1,622 research outputs found

    Incidence and structure of the bening soft tissuetumors of maxillofacial region in children

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    According to the statistical data, children with tumors of the maxillofacial region (MFR) account for 12-22% of all patients with tumors, and 90% fall to the share of benign processes, where mesenchyme-related tumors or, less frequently, epithelial neoplasms, prevail. At the same time, soft tissues tumors of face and neck account for 55-62% among the MFR cancers in children. Tumors in children have specific characteristics, in contrast to adults, and the age changes in metabolism and physiological functions of child body specify possible clinical differences in tumor processes among children of different age groups. Morphologists also highlight a number of features of child tumor processes, regardless of their localization, reminding of the possibility of transformation of some malignant tumors into benign ones. The paper is aimed at representation of our data on the incidence and structure of some nosological forms of benign tumors of head and neck in children. It has been found that in the 10-year period of our observations, the number of children with benign tumors of maxillofacial region accounted for 7,5% of the total number of patients treated in the Surgical Unit of the Poltava Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital. Among the nosological forms, dermoid cysts (32,7%) and hemangiomas (26,0%) occurred most commonly and the peak of morbidity (25,0%) was observed in infants. In most cases (55,4%) soft tissue benign tumors and tumor masses of maxillofacial region occurred in girls, with more frequent (62,9%) occurrence of hemangiomas, whereas dermoid cysts were more frequently found in boys (61,7%). In 22,4% of the cases, the pathological focus was detected on the neck, in 14,0% on the forehead, in 10,8% in the soft oral tissue, in 7,7% on the lower lip, in 7,7% on the cheek, in 6,2% on the upper lip, and in 3,1% of patients on the chin. In 25,9% of cases, hemangiomas covered several anatomical areas at ones. Recurrences of tumors after surgery have been recorded in 6,7% of patients: in 43,0 % of children it was happened after surgical excision of the middle neck cyst and per 28,5 % of the cases of angiomas and ranulas. The comparative analysis of the clinical diagnosis and postoperative morphological study of the removed tumors has established that in 15,3% of cases the clinical diagnosis was different from the pathohistological one. In most cases it was associated with dermoids (75,0%), fibromas (15,6%) and lymphangiomas (9,4%). Considering the fact that the prognosis for children with abovementioned pathology is determined by the option of histological structure and primary localization of the tumor, the timeliness and adequacy of the treatment activities, implementation of the advanced methods of diagnostics with the high level of awareness is crucial in the improvement of the effectiveness of health care provided for patients of this category, contributing to the correct diagnosis, selection of the treatment procedure and determine the extent of surgical intervention at the preparing period

    Определение физико-механических характеристик поверхностей изделий наноэлектроники методом склерометрии

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    Показана перспективність методу атомно-силової мікроскопії, як єдиного методу дослідження мікрогеометричних параметрів та фізико-механічних характеристик (в нанометровому діапазоні) в одному циклі сканування за допомогою кремнієвого зонду, модифікованого вуглецевим покриттям. Описана методика та наведені дослідження мікротвердості та зносостійкості тонких покриттів SiO2, HfO2 та Au (мікротвердість, відповідно, 9,02 ГПа, 7,8 ГПа, 0,34 ГПа; зносостійкість, відповідно, 18,3 у.о.; 23,1 у.о.; 31,6 у.о.). В результаті порівняння з довідниковими даними визначено, що мікротвердість поверхневого шару матеріалу більша за мікротвердість в глибині матеріалу.Perspective of method of atomic-force microscopy is shown, as an only method of research microgeometrical parameters and physical and mechanical descriptions (in a nanometer range) in one loop of scan-out. Researches were conducted by means of the silicic probe modified to carbon coverages. Described methodology and the brought researches over microhardness and wearproofness of thin coverages SiO2, HfO2 and Au (microhardness, accordingly, 9,02 GPа, 7,8 GPа, 0,34 GPа; wearproofness, accordingly, 18,3; 23,1; 31,6). As a result of comparing to reference data certainly, that microhardness of superficial layer of material anymore its microhardness at material.Показана перспективность метода атомно-силовой микроскопии, как единственного метода исследования микрогеометрических параметров и физико-механических характеристик (в нанометровом диапазоне) в одном цикле сканирования с помощью кремниевого зонда, модифицированного углеродным покрытиям. Описана методика и приведены результаты исследования микротвердости и износостойкости тонких покрытий SiO2, HfO2 и Au (микротвердость, соответственно, 9,02 ГПа, 7,8 ГПа, 0,34 ГПа; износостойкость, соответственно, 18,3 у.е.; 23,1 у.е.; 31,6 у.е.). В результате сравнения со справочными данными определено, что микротвердость поверхностного слоя материала больше его микротвердости в глубине материала

    Youth employment problems

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    These options will allow students to be at the enterprise during the educational process and see clearly what knowledge they need, as well as receive relevant information in the learning process. The most important thing is to gain practical experience and modern knowledge for further professional activities and receive initial employment assistance to gain valuable experience

    The ATLAS discovery potential for MSSM neutral Higgs bosons decaying to a mu+mu- pair in the mass range up to 130 GeV

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    Results are presented on the discovery potential for MSSM neutral Higgs bosons in the Mh-{max}scenario. The region of large tan beta, between 15 and 50, and mass between ~ 95 and 130 GeV is considered in the framework of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), for a centre-of-mass energy = 14 TeV. This parameter region is not fully covered by the present data either from LEP or from Tevatron. The h/A bosons, supposed to be very close in mass in that region, are studied in the channel h/A -> mu+mu- accompanied by two b-jets. The study includes a method to control the most copious background, Zo -> mu+mu- accompanied by two b-jets. A possible contribution of the H boson to the signal is also considered

