15 research outputs found
The effects of chokeberry juice polyphenols on cardiovascular risk factors and fatty acid profile in animal and human study
Kardiovaskularne bolesti su vodeÄi uzrok smrtnosti u Srbiji i svetu. Svakodnevni dijetarni unos voÄa i povrÄa može smanjiti uÄestalost nastanka ovih oboljenja. Namirnice biljnog porekla sadrže razliÄite komponente sa antiinflamatornim i antioksidativnim svojstvima, a meÄu njima su i polifenoli. Ova doktorska disertacija je imala za cilj ispitivanje efekata polifenola soka od aronije na faktore rizika za kardiovaskularne bolesti i masnokiselinski profil pacova Wistar soja i ljudi. U obe studije analiziran je uticaj: 1) soka od aronije (sa 1177,11 mg/100 mL polifenola izraženih u ekvivalentima galne kiseline); 2) placeba bez polifenola; 3) soka od aronije razblaženog placebom (sa 294,28 mg/100 mL polifenola izraženih u ekvivalentima galne kiseline). Animalna studija je trajala pet nedelja tokom kojih je svaka grupa mužjaka Wistar pacova (n = 8) imala neometan pristup, ad libitum, jednoj od tri teÄnosti. Humana studija je trajala Äetiri nedelje, tokom kojih su ispitanici (n = 84), podeljeni u tri grupe, dnevno pili po 100 mL jednog od piÄa. Svaka grupa je imala poviÅ”ene vrednosti sledeÄih parametara: koncentracije LDL holesterola u serumu, indeksa telesne mase, obima struka i sistolnog pritiska.
Procenjeno je da je proseÄan dnevni unos polifenola bio 557 mg za grupu pacova koja je pila sok od aronije, odnosno 120 mg za onu koja je unosila razblaženi sok od aronije. Na kraju studije je koncentracija LDL holesterola u plazmi bila manja, a procentualna zastupljenost vakcenske kiseline veÄa u fosfolipidima i plazme i jetre, kod pacova koji su unosili viÅ”e polifenola, u poreÄenju sa onima koji su pili placebo. Rezultati humane studije pokazali su smanjen krvni pritisak ispitanika sve tri grupe u poreÄenju sa poÄetnim vrednostima, ali bez razlike izmeÄu grupa. DoÅ”lo je do smanjenja vrednosti oksidovanog LDL-a kod ljudi koji su pili sok od aronije, u poreÄenju sa poÄetnim vrednostima, ali bez statistiÄki znaÄajne razlike u odnosu na one koji su pili placebo. Unos oba soka sa polifenolima je smanjio procentualnu zastupljenost ukupnih n-6 polinezasiÄenih masnih kiselina i poveÄao udeo zasiÄene palmitinske kiseline u fosfolipidima plazme, u poreÄenju sa poÄetkom studije i placebom. To je pokazano i poreÄenjem samo muÅ”karaca tri grupe. Nije bilo povezanosti varijanti gena desaturaze masnih kiselina 2 (rs174576, rs174593, rs174616) sa efektima polifenola soka od aronije.
Efekti polifenola aronije na masne kiseline plazme pacova Wistar soja nisu pokazani kod ljudi, stoga se na osnovu promena u masnokiselinskom profilu jetre pacova ne može pretpostaviti kakve se promene oÄekuju u jetri ljudi usled dijetarnog unosa ovog voÄa. Zbog odsustva statistiÄke znaÄajnosti u poreÄenju sa placebo grupom, smanjenja krvnog pritiska i koncentracije oksidovanog LDL-a u humanoj studiji se ne mogu pripisati dejstvu polifenola. NaÅ”i rezultati ukazuju da su polifenoli komponenta soka od aronije koja je potrebna za promene zastupljenosti n-6 polinezasiÄenih masnih kiselina i palmitinske kiseline fosfolipida plazme ljudi, da je za to dovoljna koliÄina od 294 mg ekvivalenata galne kiseline, a moguÄe je da je ovo dejstvo polno-specifiÄno. Neophodno je dalje ispitati efekte unosa polifenol.Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Serbia and the world. Daily dietary intake of fruits and vegetables can reduce the incidence of these diseases. Foods of plant origin contain various components, with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and among them are polyphenols. This doctoral dissertation aimed to examine the effects of chokeberry juice polyphenols on risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and fatty acid profile of Wistar rats and humans.
