8 research outputs found

    Relationship between spatial and development planning at the local level in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The mutual relationship between spatial and development planning at the local level is a very current topic that has concrete consequences for development processes in local government units in the territory of Republika Srpska (RS). Although it is still unregulated from the legislative point of view, local development planning is much more present in practice, which is primarily manifested in the almost complete coverage of the territory of the RS by local development strategies. The connection of these documents to spatial and urban plans has not been treated in an appropriate way, which leads to a certain degree of their mutual inconsistency. The basic hypothesis of this paper arises from this statement, and that is that the lack of a clearly defined connection with spatial planning in the methodology of drafting local development documents leads to the inconsistency of these documents as the final result. As an auxiliary hypothesis, the assumption will be investigated that a large discrepancy in the coverage of the territory of the Republika Srpska between local development strategies and spatial plans of local government units also contributed to this inconsistency

    Genesis, characteristics and revitalization possibilities of large-scale brownfield sites in the Republic of Srpska

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    Браунфилди (енг. brownfields) представљају један од глобалних просторних феномена данашњице, првенствено повезан са промјенама у привредној структури у развијеним земљама Западне Европе и Сјеверне Америке, те транзиционим земљама Централне и Југоисточне Европе. Под њима се генерално подразумјевају површине (земљиште) и објекти у урбанизованим подручјима који су изгубили свој првобитни начин коришћења или су значајно поткоришћени. Као просторно најистакнутији облик браунфилда истичу се браунфилди велике површине. Генеза браунфилда велике површине Републике Српске (РС) се не разликује од настанка осталих типова браунфилда у Републици Српској. Поред уобичајених генетских фактора (преструктуирање свјетске привреде) на настанак браунфилда у цјелини велики утицај су имали ратни сукоби и економске санкције Уједињених нација током 1990 – их година против тадашње Савезне Републике Југославије (Србије и Црне Горе) и Републике Српске. За потребе овог рада урађено је практично истраживање чији је резултат идентификација браунфилда са површином изнад 4 ha (браунфилди велике површине) у Републици Српској на дан 31.12.2013. године. Укупно је идентификовано 49 браунфилда велике површине на територији Републике Српске који су анализирани са аспекта њихових просторних, имовинско - правних, економских, еколошких и социо - психолошких карактеристика. Највећа концентрација браунфилда велике површине РС је присутна у мезорегији Источно Сарајево, гдје се налази 38.78 % ових браунфилда, односно 19 локација. Класификације браунфилда велике површине РС према намјени и дужини трајања статуса су показале да су најзаступљенији индустријски браунфилди велике површине са 57.14 %, односно браунфилди велике површине са дужином трајања статуса 5 - 10 година са 44.9 %. Процес ревитализације или реактивирања браунфилда велике површине на територији РС је објашњен на основу студије случаја која је обухватила VI примјере индустријске зоне "Маглић" Брод на Дрини у општини Фоча и привредног погона "Ударник" Бјелајце у општини Мркоњић Град...Brownfield sites or brownfields represent a global spatial phenomenon owing their origin primarily to changes in economic structure of the developed countries in Western Europe and North America as well as the transition countries of Central and Southeastern countries. Generally speaking, a brownfield sites can be defined as urbanized zone areas and facilities which have lost their original use or become significantly underused. In terms of their spatial relevance, large-scale brownfield sites are found to be the most relevant ones. The genesis of large-scale brownfields i n t he Republic o f Srpska ( RS) i s by no means a ny d ifferent f rom t he genesis o f o ther b rownfield t ypes i n R S. I n p art due the most common factors (worldwide economic restructuring processes), the origin of brownfield sites is also related to armed conflicts and UN imposed sanction against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and the Republic of Srpska in the 1990s. A research, conducted for this paper on 31 December 2013, has resulted in the identification of brownfield sites with area over 4 ha (large-scale brownfields). The total of 49 large-scale brownfields has been identified in the Republic of Srpska; they have been analyzed in terms of their spatial relevance, real estate legal status, economic, ecological and socio-psychological characteristics. The largest proportion of such sites has been distinguished in the mesoregion of Istočno Sarajevo (Eastern Sarajevo), i.e. 38.78 % of the total number or 19 largescale brownfield sites. The RS large-scale brownfield classification, tailored alongside their utilization and the length of status, has revealed that the most common brownfields are industrial brownfield sites (57.14 %); in terms of the length of status, the most common sites are brownfields existing 5 – 10 years (44.9 %). The process of revitalization or reactivation of large-scale brownfield sites in the Republic of Srpska has been exemplified by the case studies of industrial zone "Maglić" Brod na Drini, Foča municipality and plant "Udarnik" Bjelajce, Mrkonjić Grad municipality. The most recent data treating the issue of increase of the number in brownfield formation compared to the number of revitalized brownfield sites (1 January – VIII 30 June 2014) have shown that, after years of progression, the total number of new sites formation has stagnated, i.e. the increment of large-scale brownfields formation is equal to the number of brownfield sites revitalization..