    Impact of polychemotherapy on the oral soft tissues in children with malignant abdominal tumors

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    Introduction: According to modern standards of treatment of malignant neoplasms conducting polychemotherapy requires up to 90% of cancer patients. However, in addition to the expected cytotoxic effects, it is accompanied by disorders in dental health in the vast majority of patients. The aim: To study the effect of cytostatics on soft tissues of the oral cavity in children with malignant tumors of the abdominal cavity. Materials and methods: Material for writing this scientific work served as a synthesis of results for 25 people aged 7 to 15 years with malignant tumors of the abdominal cavity, in which a comprehensive oral examination was performed to determine the manifestations of dental toxicity cytostatics. Results: At the end of the first course of chemotherapy, all patients had dry redness of the lips, 20 - (80,0%) with eruptions, in 18 - (20,0%) erosion. The Green-Vermillion, PMA, and PBI indices grew by 1,8; 7 and 3,3 times respectively. In cytograms with buccal epithelium an increase in the number of cells of polymorphic sizes and forms with signs of gidropic dystrophy was found. The nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio decreased by 1,4 times compared with the primary examination. Conclusions: This situation creates the preconditions for the development of inflammatory process in the tissues of the oral cavity and requires the use in this category of patients of a substantiated pathogenetic correction of existing disorders

    Bitten wounds of the maxillofacial area in children

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    The aim of the work is to determine the frequency, structure, features of clinical manifestations and treatment of bitten wounds of the face and neck in children of Poltava region. Materials and methods: It has been analyzed 91 histories of disease of thematic patients undergone treatment at the Surgical Department of Pediatric town clinical hospital of Poltava. Results: In the structure of traumatic injuries of maxillofacial area in children 5.3% were patients with bitten wounds of the face and neck. Among the injured were children of the age 7-12 years old (30.2%). In 74.7% of cases, the bites were complicated by acute inflammatory processes. Urban residents accounted for 71.8% of the total number of cases, while rural residents accounted for 28.2%. Boys were injured by 53.6% and girls by 46.4%. Sharps (74.5%), punctures (19.3%) and lacerations (6.2%) differed in form. The comprehensive treatment of patients with bitten maxillofacial area wounds was carried out according to the protocol of care. Conclusions: The clinical picture and severity of bitten wounds of maxillofacial area in children have individual features, which are largely due to topographic and anatomical localization of injuries. The choice of the optimal variant of primary surgical treatment of wounds and the amount of surgery should be determined individually depending on the severity of the injury, the time of injury. Special attention should be paid to normalization of psycho-emotional state of patients and prevention of scar formation

    Clinical-morphological characteristics and peculiarities of treatment of paraururicular fistulas in children

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    The aim: Determining the frequency of occurrence of paraauricular fistula in children and comparing the results of their own experience regarding their clinical manifestations, treatment principles and morphological features with existing scientific data. Materials and methods: The results of a comprehensive examination and surgical treatment of 25 children with paraauricular fistulas. Results: Most often, para-auricular fistula was observed in infants 22 – (88%). In 18 persons (72%), they were unilateral, in 10 – (40%) hereditary. In 8 – (32%), fistula was diagnosed immediately after birth. In 17 – (68%) the pathology was not clinically manifested, but was an accidental finding during the next medical examination. Morphological research has shown that congenital paraauricular fistula is a formed canal intimately associated with the epithelium and cartilage, and the presence of epithelial lining on the fistula wall with constant support of the inflammatory process makes it impossible to heal even against the background of multicomponent treatment. Conclusions: Due to the topographic-anatomical localization, features of the clinic of the born fistula, surgical treatment does not always allow to achieve the desired results, and requires repeated interventions during recurrence. It is possible to prevent recurrence by the extensive use of additional diagnostic manipu


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    The necessity of measures for purification and preparation ofirrigation water which comes to the pressure pipeline of the irrigationmachine from suspended particles of different origin weresubstantiated.As a solution, were proposed advanced technology and design of thevibration filter-settling tank on the base of the SMF «Frigate».The main results of estimation of general technological, economic andinvestment efficiency of application of the improved method of purification of irrigation water from suspended particles with the useof the vibration filter-settling tank on the base of the SMF «Frigate»,that allows simultaneously to realize the processes of waterpurification and regeneration of the filter element were considered.Обоснована необходимость осуществления мероприятий по очистке и подготовке оросительной воды, поступающей в напорный трубопровод поливной машины от взвешенных частиц разного происхождения. Как решение, предложена усовершенствованная технология и разработана конструкция вибрационного фильтра отстойника на базе ДМФ «Фрегат». Рассмотрены основные результаты оценки общей технологической, экономической и инвестиционной эффективности применения усовершенствованного метода очистки оросительной воды от взвешенных частиц с применением вибрационного фильтра отстойника на базе ДМФ «Фрегат»,что позволяет реализовать одновременно процессы очистки водыи регенерацию фильтрующего элемента.Обґрунтовано необхідність здійснення заходів з очищення та підготовки зрошувальної води, що надходить до напірного трубопроводу поливної машини від завислих часток різного походження. Як рішення,запропонована удосконалена технологія та розроблена конструкціявібраційного фільтра відстійника на базі ДМФ «Фрегат». Розглянутоосновні результати оцінювання загальної технологічної, економічноїта інвестиційної ефективності застосування удосконаленого методуочищення зрошувальної води від завислих часток із застосуваннямвібраційного фільтру відстійника на базі ДМФ «Фрегат», що дозволяєреалізувати одночасно процеси очищення води та регенерацію фільтруючого елемента