40 research outputs found

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    This study investigates bilingualism among young learners in English and Japanese immersion education in Japan through analysis of their mother tongues and language use. It involves 126 participants: elementary school students (N = 42) and their fathers (N = 42) and mothers (N = 42). The results demonstrate that while most of the parents use only Japanese between each other in their conversations, the mother tongues of the students are in some cases English and in others Japanese, while yet other students are bilingual in English and Japanese. This diversity of mother tongue among the students was found to be related to their amount of experience abroad (with length of time and location as factors), but being educated by parents who had lived abroad was found to affect students’ mother tongues a fortiori. With regard to language use, there was no great difference among the three mother tongue groups, and the students commonly had both English and Japanese input and output in multiple environments such as family milieu, school milieu, and socioinstitutional milieu. In sum, this study suggests that although the status of a language as mother tongue can be fragile in certain language environments, young learners tend to become bilingual if, in addition to receiving immersion education at school, they have parents who cooperate in passing on to their offspring languages and cultures with which they have a common affinity

    The Persistence and Functional Impact of English Language Difficulties Experienced by Children Learning English as an Additional Language and Monolingual Peers

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    Purpose This study explored whether a monolingual-normed English language battery could identify children with English as an additional language (EAL) who have persistent English language learning difficulties that affect functional academic attainment. Method Children with EAL (n = 43) and monolingual English-speaking children (n = 46) completed a comprehensive monolingual-normed English language battery in Year 1 (ages 5–6 years) and Year 3 (ages 7–8 years). Children with EAL and monolingual peers, who either met monolingual criteria for language impairment or typical development on the language battery in Year 1, were compared on language growth between Year 1 and Year 3 and on attainment in national curriculum assessments in Year 2 (ages 6–7 years). Results Children with EAL and monolingual peers who met monolingual criteria for language impairment in Year 1 continued to display comparably impaired overall language ability 2 years later in Year 3. Moreover, these groups displayed comparably low levels of academic attainment in Year 2, demonstrating comparable functional impact of their language difficulties. Conclusion Monolingual-normed language batteries in the majority language may have some practical value for identifying bilingual children who need support with language learning, regardless of the origin of their language difficulties

    Identité Culturelle Et Francophonie dans les Ameriques (III) Collaborateurs

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    List of organizers and participants from the seminar Identité Culturelle et Francophonie dans les Amériques . Madeleine GiguÚre is listed as a collaborator from the Department of Sociology, University of Maine at Portland-Gorham.https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/giguere-conferences-and-presentations-1968-1997/1019/thumbnail.jp

    Efficient data structures

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    Tutkielmassa kÀsitellÀÀn vieraan kielen, ts. englannin, oppimista peruskoulussa. Hypoteesina oletetaan, ettÀ oppilaat, jotka jo hallitsevat kaksi kieltÀ, menestyvÀt paremmin vieraan kielen oppimisessa kuin yksikieliset oppilaat. Tutkielmassa vertaillaan kaksikielisten ja yksikielisten oppilaiden englannin kielen taitoja alakoulun kuudennen luokan pÀÀttyessÀ. Kaksikielisyys voidaan ymmÀrtÀÀ monella tavalla, ja tutkimustulokset kaksikielisyyden vaikutuksista ovat usein olleet ristiriitaisia. Siksi tutkielmassa ensin mÀÀritellÀÀn kaksikielisyys, sen lajit sekÀ siihen liittyvÀÀ terminologiaa. LisÀksi kuvaillaan Suomen sekÀ erityisesti Turun kaupungin kaksikielisen vÀestön tilaa ja oikeuksia sekÀ keskustellaan aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella mahdollisista ongelmista ja hyödyistÀ, joita kaksikielisyyteen liittyy. Kaksikielisyyteen on perinteisesti liittynyt myös paljon ennakkoluuloja, kuten pelko puolikielisyydestÀ, jotka tieteellisten tutkimusten avulla pyritÀÀn kumoamaan. Mahdollisia muita ongelmia, kuten pienempi sanavarasto molemmissa kielissÀ verrattuna saman ikÀisiin yksikielisiin sekÀ reaktioaikojen piteneminen, kuitenkin esiintyy. Kaksikielisyyde

    A psycholinguistic contrastive study of colour terms in French, Italian and German causal constructions