In both studies was analyzed the influence of: 1) chokeberry juice (with 1177.11 mg/100 mL of polyphenols expressed as gallic acid equivalents); 2) polyphenol-free placebo 3) chokeberry juice diluted with placebo (with 294.28 mg/100 mL of polyphenols expressed as gallic acid equivalents). The animal study lasted for five weeks during which each group of male Wistar rats (n = 8) had unrestricted access, ad libitum, to one of the three liquids. The human study lasted for four weeks, during which subjects (n = 84), divided into three groups, drank 100 mL of one of the drinks per day. Each group had elevated values of the following parameters: serum LDL cholesterol concentrations, body mass index, waist circumference and systolic pressure.
The average daily intake of polyphenols was estimated to be 557 mg for the group of rats that had been drinking chokeberry juice, and 120 mg for the group that had been ingesting diluted chokeberry juice. At the end of the study, the concentration of LDL cholesterol in plasma was lower, and the percentage of vaccenic acid was higher in plasma and liver phospholipids, in rats that ingested more polyphenols, compared to those who drank placebo. Results of the human study showed decreased blood pressure of the subjects of all three groups compared to the initial values, but without a difference between the groups. There was a decrease in oxidized LDL levels in people who drank chokeberry juice, compared to baseline values, but there was no statistically significant difference from those who drank placebo. Intake of both polyphenol juices reduced the percentage of total n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and increased the percentage of saturated palmitic acid in plasma phospholipids, compared to the beginning of the study and placebo. That was also shown by comparing only men of the three groups. There was no association between the fatty acid desaturase 2 gene variants (rs174576, rs174593, rs174616) and the effects of chokeberry juice polyphenols.
The effects of chokeberry polyphenols on Wistar rat plasma fatty acids have not been shown in humans, therefore, based on changes in the fatty acid profile of rat liver, it cannot be assumed what changes are expected in human liver due to dietary intake of this fruit. Because of the lack of statistical significance in comparison with the placebo group, the reduction in blood pressure and oxidized LDL concentration in the human study cannot be attributed to the effect of polyphenols. Our results indicate that polyphenols are the component of chokeberry juice needed for changes in the percentage of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and palmitic acid in human plasma phospholipids, that the amount of 294 mg of gallic acid equivalent is sufficient, and this effect may be gender-specific. It is necessary to further investigate the effects of chokeberry juice polyphenol intake in prevention of cardiovascular diseases via the influence on fatty acid profile
Beneficial properties of zeolite
Our focus was to obtain an overall picture of the different beneficial properties of zeolite, based on its chemical and physical characteristics, which depend on zeolite absorption and exchange of ions. These characteristics make them very useful for various applications, including agriculture (as an animal feed additive and in food technology production), veterinary and human medicine, ecology, certain manufacturing, and cosmetics. Zeolite has pleiotropic effects, and the most important of them are detoxifying, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory roles. We wanted to underline, with the review of the scientific literature, the positive medical beneficial effects of zeolite on the general health status
Lactate content, total polyphenols and antioxidant activity of selected commercial yogurts from the Serbian market
One of the most popular dairy products worldwide is yogurt, which flavor is highly influenced by lactic acid content. Yogurts with fruit preparations contain polyphenols, secondary plant metabolites with proven antioxidant properties. As there is no data regarding neither lactate nor polyphenol content in commercial yogurts in Serbia, this study aimed to determine lactate and polyphenol levels, as well as antioxidant activity in selected yogurts. A total of 15 plain and 5 fruit yogurts with strawberry preparations were analyzed. Lactate contents were from 0.83 to 1.33%. Three plain yogurts in plastic containers differed in lactate content. There was no difference in lactate content among the same plain yogurts packed in plastic and Tetra Pack containers. Fruit yogurts with strawberry preparations differed in total polyphenol content in the range from 6.84 to 29.11mg GAE/100 g and antioxidant properties were determined by reducing power test (from 0.22 to 0.79) and DPPH assay (from 28.13 to 87.23%), while there was no difference regarding lactate. Our results provided new information about the levels of lactate, total polyphenols and antioxidant activity of selected commercial yogurts available on the Serbian market
