36 research outputs found

    Device use in chronic pain

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    Interventional treatments are of vital importance in patients with chronic pain who do not respond to conventional drug therapy. Neuraxial drug delivery systems can be used for intractable cancer-induced pain. These devices, which are frequently used today and have advanced technological equipment, provide effective analgesia to patients. Another technique preferred especially in neuropathic pain is implantable devices that provide neurostimulation. Spinal cord stimulation (SCC) and Dorsal root ganglion stimulation (DRG-S) are the most commonly used. This article describes frequently used devices that provide neurostimulation and nöraxial drug delivery device are mentioned, and their working principles, application techniques, and technological features. Pubmed and Google scholar were used to search the articles, and Google was used for device images and manufacturer information

    The efficacy of active warming in preventing unplanned hypothermia during perioperative period in pediatric surgery patients in a tertiary care center

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    Aim: To investigate the effects of using the active warming method on children with hypothermia in the perioperative period and examining the effects of hypothermia on awakening time, pain, shivering and hospital stay. Methods: This study included patients 18 years of age and younger who underwent surgery in the pediatric surgery department of a tertiary hospital. The active warming group consisted of 28 patients and the control group consisted of 29 patients. The first group of patients was actively warmed during the surgery and the second group was treated as the control group and did not actively receive any warming therapy. Preoperative body temperatures of the cases were measured. In addition, body temperatures were recorded every 15 minutes in the intraoperative and postoperative periods. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in preoperative body temperature between the control group and the active warming group. When body temperature were examined in the intraoperative period, there was no significant difference between the groups at the first 15 minutes of operation; however, the mean of the body temperature in active warming group was significantly higher than the control group at the 30th, 45th , and 60th minutes of operation. It was determined that patients in the control group had a longer stay in the hospital and the amount of time for waking at the end of the anesthesia was shorter in the active heating group than in the control group. Conclusions: The results of our study suggest that active heating with a carbon fiber resistant system is an effective method to prevent unplanned hypothermia in operated children

    Uterine tumor resembling ovarian sex cord-stromal tumor: A case report

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    Ovarian sex cord-stromal tumor-like uterine tumor (OSKTAUT) is an extremely rare gynecologic tumor with unclear pathogenesis but prominent polyphenotypic immunohistochemical findings. In this study, we aimed to present a 41-year-old woman who was operated on in an external center due to the presence of postmenopausal bleeding and uterine mass in the clinic and whose pathology was reported as a "uterine tumor resembling sex cord-stromal tumor of the ovary.

    Cutaneous metastasis to the thigh from rectal adenocarcinoma: A case report

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    Yetmiş iki yaşındaki erkek hastada, rektum 1/3 alt kısmını dolduran ve anal kanala uzanan adenokarsinom nedeniyle Miles ameliyatı yapıldı. Adjuvan radyoterapi uygulanan hasta, ameliyattan 54 ay sonra sağ supraklaviküler 2 cm çaplı fikse lenfadenopati, sağ bacakta şişlik yakınmalarıyla tekrar başvurdu. Klinik ve patolojik değerlendirmede sağ supraklaviküler lenf nodu, akcişğr, kemik ve pelvik lenf nodu metastazları bulunan hastaya palyatif radyoterapi ve kemoterapi uygulandı. Kemoterapinin dördüncü kürü sonunda, sağ uyluk 1/3 orta ön kısım cildinde papüler lezyonların geliştiği görüldü. Cilt biyopsisinde karsinom metastazı belirlendi. Kemoterapi rejimi değiştirilen ve cilt lezyonlarına yönelik palyatif radyoterapi uygulanan hasta, nüks belirmesinden sekiz ay sonra hastalığın ilerlemesi sonucu kaybedildi.A 72-year-old man underwent Miles operation for curative excision of adenocarcinoma infiltrating 1/3 distal part of the rectum and extending to the anal canal. He received adjuvant radiotherapy postoperatively. Fifty-four months after the operation, he presented with right supraclavicular lymphadenopathy 2 cm in diameter and a swelling in the right lower extremity. Clinical and pathological evaluations showed metastatic involvement of the right supraclavicular lymph node, lung, bone, and pelvic lymph nodes. Chemotherapy and palliative radiotherapy were initiated. Papular skin lesions were noted in the 1/3 middle part of the right thigh after the fourth cycle of chemotherapy. Pathologic examination of the skin lesions showed metastasis of adenocarcinoma, for which second-line chemotherapy and palliative radiotherapy were initiated. The patient died of disease progression eight months after recurrence

