75 research outputs found

    Gaza's endemic economic misery lies behind the confrontation

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    Bitcoin may not last, but blockchain could be the real deal

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    Mixing Mission and Business: Does Social Enterprise Need a New Legal Approach?

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    Examines the growth of social enterprise organizations, which combine philanthropy with traditional business practices to advance social purposes, and how they function within the confines of current tax structures

    Money, Mission, and the Payout Rule: In Search of a Strategic Approach to Foundation Spending

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    This report examines issues related to the long-standing debate over foundation payout. It explores three questions at the heart of the payout debate: the role of private foundations, as distinct from public charities, in democratic society; the effect of quality leadership at foundations on the shaping and perception of payout policies; and whether foundations should last in perpetuity. Also addressed is the specific question of whether the current 5 percent payout rate is too low, too high, or just right

    Drivers influencing the governance of inter-firm relationships in the biopharmaceutical industry: an empirical survey in the Italian context

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    This paper focuses on factors influencing the choice of the governance form in inter-firm relationships (IFRs) between pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. By reviewing the relevant literature on transaction cost economics, property right theory, real option and resources-based view, we located some drivers that might influence such relationships and we formulated a set of hypotheses linking them to governance forms. Such a theoretical framework has been empirically tested through a survey conducted among the Italian companies associated to Farmindustria. Empirical results provide some interesting insights on how shaping bio-pharmaceutical deals; we found that the developmental stage of the product/technology object of the agreement, the existence of previous collaborations between firms and the number of products marketed by the biotech company are able to influence the selection of a specific governance for

    Factors influencing the pricing of applications in the Apple App Store: A developers\u2019 perspective

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    Many know how Apple Inc. owes its success in Mobile Commerce to the introduction of the new \u201cApp Store\u201d business model. This new market is characterized by the opening to third party mobile apps, which are distributed to consumers through the App Store. This paper investigates factors that might influence the pricing of applications in the Apple Mobile Application Store. By reviewing the existing literature on the issue and analyzing the strategic features characterizing the App Store, we detect three main factors that could influence prices for apps, that is the number of developed apps, the presence of two-sided network externalities and developer\u2019s specialization. An empirical analysis on data from 68,220 apps downloaded from the Italian App Store is used to test the hypotheses. Regression results support our hypotheses. We argue, that even if the research here presented can be considered as a started analysis to the pricing problem in such markets, this work may have important managerial implication for the thousands of developers that are competing in this emerging market

    Hannah Arendt lectrice de Franz Kafka: un regard pédagogique sur la raison poétique

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    By addressing the issue regarding the poetic reason in Hannah Arendt from a pedagogical perspective, two paths of investigation can be defined. The first considerations guided us to the recognition of the poetic thinking, along with its similarity to the common language, as the human manner of understanding in a different and essential way, and of reflecting on what is unpredictable and indefinable. A second approach is to show how poetic reason can be developed, in education, through a revaluation of the tradition and the past. It seems that Hannah Arendt wants to indicate the humanistic heritage, often discredited by behavioral sciences, as the place from where the world can be seen as something in common, as a shared house, where an authentic type of communication can begin.Abordar el tema de la razón poética en Hannah Arendt, a través de una intención pedagógica, ha abierto principalmente dos caminos de investigación. Las primeras consideraciones nos han guiado hasta el reconocimiento del pensamiento poético, con su proximidad con el lenguaje común, como la forma humana de comprender de una manera diferente y esencial, forma de reflexionar sobre lo que es imprevisible e indefinible. Un segundo camino consiste en mostrar cómo la razón poética se puede desarrollar, en educación, a partir de una revaluación de la tradición y del pasado. Casi que Hannah Arendt quiera indicar el patrimonio humanístico, a menudo desacreditado por las ciencias de la formación, como el lugar desde donde mirar el mundo como algo en común, un hogar compartido, desde el que puede empezar una forma auténtica de comunicación.En abordant la question de la raison poétique dans Hannah Arendt d’un point de vue pédagogique, deux chemins d’investigation peuvent être définies. Les premières considérations nous ont guidés vers la reconnaissance de la pensée poétique, avec sa ressemblance avec le langage commun, comme la manière humaine de comprendre d’une manière différente et essentielle et de réfléchir sur ce qui est imprévisible et indéfinissable. Une deuxième approche consiste à montrer comment la raison poétique peut être développée, dans l’éducation, à partir d’une réévaluation de la tradition et du passé. Il semble qu’Hannah Arendt veut indiquer le patrimoine humaniste, souvent discrédité par les sciences du comportement, comme le lieu d’où le monde peut être vu comme quelque chose en commun, comme une maison partagée, à partir de laquelle une forme authentique de communication peut commencer
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