29 research outputs found

    Early Warning Indicators for HIV Drug Resistance in Cameroon during the Year 2010

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    BACKGROUND: Rapid scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in resource-limited settings is accompanied with an increasing risk of HIV drug resistance (HIVDR), which in turn could compromise the performance of national ART rollout programme. In order to sustain the effectiveness of ART in a resource-limited country like Cameroon, HIVDR early warning indicators (EWI) may provide relevant corrective measures to support the control and therapeutic management of AIDS. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted in 2010 among 40 ART sites (12 Approved Treatment Centers and 28 Management Units) distributed over the 10 regions of Cameroon. Five standardized EWIs were selected for the evaluation using data from January through December, among which: (1) Good ARV prescribing practices: target = 100%; (2) Patient lost to follow-up: target ≤ 20%; (3) Patient retention on first line ART: target ≥ 70%; (4) On-time drug pick-up: target ≥ 90%; (5) ARV drug supply continuity: target = 100%. Analysis was performed using a Data Quality Assessment tool, following WHO protocol. RESULTS: THE NUMBER OF SITES ATTAINING THE REQUIRED PERFORMANCE ARE: 90% (36/40) for EWI(1), 20% (8/40) for EWI(2); 20% (8/40) for EWI(3); 0% (0/37) for EWI(4); and 45% (17/38) for EWI 5. ARV prescribing practices were in conformity with the national guidelines in almost all the sites, whereas patient adherence to ART (EWI(2), EWI(3), and EWI(4)) was very low. A high rate of patients was lost-to-follow-up and others failing first line ART before 12 months of initiation. Discontinuity in drug supply observed in about half of the sites may negatively impact ARV prescription and patient adherence. These poor ART performances may also be due to low number of trained staff and community disengagement. CONCLUSIONS: The poor performance of the national ART programme, due to patient non-adherence and drug stock outs, requires corrective measures to limit risks of HIVDR emergence in Cameroon

    po 8397 viral suppression among cameroonian adults adolescents and children receiving antiretroviral therapy in the test treat era

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    BackgroundGlobal efforts in meeting the 90–90–90 targets reveal that 70% of infected people know their HIV status, 77% of these are receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) and 82% of treated patients have viral suppression. Since launching the 'test and treat' strategy and wider access to drugs that bring down the viral load (VL), evaluating viral suppression would help to identify those requiring interventions and to make progress towards meeting the targets in Cameroon.MethodsA study was conducted from October 2015 to August 2017 amongst adults (≥20 years), adolescents (10–19) and children (0–9) at 12, 24, 36 and ≥48 months on ART, monitored at the Chantal BIYA International Reference Centre for research on HIV/AIDS prevention and management (CIRCB) in Yaoundé, Cameroon. VL was established using Abbott m2000RT-PCR. VS was defined as VL <1000 copies/ml; with p<0,05 considered significant.ResultsA total of 1979 patients (70% female) were enrolled (1825 adults, 112 adolescents, 42 children); 1865 were on first-line (NNRTI-based, duration: 48 [IQR 24–48] months) vs. 114 on second-line (PI/r-based, duration: 48 [IQR 36–48] months); with 19%(368) at Month2, 14%(274) at Month24, 10%(207) at Month36% and 54% (1130) at ≥Month48. Overall, viral suppression was 79.4%, and 64.3% had controlled viral replication (VL <40). On first-line, viral suppression was 79.7% (1487) vs. 72.2%(83) on second-line (p=0,076). By ART duration, viral suppression was 83.4%(Month12), 85.8%(Month24), 74.9%(Month36) and 77.3% (≥Month48); p=0,0011. By age-range, viral suppression was 76.2% in children, 54.5% in adolescents, and 80.9% in adults (p<0,0001). By age and ART-regimen, viral suppression on first vs. second line was: children 76.5% vs. 60%; adolescents 51.7% vs. 65.2%; and adults 81.2% vs. 74.7%.ConclusionAbout 80% of Cameroonian patients might be experiencing viral suppression, with a declining performance at adolescence and by 3 years of ART experience. Thus, meeting the viral suppression target by 2020 requires a closer VL monitoring strategy and an adapted adherence support mechanism for adolescents living with HIV in resource-limited settings sharing similar challenges

    Predictors of poor retention on antiretroviral therapy as a major HIV drug resistance early warning indicator in Cameroon: results from a nationwide systematic random sampling

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    Retention on lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) is essential in sustaining treatment success while preventing HIV drug resistance (HIVDR), especially in resource-limited settings (RLS). In an era of rising numbers of patients on ART, mastering patients in care is becoming more strategic for programmatic interventions. Due to lapses and uncertainty with the current WHO sampling approach in Cameroon, we thus aimed to ascertain the national performance of, and determinants in, retention on ART at 12 months

    Prevalence and risk factors determinants of the non-use of insecticide-treated nets in an endemic area for malaria: analysis of data from Cameroon