The Effect of Fish Oil-Based Foods on Lipid and Oxidative Status Parameters in Police Dogs
The synthesis, degradation, and reconstruction of the cell membrane as a metabolic pathway of phospholipids is a constant and dynamic process. Fatty acids as bioactive lipid components of plasma and erythrocyte phospholipids as structural lipids have biological roles in the integrity of cell membranes. Fatty acids, depending on the chain length, the degree of saturation, and the synthesis pathways, can alleviate inflammation and oxidative stress caused by excessive exercise. Considering that changing food intake or diet can influence fatty acid phospholipid metabolism, our study aimed to determine the potential benefits of fish-based diets in working (police) dogs undergoing intensive training concerning bioactive lipids such as fatty acids, phospholipids of plasma, and erythrocytes. Fatty acid estersā composition of plasma and erythrocyte phospholipids as a bioactive lipids, in addition to markers of oxidative stress and metabolic parameters, were analysed by GC chromatography. The food was well tolerated by all dogs, and the compliance to the diet was high throughout the study. After the treatment with fish-based food, blood glucose, total, and LDL cholesterol levels were significantly reduced, indicating positive biochemical profiles of dogs. Correlations of fatty acid phospholipid compositions between plasma and erythrocytes have shown that both plasma and erythrocytes could represent markers of omega-3 eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid intake levels in dogs. Morover, fish-based food supplementation caused a significant reduction in lipid peroxidation markers. The enrichment of dogsā diets with marine fish could improve oxidative status and improve roles and status of bioactive lipids, such as membrane phospholipids and fatty acids, as its components in plasma and erythrocytes in police dogs exposed to intensive exercise
Is There a FADS2-Modulated Link between Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Plasma Phospholipids and Polyphenol Intake in Adult Subjects Who Are Overweight?
Dietary polyphenols promote cardiometabolic health and are linked with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in plasma phospholipids (LC-PUFA). The FADS2 polymorphisms are associated with LC-PUFA metabolism and overweight/obesity. This 4-week study examined the link between polyphenol intake, FADS2 variants (rs174593, rs174616, rs174576) and obesity in 62 overweight adults (BMI gt = 25), allocated to consume 100 mL daily of either: Aronia juice, a rich source of polyphenols, with 1177.11 mg polyphenols (expressed as gallic acid equivalents)/100 mL (AJ, n = 22), Aronia juice with 294.28 mg polyphenols/100 mL (MJ, n = 20), or nutritionally matched polyphenol-lacking placebo as a control (PLB, n = 20). We analyzed LC-PUFA (% of total pool) by gas chromatography and FADS2 variants by real-time PCR. Four-week changes in LC-PUFA, BMI, and body weight were included in statistical models, controlling for gender and PUFA intake. Only upon AJ and MJ, the presence of FADS2 variant alleles affected changes in linoleic, arachidonic, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Upon MJ treatment, changes in EPA were inversely linked with changes in BMI (beta= -0.73, p = 0.029) and weight gain (beta= -2.17, p = 0.024). Only in subjects drinking AJ, the link between changes in EPA and anthropometric indices was modified by the rs174576 variant allele. Our results indicate the interaction between FADS2, fatty acid metabolism, and polyphenol intake in overweight subjects
Polyunsaturated fatty acids phospholipids profiles in plasma and liver in Wistar rats of different age
The phospholipids class, fatty acids (FAs) composition and cholesterol content in membranes are basic determinants of the physical properties of membranes. They been shown to influence a wide variety of membrane dependent functions such as membrane transport, enzyme activity and receptor function. The FAs profile in tissues partly reflects not only the dietary fat intake, but also the efficiency of FAs metabolism in the body.
We examined overall saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids phospholipids profiles in plasma and liver in male Wistar rats of different age (n=10; 3 months and n=10; 22 mouths), as well as overall n-3, n-6 and n-6/n-3 ratio. We determined it by GC cromatography.
Results showed deferent tissue specificity and age specificity also. In young rats plasma phospholipids MUFA were increased (p<0.01), while PUFA and n-6 were decreased (p<0.01)compared to aged rats.In liver phospholipids in young rats overall n-3 were increased (p<0.001), while overall N-6/n-3 ratio was ssignificantly decreased (p<0.001) compared to aged rats.
