36 research outputs found

    Competitive algorithms for unbounded one-way trading

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    In the one-way trading problem, a seller has L units of product to be sold to a sequence σ of buyers u1,u2,…,uσu1,u2,…,uσ arriving online and he needs to decide, for each ui, the amount of product to be sold to ui at the then-prevailing market price pi. The objective is to maximize the seller's revenue. We note that all previous algorithms for the problem need to impose some artificial upper bound M and lower bound m on the market prices, and the seller needs to know either the values of M and m , or their ratio M/mM/m, at the outset....[cont'd

    Additional file 6: of Off-clamp partial nephrectomy has a positive impact on short- and long-term renal function: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Figure S5. Forest plot and meta-analysis of postoperative newly increased chronic kidney disease (CKD)(stage≥3). (PDF 82 kb