2,203 research outputs found
Process for making a noble metal on tin oxide catalyst
A quantity of reagent grade tin metal or compound, chloride-free, and high-surface-area silica spheres are placed in deionized water, followed by deaerating the mixture by boiling and adding an oxidizing agent, such as nitric acid. The nitric acid oxidizes the tin to metastannic acid which coats the spheres because the acid is absorbed on the substrate. The metastannic acid becomes tin oxide upon drying and calcining. The tin-oxide coated silica spheres are then placed in water and boiled. A chloride-free precious metal compound in aqueous solution is then added to the mixture containing the spheres, and the precious metal compound is reduced to a precious metal by use of a suitable reducing agent such as formic acid. Very beneficial results were obtained using the precious metal compound tetraammine platinum(II) hydroxide
Mariner 1964 probability of success model
Mathematical model of Mariner mission success probabilit
The Value of Pregnancy Testing Beef Cows
Less than half of cow/calf producers in south-central Oklahoma and north-central Texas utilize pregnancy testing. The objective was to illustrate to beef cattle producers the effect that pregnancy testing and the subsequent adoption of an effective culling practice on first-time open cows has on net profitability of the cow/calf enterprise.Livestock Production/Industries,
Criteria for determination of maturity of corn varieties
The object of this study was to evaluate criteria for more accurate maturity of determination of corn varieties, based on the silking and tasseling dates of corn hybrids and the rate of moisture loss from the grain following physiological maturity, the stage of growth after which the dry matter of the corn grain no longer increases
Personal, Social, and Vocational Adjustment of the Educable Cerebral Palsied; A review of the literature
The educable cerebral palsied child possesses with his disability many problems. His place in the spectrum of the community is primarily determinant upon his personal adjustment, social adjustment, and vocational adjustment. The research of literature will clarify these functions in his growth and development process. As a vocational rehabilitation counselor, this author found so many handicapped individuals, particularly the cerebral palsied, come to the Vocational Rehabilitation Commission in quite a dilemma. They are unprepared vocationally, they lack personal and social skills and thus create within the counselor the question of feasibility for services based upon potential to enter into the employment market. To determine the causative factors for this dilemma these handicapped individuals face, this writer began this research. The two primary factors in the literature for the failure of these victimized individuals are: 1) the parents and 2) the schools. If efforts can be directed at these two problem areas, then the author feels that the educable cerebral palsied individual has less chance for failure
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