6,165 research outputs found

    Study of externally waste-gated turbine performance under steady and pulsating inlet conditions for improved turbocharger matching

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    The demand for drastic reduction in CO2 emission among road vehicles has seen downsizing becoming a megatrend in modern engine developments due to its benefits in reducing throttling loss and improvement in engine efficiency. In light of this, turbocharging is seen as one of the key enabling technologies and therefore carries along with it an ever-increasing challenge in terms of system-matching as the device is required to operate in ranges never encountered before. The increasing reliance on 1-D engine performance simulation tools calls for more accurate representation of the turbocharger model. The present study assessed the turbocharger turbine maps for use in commercial 1-D gas dynamics engine code from several aspects, namely the width of the map and the representation of turbine unsteady performance in the virtual environment. Furthermore, the present work assessed the performance of turbine under waste-gated operations. For this, an experimental work has been carried out on a bespoke waste-gated turbine layout over a wide range of operating conditions. The performance of the radial turbine under steady inlet conditions was evaluated for different waste-gate openings, at various points along several speed-lines. Then the unsteady tests saw the turbine performance evaluated at various sets of pulse frequencies, turbine loadings and waste-gate openings. Analysis of this study include the impact of turbine map width on the turbine performance modelling in a commercial 1-D gas dynamics engine simulation software and subsequently the prediction of the engine’s performance. This simulation work is carried out based on an actual heavily downsized gasoline engine with a series super-turbocharging system. The study also examined the method of incorporating the effects of turbine unsteady performance under waste-gated and non-waste-gated conditions in the performance maps used in 1-D code and evaluate its impact on the engine performance prediction. The outcome of the study aims at providing a deeper understanding on the unsteady performance of a turbocharger turbine which will lead to improved turbocharger-engine matching methods in the future.Open Acces

    Immunotoxicological Study of Depleted Uranium

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    The purpose of this study was to examine toxicity of depleted uranium (DU) to the immune system and the gene expression profile of DU-exposed immune cells including peritoneal macrophages, primary CD4+ T-cells and T Cell Hybridoma (TCH) PLP1 5B6. Flow cytometry analysis of annexin-V and Propidium Iodide (PI) binding revealed that DU causes death in those cells at various concentrations. The non-cytotoxic concentrations of DU determined in macrophages, primary CD4+ T-cells, and T cells hybridoma are 50µM, 100 µM, and 500 µM, respectively. Findings also revealed that DU-exposed macrophages are able to promote CD4+ T-cell proliferation in a concentration dependent manner. In addition, mouse cytokine cDNA array and a confirmative method (Quantitative RT-PCR or Northern blot) were used to study the gene expression profile of DU-exposed cells. The results demonstrate that DU can modulate macrophage gene expressions such as NF-kBp65, Midkine, c-jun, and IL-10 that are related to multiple signal transduction pathways, suggesting possible involvement of DU in immune or inflammatory response, cancer development, and chronic disease. Array analysis of DU-exposed primary CD4+ T-cells reveals that DU up-regulates gene expression of a number of cytokines such as IL-5, Midkine, indicating the activities of DU in inducing cancer development, promoting eosinophil-related inflammatory diseases, and encouraging Th2 polarization. Furthermore, the possible involvement of DU in cancer development was demonstrated in TCH using microarray analysis. However, no Th2 cytokine was up-regulated in TCH after DU exposure


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    The modern approach to zakat institution is a significant economic and social instrument for the poverty alleviation and stability of the Muslim ummah. This paper highlights a wider scope of understanding the term "Poverty" and discusses how zakat institution can play an important role to alleviate the status of poverty in Muslim countries in the modern world. The main task of this paper is to use zakat institution to serve as a pool of resources for the economic and social development of the ummah beginning with those who most needy. In this regard, zakat funds can be utilized for the development of resources especially concentrate in the area of human capital development for the long-term rather than short-term relief for those in need and at the same time, prevent the zakat revenues from diversion to undesired directions (Vision of IDB 1440H). We should aim at using zakat fund as a means of providing assistance that will have a long lasting effect. Zakat institution should have long-term programme to teach the poor and needy know how to catch fish rather than every year we merely provide them with fish to eat

    A Study on Fatigue Behaviour of Beam Column Joint Under Low Earthquake Loading

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    This report is a brief discussion on the preliminary research conducted and basic understanding of the chosen topic, which is A Study on Fatigue Behaviour of Beam Column Joint Under Low Earthquake Loading. For this project, the structural component of beam-column joint in Malaysian standard school buildings are studied for its behaviour under seismic action. A three storey school building in Malaysia is chosen as a case study. The exterior and end joint of the school building is selected and samples of that joint are fabricated. Lab testing were conducted to investigate the properties of beam column joint when a cyclic loading is applied until it failure. The record of a 2007 Sumatra earthquake which had a magnitude of peak ground accelereation of 0.01 5g is obtained from Consortioum of Organizations for Strong-Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS) and used to investigate the time-history response of the school building. A commercial software, STAAD. Pro is used to analyse the response of the school building to the earthquake. Rainflow cycle counting in time domain is then examined by taking the time history of load from STAAD. Pro as the input. Number of cycles is determined from the time history. After the total number of cycles in both time and frequency domain approaches are found, Palmgren-Miner rule also known as linear damage theory, is used to estimate the fatigue life. From the study done, it is observed that the structure undergoing earthquake of 3.7 MMI experience minimal damage. The significance of this research would be important to evaluate the condition of the structure if it is able to withstand the shaking as it was not designed to perform the job