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    Abstract Background Malaria is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in Cameroon. Insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) significantly reduce malaria transmission, but their use is not common in the population. This study aimed to estimate the nationwide prevalence of the non-use of ITNs and identify its major determinants. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted on interview data collected in households selected across all the regions of Cameroon through a non-probabilistic, random, 2-stage stratified sampling process. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the distribution of baseline characteristics across the households, and statistical tests assessed if the distribution of these characteristics differed significantly based on the non-use of ITNs, with 0.05 serving as a threshold of the p-value for statistical significance. The prevalence of the non-use of ITNs was estimated, and logistic regression models were used to tally the odds ratios of the associations between various factors and the non-use of ITNs, along with their 95% confidence intervals. The sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) were determined, and the Hosmer Lemeshow test was used to measure the goodness of fit of each statistical model. Results Of the 7593 households interviewed, 77% had at least one ITN and 59% of the population used ITNs. Only 72% of the population with at least one ITN used it. The logistic model of the multivariate analysis was significant at a 5% threshold. The AUC was 0.7087 and the error rate was 18.01%. The sensitivity and specificity of the model were 97.56% and 13.70%, respectively. The factors that were associated with ITN use were the presence of sufficient nets in the household (p < 0.0001), the region of residence (p < 0.0001), the level of education of the respondent (p < 0.0001), and the standard of living (p = 0.0286). Sex, age, colour preferences, as well as the shape and size of the nets were not associated with ITN use. Conclusions The use of ITNs in Cameroon was low and varied according to specific factors. These identified factors could be used as the foundations of effective sensitization campaigns on the importance of ITNs

    Monitoring HIV Drug Resistance Early Warning Indicators in Cameroon: A Study Following the Revised World Health Organization Recommendations

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>The majority (>95%) of new HIV infection occurs in resource-limited settings, and Cameroon is still experiencing a generalized epidemic with ~122,638 patients receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART). A detrimental outcome in scaling-up ART is the emergence HIV drug resistance (HIVDR), suggesting the need for pragmatic approaches in sustaining a successful ART performance.</p><p>Methods</p><p>A survey was conducted in 15 ART sites of the Centre and Littoral regions of Cameroon in 2013 (10 urban versus 05 rural settings; 8 at tertiary/secondary versus 7 at primary healthcare levels), evaluating HIVDR-early warning indicators (EWIs) as-per the 2012 revised World Health Organization’s guidelines: EWI<sub>1</sub> (<i>on-time pill pick-up</i>), EWI<sub>2</sub> (<i>retention in care</i>), EWI<sub>3</sub> (<i>no pharmacy stock-outs</i>), EWI<sub>4</sub> (<i>dispensing practices</i>), EWI<sub>5</sub> (<i>virological suppression</i>). Poor performance was interpreted as potential HIVDR.</p><p>Results</p><p>Only 33.3% (4/12) of sites reached the desirable performance for <i>“on-time pill pick-up”</i> (57.1% urban versus 0% rural; p<0.0001) besides 25% (3/12) with fair performance. 69.2% (9/13) reached the desirable performance for <i>“retention in care”</i> (77.8% urban versus 50% rural; p=0.01) beside 7.7% (1/13) with fair performance. Only 14.4% (2/13) reached the desirable performance of <i>“no pharmacy stock-outs”</i> (11.1% urban versus 25% rural; p=0.02). All 15 sites reached the desirable performance of 0% <i>“dispensing mono- or dual-therapy”</i>. Data were unavailable to evaluate <i>“virological suppression”</i> due to limited access to viral load testing (min-max: <1%-15%). Potential HIVDR was higher in rural (57.9%) compared to urban (27.8%) settings, p=0.02; and at primary (57.9%) compared to secondary/tertiary (33.3%) healthcare levels, p=0.09.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Delayed pill pick-up and pharmacy stock-outs are major factors favoring HIVDR emergence, with higher risks in rural settings and at primary healthcare. Retention in care appears acceptable in general while ART dispensing practices are standard. There is need to support patient-adherence to pharmacy appointments while reinforcing the national drug supply system.</p></div

    Mapping and size estimates of female sex workers in Cameroon: Toward informed policy for design and implementation in the national HIV program.

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    BackgroundDue to high HIV prevalence among Female Sex Workers (FSWs) in Cameroon (36.5%), this population is especially vulnerable to HIV acquisition and transmission nationwide. Though being prioritized in the national HIV response, it would be relevant to generate statistics on the number of FSWs in order to guide HIV interventions among FSWs. Our objective was to estimate the size of FSWs within hotspots of Cameroon.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted from September-November 2015 in selected cities in Cameroon: Bafoussam, Bamenda, Bertoua, Buea, Douala, Kribi, Limbé, and Yaoundé. A programmatic mapping was used, consisting of interviews with secondary key informants (KI) to identify hotspots of FSWs and their respective estimated numbers. Validation of size estimates was done by interviews with FSW at each hotspot. Size estimations in the councils mapped were extended to others not mapped using a Poisson regression model.ResultsA total of 2,194 hotspots were identified: Douala (760), Yaoundé (622), Bamenda (263), Bafoussam (194), Kribi (154), Bertoua (140), Limbé (35), and Buea (26). The estimated total number (range) of FSWs was 21,124 (16,079-26,170), distributed per city as follows: Douala 7,557 (5,550-9,364), Yaoundé 6,596 (4,712-8,480), Bafoussam 2,458 (1,994-2,923), Bamenda 1,975 (1,605-2,345), Kribi 1,121 (832-1,408), Bertoua 1,044 (891-1,198), Buea 225 (185-266), and Limbé 148 (110-148). The variability of estimates among cities was also observed within the councils of each city. The national predicted estimate of FSW population was 112,580 (103,436-121,723), covering all councils of Cameroon. An estimate of 1.91% (112,580/5,881,526; 0.47%-3.36%) adult female population in Cameroon could be sex workers.ConclusionThere are considerable numbers of FSW in major cities in Cameroon. There is a need to prioritize interventions for HIV prevention toward this population in order to limit the burden of HIV sexual transmission nationwide

    Site Performance for “Retention in Care 12 months after ART Initiation” in 2013.

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    <p>NV, Not Validated; green, desirable performance; amber, fair performance; red, poor performance. Horizontal lines indicate the lower limit thresholds for “desirable” (in “green” color) and for “fair” (in “amber” color) performance.</p