10 research outputs found

    Novel functions of the Arabidopsis transcription factor TCP5 in petal development and ethylene biosynthesis

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    The flowers of most dicotyledons have petals that, together with the sepals, initially protect the reproductive organs. Later during development petals are required to open the flower and to attract pollinators. This diverse set of functions demands tight temporal and spatial regulation of petal development. We studied the functioning of the Arabidopsis thaliana TCP5-like transcription factors (TFs) in petals. Overexpression of TCP5 in petal epidermal cells results in smaller petals, whereas tcp5 tcp13 tcp17 triple knockout lines havewider petals with an increased surface area. Comprehensive expression studies revealed effects of TCP5-like TFs on the expression of genes related to the cell cycle, growth regulation and organ growth. Additionally, the ethylene biosynthesis genes 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase 2 (ACS2) and ACC oxidase 2 (ACO2) and several ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTORS (ERFs) are found to be differentially expressed in TCP5 mutant and overexpression lines. Chromatin immunoprecipitation–quantitative PCR showed direct binding of TCP5 to the ACS2 locus in vivo. Ethylene is known to influence cell elongation, and the petal phenotype of the tcp5 tcp13 tcp17 mutant could be complemented by treatment of the plants with an ethylene pathway inhibitor. Taken together, this reveals a novel role for TCP5-like TFs in the regulation of ethylenemediated petal development and growth

    Composição e estabilidade lipídica da farinha de espinhaço de tilapia Composition and lipid stability of tilapia fishbone flour

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    Espinhaços de tilåpias (Oreochromis niloticus) são partes do peixe de composição desconhecida. A composição lipídica dos espinhaços não Ê citada na literatura, bem como a estabilidade da farinha do espinhaço durante o armazenamento. Nesse sentido, realizou se estudo de processamento dos espinhaços envolvendo etapas de cocção, trituração, secagem, peneiramento e armazenamento da farinha. A farinha ficou armazenada sob refrigeração por um período de 90 dias, sendo sua qualidade monitorada por meio da composição em åcidos graxos, índice de acidez e anålises microbiológicas. Os resultados da composição centesimal foram de 14,2% (umidade), 40,8% (proteína), 18,3% (resíduo mineral fixo) e 25,3% de lipídios totais. Nos lipídios totais foi identificado um total de 24 åcidos graxos, com predominância dos åcidos graxos (porcentagem mÊdia) de 27.4% (åcido palmítico, 16:0), 35,15% (åcido olÊico, 18:1n-9) e 11,82% (åcido linolÊico, 18:2n-6) e, em menor proporção: 0,88% (åcido alfa-linolênico, 18:3n-3), 0,08% (åcido eicosapentaenóico, 20:5n-3) e 0,59 (åcido docosahexaenóico, 22:6n-3). Durante os 90 dias de armazenamento, foram observadas algumas alteraçþes no índice de acidez e composição de alguns åcidos graxos, no entanto, para 60 dias de armazenamento, não foram observadas alteraçþes na composição de nenhum åcido graxo, do índice de acidez e nas anålises microbiológicas.<br>The composition of the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fishbone is unknown. Lipid composition fishbone is not cited in the literature, and neither is the stability of the flour of the fishbone during storage. We studied the processing of fishbone cooking, grinding, drying, sieving and the storage of the flour. The flour was stored in a refrigerator for a period of 90 days, and its quality was monitored through fatty acid composition, acid index and microbiology control. The results of the proximate composition were of 14.2% (moisture), 40.8% (protein), 18.3% (ash), and 25.3% total lipids. In the total lipids identified 24 fatty acids were identified, with predominance of the fatty acids (medium percentage) of 27.4% (palmitic acid, 16:0), 35.15% (oleic acmid, 18:1n-9) and 11.82% (linoleic acid , 18:2n-6) and, in smaller proportion: 0.88% (alpha-linolenic acid, 18:3n-3), 0.08% (eicosapentaenoic acid, 20:5n-3) and 0.59 (docosahexaenoic acid, 22:6n-3). During the 90 days of storage some alterations were observed in the acid index and composition of some fatty acids, however, for 60 days of storage no alterations were observed in the fatty acids composition, acid index, and microbiology control