    Non-compliance of spatial plans of the highest rank in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Non-compliance of spatial plans of the highest rank in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a significant problem which has negative consequences to the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is particularly noticeable in the current debate on the route of Sarajevo-Belgrade motorway. This type of spatial plans includes spatial plans of the entities, cantons and Brčko District. This paper is an attempt to shed light on this problem by way of examining its genesis, characteristics and possible solutions. The emphasis was placed on the precise identification of the non-compliance rate of spatial plans of the highest rank in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The primary hypothesis states that the non-compliance rate of these documents is above 50%. The auxiliary hypothesis states that this non-compliance is the result of inadequate legal treatment of this matter and of the non-existence of policy framework in the field of spatial planning in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Slabljenje sistema prostornog planiranja u srbiji - doba prevlasti prostornih planova područja posebne namene (2010-2020)

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    In the first two decades of the 21st century, the spatial planning system in Serbia underwent a significant transformation following the general trends of change in Serbia. The neoliberal-market model of the economy has directly led to the apparent suppression of social services and of the environmental sector. After 2010, the formerly hierarchical organized system slowly began to marginalize national, regional and local planning. Instead of that, planning of special-purpose areas became dominant and almost ubiquitous. This plan, according to the Law, can cover all types of infrastructure, all types of mining, tourist facilities and areas, energy, protected nature objects and cultural and historical monuments, as well as the so-called Belgrade Waterfront and the National Stadium. The paper analyses the causal relationships that have led to the current state of planning, given the systematization of spatial plans of the special purpose areas so far prepared. Additionally, the paper also discusses the effectiveness of such a partial approach to the field of spatial planning and landscaping in Serbia.U prve dve decenije 21. veka sistem prostornog planiranja u Srbiji doživeo je značajnu transformaciju prateći opšte trendove promena u Srbiji. Prevladavanje neoliberalnog - tržišnog modela ekonomije direktno je uslovilo potiskivanje socijalnih usluga po kvalitetu i obimu finansiranja, a slično se dogodilo i sa ekološkim sektorom. U okviru nekadašnje sređenog i hijerarhijski organizovanog sistema, koji se sastoji od četiri vrste prostornih planova - za Republiku, regione (i Autonomne pokrajine), opštine i područja posebne namene, nakon 2010. godine polako je počelo da se na marginu potiskuje nacionalno, regionalno i lokalno planiranje, dok je planiranje područja posebne namene ostalo i postalo dominantno. Prostorni plan područja posebne namene se na osnovu Zakona radi za sve vrste infrastrukture, sve vrste rudarstva, turističke objekte i područja, energetiku, zaštićene objekte prirode i kulturno-istorijske spomenike, ali i Beograd na vodi i Nacionalni stadion. U radu su analizirani kauzalni odnosi koji su doveli do sadašnjeg stanja u planiranju, data sistematizacija do sada urađenih prostornih planova područja posebne namene, te diskutovana efektivnost ovakvog parcijalnog pristupa oblasti planiranja i uređenja prostora u Srbiji

    Genesis, characteristics and revitalization possibilities of large-scale brownfield sites in the Republic of Srpska

