178 research outputs found

    Vector Supersymmetry of 2D Yang-Mills Theory

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    The vector supersymmetry of the 2D topological BF model is extended to 2D Yang-Mills. The consequences of the corresponding Ward identity on the ultraviolet behavior of the theory are analyzed.Comment: Some references adde

    Notes on unoriented D-brane instantons

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    In the first lecture, we discuss basic aspects of worldsheet and penta-brane instantons as well as (unoriented) D-brane instantons, which is our main focus here, and threshold corrections to BPS-saturated couplings. The second lecture is devoted to non-perturbative superpotentials generated by `gauge' and `exotic' instantons living on D3-branes at orientifold singularities. In the third lecture we discuss the interplay between worldsheet and D-string instantons on T4/Z2T^4/Z_2. We focus on a 4-fermi amplitude, give Heterotic and perturbative Type I descriptions, and offer a multi D-string instanton interpretation. We conclude with possible interesting developments.Comment: 31 pages. Based on lectures delivered by M. Bianchi at the Fourth Young Researchers Workshop of the European Superstring Theory Network in Kounnas Bay, Cyprus, September 200

    A Finite Elements Penalized Direct Forcing Method to Take Into Account Infinitely Thin Immersed Boundaries in a Dilatable Flow

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    In the framework of the new passive safety systems developed by the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) for the second and third generations of nuclear reactors, a numerical simulation tool capable of modeling thin inflow obstacles is needed [1]. Considering its future use in shape optimization and thermalhydraulics safety studies, the tool must be the fastest, the most accurate and the most robust possible. The aforementioned context has lead to the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling we are currently developing. For now, it involves a projection scheme to solve the dilatable Navier-Stokes equations and, to take into account obstacles, an adaptation of the Penalized Direct Forcing (PDF) method [2] ­ a technique whose characteristics inherit from both penalty [3] and Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) [4] ­ to a Finite Element (FE) formulation. This first modeling offers two variants : one in which the velocity imposed at the vicinity of an obstacle is constant and another in which it is linearly interpolated using properties of the considered immersed boundary (normal vector, barycenter, characteristic function) and the FE basis functions. The results obtained via those two variants, for laminar flow, are in good agreement with analytical and experimental data. However, when compared to each other, it appears that the interpolation of the velocity imposed at the vicinity of the immersed boundary increases the mesh convergence order ­ which is very interesting, in term of accuracy/computation time ratio. Some enhancements of the tool are also considered, mainly related to turbulence modeling. Indeed, the interpolating process, instead of being linear, could follow a turbulent wall law

    String instantons, fluxes and moduli stabilization

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    We analyze a class of dual pairs of heterotic and type I models based on freely-acting Z2×Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2 orbifolds in four dimensions. Using the adiabatic argument, it is possible to calculate non-perturbative contributions to the gauge coupling threshold corrections on the type I side by exploiting perturbative calculations on the heterotic side, without the drawbacks due to twisted moduli. The instanton effects can then be combined with closed-string fluxes to stabilize most of the moduli fields of the internal manifold, and also the dilaton, in a racetrack realization of the type I model.Comment: 1+49 page

    D-brane instantons and the effective field theory of flux compactifications

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    We provide a description of the effects of fluxes on euclidean D-brane instantons purely in terms of the 4d effective action. The effect corresponds to the dressing of the effective non-perturbative 4d effective vertex with 4d flux superpotential interactions, generated when the moduli fields made massive by the flux are integrated out. The description in terms of effective field theory allows a unified description of non-perturbative effects in all flux compactifications of a given underlying fluxless model, globally in the moduli space of the latter. It also allows us to describe explicitly the effects on D-brane instantons of fluxes with no microscopic description, like non-geometric fluxes. At the more formal level, the description has interesting connections with the bulk-boundary map of open-closed two-dimensional topological string theory, and with the \NN=1 special geometry.Comment: 33 page