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    One of the strengths of Cognitive Linguistics is that it sees language as closely linked to cognition (Dirven and Ruiz de Mendoza Ibanez 2010), it « approaches language as an integrated part of human cognition which operates in interaction with and on the basis of the same principles as other cognitive faculties » (Dirven 2004: 1). Because of this strong link it is only too natural that language should be explored in relation with its speakers and with the cognitive processes that these undergo when using language. The present contrastive study will explore the conceptualization of colours in different speech communities, and more specifically as they are realized in causal constructions of the type Je suis rouge de colĂšre (lit. ‘I am red of rage’= ‘I am red with rage’), Il est bleu de linguistique (lit.‘He is blue of linguistics’ = ‘He is crazy about/loves linguistics’), Er ist grĂŒn vor Neid (lit.‘He is green of jealousy’= ‘He is green with jealousy’),
 The first part of the presentation will describe such causal constructions with colour terms in the framework of Goldberg’s model of Construction Grammar (1995, 2006) and with reference to the concepts of metaphor and metonymy (Niemeier 1998, 2007). It is interesting to realize that colour terms are associated with positive or negative values when used in the particular causal construction under discussion. The theoretical part of the presentation will also describe related constructions, i.e. causal constructions with a non-colour adjective, e.g. Il est fou d’amour, lit. ‘He is crazy of love’, but also non-causal constructions with the same syntactic elements, i.e. Elle est belle de visage, lit. ‘She is pretty of the face’ (= ‘She has a pretty face’) (compare Frei 1939 and Salles 1998). A quick test allows to realize that associations related to colour terms can be very different dependent on the speech community. The colour term blue is positive in the French construction quoted above, whereas it is rather negative in a German example, e.g. Er ist blau vor KĂ€lte (lit. ‘He is blue of the cold). Moreover, it seems that French uses lots of colour terms in the causal construction, whereas German or even the other Romance language Italian use them more scarcely. The talk will compare the use of colour terms in such constructions in the two Romance languages, i.e. French and Italian, and the Germanic language German and will show which associations and underlying conceptualizations are related to the colour terms in particular speech communities (see also Danesi 2008). The study is based on some empirical tests conducted with French, Italian and German speakers. In a first test the 3 test groups were asked to determine whether a particular colour is associated with a positive, negative or neutral value. In a further associative test they were asked to link a particular emotion (e.g. happiness, jealousy, anger, rage, 
) to a specific colour. In a last test they were asked to think of emotions which they would associate with a particular colour. The study aims at showing the different conceptualizations underlying the constructions with colour terms, the different associations related to colour terms and the possible overlappings between different languages. It will also allow to explain why foreign language learners may have difficulties when learning foreign colour expressions (see Danesi 2008): the associations related to a particular colour and the particular use of colour terms in specific constructions, e.g. the causal construction, seem to be language-specific. References Berlin, Brent & Kay, Paul (1969). Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution. Berkeley: University of California Press. Bochnakowa, Anna (1990). L’adjectif de couleur dans les syntagmes nominaux en français et en polonais. In Andrzej Maria Lewicki & Marek Kesik (1990) (eds.), Syntagmes nominaux dans les langues romanes et slaves, Actes du Colloque International de linguistique organisĂ© par l’UniversitĂ© Marie-Curie-SkƂodowska, Lublin, S. 7-24. Brusatin, Manlio (2009). Histoire des Couleurs. Paris: Flammarion. Danesi, Marcel (2008). Conceptual errors in second-language learning. In : De Knop, Sabine & Teun De Rycker (Eds.), Cognitive Approaches to Pedagogical Grammar. A Volume in Honour of RenĂ© Dirven. Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter, 231-256. Derrig, Sandra (1978). Metaphor in the Color Lexicon. In Donka Farkas, Wesley M. Jacobsen & Karol W. Todrys (Hrsg.) Papers from the Parasession on the Lexicon, 85-96. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. Dirven, RenĂ© (2004). Major strands in Cognitive Linguistics. Essen : LAUD, Series A, Nr. 634. Dirven, RenĂ© & Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza Ibanez (2010). Looking back at 30 years of Cognitive Linguistics. In : Tabakowska, Elzbieta, Michal Choinski & Lukasz Wiraszka (eds.). Cognitive Linguistics in Action: From Theory to Application and Back. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 11-70. Frei, Henri (1939). Sylvie est jolie des yeux. In: MĂ©langes de Linguistique offerts Ă  Charles Bally. GenĂšve: Georg. S. 187-192. Goldberg, Adele (1995). Constructions. A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Goldberg, Adele (2006). Constructions at Work: The Nature of Generalization in Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Gries, Stefan Th. & Anatol Stefanowitsch. 2004. Extending collostructional analysis: A corpus-based perspective on ‘alternations’. In: Inter national Journal of Corpus Linguistics 9, S. 97–129. LĂ©ard, Jean-Marcel & SĂ©bastien Marengo (2005). Pour une typologie des complĂ©- ments adjectivaux: Arguments, quasi-arguments et non-arguments. In Jacques François (ed.), L’adjectif en français et Ă  travers les langues. Actes du colloque international de Caen (28–30 juin 2001), 387–402. Caen : Presses universitaires de Caen. LĂ©ard, Jean-Marcel & SĂ©bastien Marengo (À paraĂźtre). Le syntagme adjectival et les arguments de l’adjectif. In Anne AbeillĂ©, Annie Delaveau & DaniĂšle Godard (eds.), Grande Grammaire du Français. Paris: Bayard. Niemeier, Susanne (1998). Colourless green ideas metonymize furiously. Rostocker BeitrĂ€ge zur Sprachwissenschaft 5, 119-146. Niemeier, Susanne (2007). From blue stockings to blue movies: Color metonymies in English. In: PlĂŒmacher, Martina & Peter Holz (eds.) (2007). Speaking of Colors and Odors. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pastoureau, Michel (2002). Bleu - Histoire d'une couleur. Paris: Seuil. PlĂŒmacher, Martina & Peter Holz (eds.) (2007). Speaking of Colors and Odors. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Salles, Mathilde (1998). La construction converse Etre un peu lent de la tĂȘte mais rapide des pieds. La Linguistique 34(1): 121-136. Van Leeuwen, Theo (2010). The Language of Colour : An Introduction. London: Routledge. Wierzbicka, Anna (1990). The meaning of color terms: semantic, culture and cognition. Cognitive Linguistics 1: 99-150