Liver as a place of biosynthesis and degradation of FAs seems to have more pronounced changes in its phospholipids profiles in aging
The influence of specific aspects of occupational stress on security guards' health and work ability: detailed extension of a previous study
In our earlier study of security guards, we showed that higher occupational stress was associated with health impairments (metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases) and work disability. The aim of this study was to further explore the association of specific occupational stressors with health impairments and work disability parameters in 399 Serbian male security guards (aged 25-65 years). Ridge linear regression analysis revealed that, after controlling for age, body mass index, and smoking status, professional stressors including high demands, strictness, conflict/uncertainty, threat avoidance and underload were significant positive predictors of fasting glucose, triglycerides, total and LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, heart rate, Framingham cardiovascular risk score, and temporary work disability. The security profession is in expansion worldwide, and more studies are needed to establish precise health risk predictors, since such data are generally lacking
Ishrana bolesnika sa novodijagnostikovanim rakom pluÄa
Introduction/Objective Although smoking is the main risk factor for lung cancer (LC), studies have shown that diet could also play an important role. The objective of this study was to analyze dietary intake of newly diagnosed LC patients and to compare with sex- and age-matched healthy controls. Methods Sixty-nine non-treated LC patients (50 male, 19 female, aged 46-80 years), and 70 healthy controls (50 male, 20 female, aged 47-76 years) filled out a validated food frequency questionnaire in the presence of a trained nutritionist. Nutrient intake was calculated using the Serbian Food Composition Database. Results Similar energy intake was reported by both groups. However, the controls had significantly higher intake of total fats, saturated, monounsaturated, and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and lower intake of carbohydrates and n-6 PUFAs. Patients with LC reported markedly lower intake of milk and dairy products, eggs, seafood, vegetables, and fruits, and higher intake of grains and grain products. Conclusion Patients with LC had significantly different dietary intake of most nutrients compared to healthy participants, suggesting that changes in dietary patterns could contribute to prevention of LC development.Uvod/Cilj Iako je puÅ”enje vodeÄi faktor rizika za rak pluÄa (RP), studije pokazuju da i naÄin ishrane igra važnu ulogu. Cilj ove studije je da se analiza ishrana kod bolesnika sa novodijagnostikovanim RP i da se uporedi sa zdravom populacijom istog pola i godina starosti. Metode Å ezdeset devet bolesnika sa novootkrivenim RP (50 muÅ”karaca, 19 žena, starosti 46-80 godina) i 70 zdravih ispitanika (50 muÅ”karaca, 20 žena, starosti 47-76 godina) popunilo je u prisustvu lekara upitnik o uÄestalosti kon- zumiranja namirnica. Nutritivni unos je raÄunat pomoÄu Srpske baze podataka o sastavu namirnica. Rezultati Obe grupe su imale sliÄan unos energije, ali je u kontrolnoj grupi zabeležen veÄi unos masti, zasiÄenih, mononezasiÄenih i n-3 polinezasiÄenih masnih kiselina (PNMK), a niži unos ugljenih hidrata i n-6 PNMK. Grupa bolesnika je imala znaÄajno niži unos mleka i mleÄnih proizvoda, jaja, morskih plodova, voÄa i povrÄa, a veÄi unos žitarica i proizvoda od braÅ”na. ZakljuÄak Bolesnici sa RP imali su znaÄajno drugaÄiji naÄin ishrane od zdravih ispitanika, Å”to sugeriÅ”e da promene u naÄinu ishrane mogu da doprinesu prevenciji nastanka kancera pluÄa
The Effect of Walnut Consumption on n-3 Fatty Acid Profile of Healthy People Living in a Non-Mediterranean West Balkan Country, a Small Scale Randomized Study
People living in non-Mediterranean West Balkan countries have diets with a low n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content. Walnuts, a traditional Serbian food, could be an excellent source of n-3 PUFA. The first sub-study evaluated the fatty acid and mineral content of Serbian walnuts, demonstrating that walnuts had the high content of linolenic acid (C18:3, n-3 ALA). The second sub-study assessed the consumption of walnuts (Juglans regia L.) and total n-3-fatty acid intake in apparently healthy Serbian residents, using 24-h dietary recalls (n = 352). An inadequate intake of n-3 fatty acids and a low consumption of walnuts was seen. Additionally, we evaluated the fatty acid profile of healthy Serbian adults (n = 110) and finally, via a randomized intervention 4-weeks study, we assessed the effects of walnut consumption on n-3 fatty acid profile of participants (n = 18). The plasma content of n-3 PUFA was low and the n-6/n-3 ratio was high in our study participants. The n-3 plasma fatty acid profile was improved after 4 weeks of walnut consumption, meaning that ALA, eicosapentaenoic acid, and total n-3 were significantly increased. The results of our study pointed out the potential health benefits of walnuts consumption on amelioration of the n-3 fatty acid profile that should be taken into account in preventive management programs. The higher conversion of ALA to EPA ( gt 10%) in examined study participants, suggests the importance of a moderate walnut consumption