    Multi-Instanton Corrections to Superpotentials in Type II Compactifications

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    We consider two simple examples of multi-instanton configurations in type II 4d N=1 superstring compactifications. The first one involves O(1) and U(1) D2-instantons embedded in T^6/(Z_2 x Z_2') geometry with SU(4) gauge symmetry coming from D6-branes and the second is related to quiver gauge theory of orientifolded orbifold of conifold containing fractional D(-1)-instantons and D3-branes. The additional zero modes of instantons which appear at the intersection points are lifted through interactions stemming from dimensionally reduced F- and D-terms. It is shown that multi-instanton configurations effectively generate corrections to the usual non-perturbative superpotential for chiral matter.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    D-brane Instantons on the T^6/Z_3 orientifold

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    We give a detailed microscopic derivation of gauge and stringy instanton generated superpotentials for gauge theories living on D3-branes at Z_3-orientifold singularities. Gauge instantons are generated by D(-1)-branes and lead to Affleck, Dine and Seiberg (ADS) like superpotentials in the effective N=1 gauge theories with three generations of bifundamental and anti/symmetric matter. Stringy instanton effects are generated by Euclidean ED3-branes wrapping four-cycles on T^6/\Z_3. They give rise to Majorana masses in one case and non-renormalizable superpotentials for the other cases. Finally we determine the conditions under which ADS like superpotentials are generated in N=1 gauge theories with adjoints, fundamentals, symmetric and antisymmetric chiral matter.Comment: 31 pages, no figure

    Instanton Induced Neutrino Majorana Masses in CFT Orientifolds with MSSM-like spectra

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    Recently it has been shown that string instanton effects may give rise to neutrino Majorana masses in certain classes of semi-realistic string compactifications. In this paper we make a systematic search for supersymmetric MSSM-like Type II Gepner orientifold constructions admitting boundary states associated with instantons giving rise to neutrino Majorana masses and other L- and/or B-violating operators. We analyze the zero mode structure of D-brane instantons on general type II orientifold compactifications, and show that only instantons with O(1) symmetry can have just the two zero modes required to contribute to the 4d superpotential. We however discuss how the addition of fluxes and/or possible non-perturbative extensions of the orientifold compactifications would allow also instantons with Sp(2)Sp(2) and U(1) symmetries to generate such superpotentials. In the context of Gepner orientifolds with MSSM-like spectra, we find no models with O(1) instantons with just the required zero modes to generate a neutrino mass superpotential. On the other hand we find a number of models in one particular orientifold of the Gepner model (2,4,22,22)(2,4,22,22) with Sp(2)Sp(2) instantons with a few extra uncharged non-chiral zero modes which could be easily lifted by the mentioned effects. A few more orientifold examples are also found under less stringent constraints on the zero modes. This class of Sp(2)Sp(2) instantons have the interesting property that R-parity conservation is automatic and the flavour structure of the neutrino Majorana mass matrices has a simple factorized form.Comment: 68 pages, 2 figures; v2. typos corrected, refs adde

    Localized Tachyons and the Quantum McKay Correspondence

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    The condensation of closed string tachyons localized at the fixed point of a C^d/\Gamma orbifold can be studied in the framework of renormalization group flow in a gauged linear sigma model. The evolution of the Higgs branch along the flow describes a resolution of singularities via the process of tachyon condensation. The study of the fate of D-branes in this process has lead to a notion of a ``quantum McKay correspondence.'' This is a hypothetical correspondence between fractional branes in an orbifold singularity in the ultraviolet with the Coulomb and Higgs branch branes in the infrared. In this paper we present some nontrivial evidence for this correspondence in the case C^2/Z_n by relating the intersection form of fractional branes to that of ``Higgs branch branes,'' the latter being branes which wrap nontrivial cycles in the resolved space.Comment: 25 pages; harvma

    Corrections to D-brane Action and Generalized Boundary State

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    In this paper, we generalize a boundary state to the one incorporating non-constant gauge field strength as an external background coupled to the boundary of a string worldsheet in bosonic string theory. This newly defined boundary state satisfies generalized nonlinear boundary conditions with non-constant gauge field strength, and is BRST invariant. The divergence immanent in this boundary state coincide with the one calculated in a string sigma model. We extract the relevant massless part of this generalized boundary state, and give a part of the D-brane action with the non-constant gauge field strength, that is, derivative corrections to the D-brane action.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, 2 eps figures, a reference added, typos correcte