    Development in Synthesis of Silicon Carbide from Natural Resource

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    Silicon Carbide (SiC) is categorized as an important structural ceramic material because of its combination of excellence properties which are inherent due to highly covalent bonding. Composition of tetrahedral carbon and silicon atoms with strong bonds in crystal lattice resulted to very hard and strong SiC materials. Silica sands was chosen as the main resource of SiO2 and being the most abundant natural resources available in Tronoh, Perak is used as major reference of the project. The most fundamental synthesis development of SiC is the reduction process of SiO2 by carbonaceous material such as graphite and petroleum coke with addition of Al2O3 as additive. In this project, the development in synthesis of SiC from base materials silica oxide and graphite will be demonstrated using Low Energy Ball Milling and sintering techniques with significant low cost production and environmental concerns. The preparation for developing nano-crystalline particles of SiC is done by prolonged low energy milling process at constant speed of 100 rpm for 100 and 200 hours accordingly. The ball to powder weight ratio and operating speed are two key parameters of effective milling condition during milling and crucial introduce sufficient reaction energy to overcome the activation energy of SiC phase in the powder mixture. Throughout the experiment, comparison analysis between two time interval of milling on the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns has proven that the 200 h activated mixture revealed that SiC phase had been formed almost completely after reduction at temperature range from 1400oC to 1600oC. However, SiC crystalline has also developed during 100 h milling time with considerable amount. As the particle sizes and morphology behaviors are concerned, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) was applied and finally revealed that the particle sizes of the powder mixture had been decreased from 63 μm to 300 nm due to the extending milling time. The SiO2 particles had been covered by carbon particles and it is proven that the nano-particles of SiC whiskers were developed using this combination techniqu

    Improving The Voltage Runtime With The Combination Of Manganese Battery And Ultracapacitor

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    The usage of electrical and electronic devices nowadays is not an indicator of luxury anymore but a necessity for each person in this world. Consumers in this new era not only search for the quality products of electrical and electronic devices, but more than that which is to find the products that can sustain for a longer time period besides can provide enough electrical energy on a certain time. The advance and modem technology these days give a new perspective to engineers and designers in order to manage the power and energy used in electrical and electronic product

    [The Formation of Mahmudah Morals as a Human Development Mechanism: Analysis of Tafsir Fi Zilal Al-Quran] Pembentukan Akhlak Mahmudah Sebagai Mekanisme Pembangunan Insan: Analisis Terhadap Tafsir Fi Zilal Al-Quran

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    Mahmudah morality is an important mechanism in human development. Man as a caliph is always exposed to morals mahmudah (praiseworthy) and morals mazmumah (reprehensible) throughout life on this earth. Thus, the Qur'an has used several methods in ensuring that human beings are developed with simple morals. Thus, this paper aims to look at the morals of the ignorant Arab society mentioned by the Qur'an and explain the methodology of the Qur'an in the formation of simple morals in developing their potential as superior human capital. To collect data, the author examines the contents of the Qur'an and collects verses related to the theme of morality. For the purpose of analysis, this study uses deductive methods to draw conclusions about the methodology of the Qur'an in applying simple morals in human beings. The results of the study found that the Qur'an uses four approaches in instilling good morals in human beings, namely the creation of role models, the narration of the stories of previous generations, parables and threats and encouragement. The four methodologies used by the Qur'an are able to ensure that good morals are always embedded in the self because it is an approach that is in accordance with human nature and instincts. Akhlak Mahmudah merupakan mekanisme yang penting dalam pembangunan insan. Manusia sebagai khalifah sentiasa terdedah kepada akhlak mahmudah (terpuji) dan akhlak mazmumah (tercela) sepanjang kehidupan di muka bumi ini. Justeru, al-Quran telah menggunakan beberapa metode dalam memastikan manusia dibangunkan dengan akhlak mahmudah. Justeru, kertas ini bertujuan untuk melihat akhlak masyarakat Arab jahiliah yang disebut oleh al-Quran dan menjelaskan metodologi al-Quran dalam pembentukan akhlak mahmudah dalam membangunkan potensi mereka sebagai modal insan yang unggul. Bagi mengumpul data, penulis meneliti kandungan kitab al-Quran dan mengumpulkan ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan tema akhlak. Bagi tujuan analisis, kajian ini menggunakan metode deduktif bagi membuat kesimpulan tentang metodologi al-Quran dalam menerapkan akhlak mahmudah dalam diri insan. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa al-Quran menggunakan empat pendekatan dalam menanamkan akhlak mahmudah dalam diri manusia iaitu pewujudan suri teladan, penceritaan kisah-kisah generasi terdahulu, perumpamaan dan ancaman serta dorongan. Keempat-empat metodologi yang digunakan al-Quran ini mampu memastikan akhlak mahmudah sentiasa tertanam dalam diri kerana ia merupakan pendekatan yang sesuai dengan fitrah dan naluri manusia. &nbsp
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