2,960 research outputs found

    Naturalness and a light Z′Z'

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    Models with a light, additional gauge boson are attractive extensions of the standard model. Often these models are only considered as effective low energy theory without any assumption about an UV completion. This leaves not only the hierarchy problem of the SM unsolved, but introduces a copy of it because of the new fundamental scalars responsible for breaking the new gauge group. A possible solution is to embed these models into a supersymmetric framework. However, this gives rise to an additional source of fine-tuning compared to the MSSM and poses the question how natural such a setup is. One might expect that the additional fine-tuning is huge, namely, O(MSUSY2/mZ′2)O(M^2_{\rm SUSY}/m^2_{Z'}). In this paper we point out that this is not necessarily the case. We show that it is possible to find a focus point behaviour also in the new sector in co-existence to the MSSM focus point. We call this 'Double Focus Point Supersymmetry'. Moreover, we stress the need for a proper inclusion of radiative corrections in the fine-tuning calculation: a tree-level estimate would lead to predictions for the tuning which can be wrong by many orders of magnitude. As showcase, we use the U(1)B−LU(1)_{B-L} extended MSSM and discuss possible consequence of the observed 8Be^8\textrm{Be} anomaly. However, similar features are expected for other models with an extended gauge group which involve potentially large Yukawa-like interactions of the new scalars.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, two column format, reference update

    Neutralino Dark Matter in Gauge Mediation After Run I of LHC and LUX

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    Neutralino can be the dark matter candidate in the gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking models if the conformal sequestered mechanism is assumed in the hidden sector. In this paper, we study this mechanism by using the current experimental results after the run I of LHC and LUX. By adding new Yukawa couplings between the messenger fields and Higgs fields, we find that this mechanism can predict a neutralino dark matter with correct relic density and a Higgs boson with mass around 125 GeV. All our survived points have some common features. Firstly, the Higgs sector falls into the decoupling limit. So the properties of the light Higgs boson are similar to the predictions of the Standard Model one. Secondly, the correct EWSB hints a relatively small μ\mu-term, which makes the lightest neutralino lighter than the lightest stau. So a bino-higgsino dark matter with correct relic density can be achieved. And the relatively small μ\mu-term results in a small fine-tuning. Finally, this bino-higgsino dark matter can pass all current bounds, including both spin-independent and spin-dependent direct searches. The spin-independent cross section of our points can be examined by further experiments.Comment: Minor changes, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Higgs Mass and Muon g−2g-2 Anomaly in MSSM with Gauge-Gravity hybrid Mediation

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    In general, we can propose the hybrid supersymmetry breakings and hybrid mediations in the Supersymmetric Standard Models (SSMs). In this paper, we study the hybrid mediation for supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking. In particular, we study how to keep the good properties of gravity mediation, gauge mediation, and anomaly mediation, while solve their problems simultaneously. As an example, we consider the anomaly-gravity mediation, where all the supersymmetric particles (sparticles) obtain the SUSY breaking soft terms from the traditional gravity mediation while gauge mediation gives dominant contributions to the soft terms in the colored sector due to the splitted messengers. Thus, we can realize the electroweak supersymmetry naturally where the sleptons, sneutrinos, and electroweakinos are light within one TeV while the squarks and gluino are heavy around a few TeVs. And then we can explain 125 GeV Higgs mass, satisfy the LHC SUSY search bounds, and explain the anomalous magnetic momement of muon, etc. Moreover, the gluino and squarks are well beyond the current LHC Run II searches.Comment: 19 pages, add discussions and figures about the mode

    Supersoft Supersymmetry, Conformal Sequestering, and Single Scale Supersymmetry Breaking

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    Supersymmetric Standard Models (SSMs) with Dirac gauginos have the appealing supersoft property that they only cause finite contributions to scalar masses. Considering gauge mediated SUSY breaking with conformal sequestering and assuming there is one and only one fundamental parameter with dimension mass arising from supersymmetry breaking, we find a cancellation between the dominant terms that contribute to the EWFT. The resulting EWFT measure can be of order one even for supersymmetric particle masses and μ\mu-terms in the TeV range.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure; v2: title and abstract changed, small rephrasing of the text, conclusions unchanged. Matches version accepted for publication by PR

    Focus Point Supersymmetry in Extended Gauge Mediation

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    We propose a small extenion of the minimal gauge mediation through the combination of extended gauge mediation and conformal sequestering. We show that the focus point supersymmetry can be realized naturally, and the fine-tuning is signifcantly reduced compared to the minimal gauge mediation and extended gauge mediation without focus point. The Higgs boson mass is around 125 GeV, the gauginos remain light, and the gluino is likely to be detected at the next run of the LHC. However, the multi-TeV squarks is out of the reach of the LHC. The numerical calculation for finetuning shows that this model remains natural.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, references adde

    Towards the Natural Gauge Mediation

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    The sweet spot supersymmetry (SUSY) solves the mu problem in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) with gauge mediated SUSY breaking (GMSB) via the generalized Giudice-Masiero (GM) mechanism where only the mu-term and soft Higgs masses are generated at the unification scale of the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) due to the approximate PQ symmetry. Because all the other SUSY breaking soft terms are generated via the GMSB below the GUT scale, there exists SUSY electroweak (EW) fine-tuning problem to explain the 125 GeV Higgs boson mass due to small trilinear soft term. Thus, to explain the Higgs boson mass, we propose the GMSB with both the generalized GM mechanism and Higgs-messenger interactions. The renormalization group equations are runnings from the GUT scale down to EW scale. So the EW symmetry breaking can be realized easier. We can keep the gauge coupling unification and solution to the flavor problem in the GMSB, as well as solve the \mu/B_{\mu}-problem. Moreover, there are only five free parameters in our model. So we can determine the characteristic low energy spectra and explore its distinct phenomenology. The low-scale fine-tuning measure can be as low as 20 with the light stop mass below 1 TeV and gluino mass below 2 TeV. The gravitino dark matter can come from a thermal production with the correct relic density and be consistent with the thermal leptogenesis. Because gluino and stop can be relatively light in our model, how to search for such GMSB at the upcoming run II of the LHC experiment could be very interesting.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, Late
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