggi, secara umum sebesar 8,4% dengan keberhasilan penangkapan di dalam rumah 15,83% dan di luar rumah 4,9% Species tikus yang ditemukan Rattus tanezumi, Suncus murinus dan R. norvegicus, tidak ditemukan bakteri Leptospira pada sampel darah tikus yang diperiksa. Pada sampel air ditemukan positif Leptospira sp pada bak mandi. Kondisi lingkungan mendukung untuk penularan leptospirosis. Lokasi berjarak kurang dari 1 km dari sungai. Kesimpulan: Leptospirosis di Kabupaten Jepara patut diwaspadai penularannya dengan ditemukannya air yang positif Leptospira sp dan trap success tikus yang tinggi. Kata kunci: epidemiologi, leptospirosis, Jepar

    Teledermatology Before, During, and After Covid-19: A Vital Tool to Improve Access and Equity in Specialty Care

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    Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine has rapidly expanded across the nation as medical systems have had to shift to providing care through virtual modalities to ensure the safety of patients and staff. Teledermatology, in particular, is wellsuited for telemedicine, with literature supporting its efficacy, equitable quality and accuracy, and cost-effectiveness in comparison to in-person visits. Teledermatology holds great potential in continuing to increase access to patients and ensuring continuity of care, particularly for those from rural and underserved areas. Although introduced decades ago, the adoption of virtual visits has previously been limited by restrictive coverage policies, lack of reimbursement, and maintenance costs. While the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and most private payers have ensured broad coverage for telehealth since the start of the pandemic, many of these policy changes are temporary and set to expire at the end of the public health emergency. Continued advocacy efforts and future studies highlighting teledermatology’s impact, particularly on minorities and underserved patient populations, are critical for long-term legislative changes to occur and to provide coverage to our most vulnerable patients. In this article, we highlight the state of teledermatology prior to the pandemic, the legislative changes that permitted teledermatology to rapidly expand during the pandemic, and the importance of continued coverage after the pandemic

    Quantum Black Hole in the Generalized Uncertainty Principle Framework

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    In this paper we study the effects of the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) on canonical quantum gravity of black holes. Through the use of modified partition function that involves the effects of the GUP, we obtain the thermodynamical properties of the Schwarzschild black hole. We also calculate the Hawking temperature and entropy for the modification of the Schwarzschild black hole in the presence of the GUP.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Brachistochrone of Entanglement for Spin Chains

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    We analytically investigate the role of entanglement in time-optimal state evolution as an appli- cation of the quantum brachistochrone, a general method for obtaining the optimal time-dependent Hamiltonian for reaching a target quantum state. As a model, we treat two qubits indirectly cou- pled through an intermediate qubit that is directly controllable, which represents a typical situation in quantum information processing. We find the time-optimal unitary evolution law and quantify residual entanglement by the two-tangle between the indirectly coupled qubits, for all possible sets of initial pure quantum states of a tripartite system. The integrals of the motion of the brachistochrone are determined by fixing the minimal time at which the residual entanglement is maximized. Entan- glement plays a role for W and GHZ initial quantum states, and for the bi-separable initial state in which the indirectly coupled qubits have a nonzero value of the 2-tangle.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
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