    Effects of magnesium sulphate on liver ischemia/reperfusion injury in a rat model

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    Aim: To investigate the protective efficacy of magnesium sulphate in a model of rat liver ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. Method: 32 adult female Wistar-Albino rats (250 to 350 g) were used in this experimental study. Rats were divided into 4 groups according to liver ischemia and magnesium sulfate application methods. Group 1 (C); control, group 2 (M); magnesium sulphate, group 3 (I/R); liver I/R, group 4 (I/R+M); I/R + magnesium sulphate treated. The blood samples were centrifuged for the study of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase, prothrombin time (PT), international normalized ratio (INR) troponin I, total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS) assays. The livers of the animals were removed at the end of the study and samples were taken for histopathological examination. Results: AST and INR values were significantly decreased in I/R+M group compared to I/R group. There was no significant difference in ALT values of the groups. Although not statistically significant, the TAS values were increased in I/R + M group compared to I/R group rats. In addition, the value of TOS was found to be lower in I/R + M group rats. In the histopathological examination, the mean values of apoptosis and necrosis were lower in the IR+M group compared to the IR group. Conclusion: The main finding of the present study suggested that magnesium sulphate pretreatment moderately decreased the liver damage through its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects in a rat model of liver I/R

    Electrocatalytic hydrogen production on carbon felt modified with reduced graphene oxide/au nanoparticles

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    Bu çalışmada, sudan elektrokimyasal olarak hidrojen elde etmek amacıyla elektroliz sistemindeki aşırı gerilimi düşürerek, hidrojen gazı oluşum reaksiyonunun hızını arttırmak amacıyla katalitik aktivesi yüksek, ekonomik ve kararlı yeni bir elektrokatalizör geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Elektrot malzemesi olarak karbon keçe (C), indirgenmiş grafen oksit (rGO) ile kaplanmış ve altın elektrodepozisyonu ile üzerinde Au nanopartiküller oluşturulmuştur. Karbon keçe üzerinde sentezlenen rGO/Au nanopartikül yapısının, hidrojen oluşum reaksiyonunun aktivitesini arttırdığı belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen kompozit yapıların yüzey özellikleri taramalı elektron mikroskobuyla (SEM) ve yüzeylerin kimyasal kompozisyonları enerji dağılım X-Ray spektroskopisiyle incelenmiştir. Sudan hidrojen üretimindeki katalitik aktiviteleri, dönüşümlü voltametri (CV), Tafel polarizasyon eğrileri, elektrokimyasal impedans spektroskopisi (EİS) gibi elektrokimyasal yöntemlerle incelenmiştir.In this study, to get hydrogen electrochemically from water, it is aimed to develop a new electrocatalyst with high catalytic activity to increase the rate of hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) by reducing the overvoltage in the electrolysis system. As the electrode material, carbon felt (C) was coated with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and Au nanoparticles were formed by gold electrodeposition. It was determined that the rGO/Au nanoparticles film synthesized on carbon felt increases the hydrogen evolution reaction activity. The surface properties of the composite structures determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the chemical composition of the surfaces analyzed by energy dispersed X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Electrocatalytic activities of the composite structures in the hydrogen production from water were investigated by electrochemical methods such as cyclic voltammetry (CV), Tafel polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

    Multi-element free-space-optical spherical structures with intermittent connectivity patterns

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    Abstract—Due to its high bandwidth spectrum, Free-Space-Optical (FSO) communication has the potential to bridge the capacity gap between backbone fiber links and mobile ad-hoc links, especially in the last-mile. Though FSO can solve the wireless capacity problem, it brings new challenges, like frequent disruption of physical link (intermittent connectivity) and the line of sight (LOS) requirements. In this paper, we study a spherical FSO structure as a basic building block and examine the effects of such FSO structures to upper layers, especially to TCP behavior for stationary and mobile nodes. Index Terms—Free-space-optics, FSO-MANET, mobile ad-hoc networks, spherical FSO structures 3