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    Браунфилди (енг. brownfields) представљају један од глобалних просторних феномена данашњице, првенствено повезан са промјенама у привредној структури у развијеним земљама Западне Европе и Сјеверне Америке, те транзиционим земљама Централне и Југоисточне Европе. Под њима се генерално подразумјевају површине (земљиште) и објекти у урбанизованим подручјима који су изгубили свој првобитни начин коришћења или су значајно поткоришћени. Као просторно најистакнутији облик браунфилда истичу се браунфилди велике површине. Генеза браунфилда велике површине Републике Српске (РС) се не разликује од настанка осталих типова браунфилда у Републици Српској. Поред уобичајених генетских фактора (преструктуирање свјетске привреде) на настанак браунфилда у цјелини велики утицај су имали ратни сукоби и економске санкције Уједињених нација током 1990 – их година против тадашње Савезне Републике Југославије (Србије и Црне Горе) и Републике Српске. За потребе овог рада урађено је практично истраживање чији је резултат идентификација браунфилда са површином изнад 4 ha (браунфилди велике површине) у Републици Српској на дан 31.12.2013. године. Укупно је идентификовано 49 браунфилда велике површине на територији Републике Српске који су анализирани са аспекта њихових просторних, имовинско - правних, економских, еколошких и социо - психолошких карактеристика. Највећа концентрација браунфилда велике површине РС је присутна у мезорегији Источно Сарајево, гдје се налази 38.78 % ових браунфилда, односно 19 локација. Класификације браунфилда велике површине РС према намјени и дужини трајања статуса су показале да су најзаступљенији индустријски браунфилди велике површине са 57.14 %, односно браунфилди велике површине са дужином трајања статуса 5 - 10 година са 44.9 %. Процес ревитализације или реактивирања браунфилда велике површине на територији РС је објашњен на основу студије случаја која је обухватила VI примјере индустријске зоне "Маглић" Брод на Дрини у општини Фоча и привредног погона "Ударник" Бјелајце у општини Мркоњић Град...Brownfield sites or brownfields represent a global spatial phenomenon owing their origin primarily to changes in economic structure of the developed countries in Western Europe and North America as well as the transition countries of Central and Southeastern countries. Generally speaking, a brownfield sites can be defined as urbanized zone areas and facilities which have lost their original use or become significantly underused. In terms of their spatial relevance, large-scale brownfield sites are found to be the most relevant ones. The genesis of large-scale brownfields i n t he Republic o f Srpska ( RS) i s by no means a ny d ifferent f rom t he genesis o f o ther b rownfield t ypes i n R S. I n p art due the most common factors (worldwide economic restructuring processes), the origin of brownfield sites is also related to armed conflicts and UN imposed sanction against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and the Republic of Srpska in the 1990s. A research, conducted for this paper on 31 December 2013, has resulted in the identification of brownfield sites with area over 4 ha (large-scale brownfields). The total of 49 large-scale brownfields has been identified in the Republic of Srpska; they have been analyzed in terms of their spatial relevance, real estate legal status, economic, ecological and socio-psychological characteristics. The largest proportion of such sites has been distinguished in the mesoregion of Istočno Sarajevo (Eastern Sarajevo), i.e. 38.78 % of the total number or 19 largescale brownfield sites. The RS large-scale brownfield classification, tailored alongside their utilization and the length of status, has revealed that the most common brownfields are industrial brownfield sites (57.14 %); in terms of the length of status, the most common sites are brownfields existing 5 – 10 years (44.9 %). The process of revitalization or reactivation of large-scale brownfield sites in the Republic of Srpska has been exemplified by the case studies of industrial zone "Maglić" Brod na Drini, Foča municipality and plant "Udarnik" Bjelajce, Mrkonjić Grad municipality. The most recent data treating the issue of increase of the number in brownfield formation compared to the number of revitalized brownfield sites (1 January – VIII 30 June 2014) have shown that, after years of progression, the total number of new sites formation has stagnated, i.e. the increment of large-scale brownfields formation is equal to the number of brownfield sites revitalization..

    Identification and ecological aspects of large-scale brownfields in the Republic of Srpska

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    Large-scale brownfield sites are the most apparent brownfield category in the Republic of Srpska, and they are the most valuable asset when it comes to explaining this spatial phenomenon. Transition and armed conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina have caused, among other things, brownfield formation; a decline in industrial employment alongside a reduction in the size of the armed forced have further increased the number and total area of brownfields in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska. Their ecological characteristics, as in other transitional countries, are largely responsible for the definition of brownfields, but they are not the most significant barrier to the revitalization of largescale brownfield sites. The present paper will provide the methodology of large-scale brownfield identification as well as an accompanying distribution map of these sites in the Republic of Srpska

    Identification and ecological aspects of large-scale brownfields in the Republic of Srpska

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    Large-scale brownfield sites are the most apparent brownfield category in the Republic of Srpska, and they are the most valuable asset when it comes to explaining this spatial phenomenon. Transition and armed conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina have caused, among other things, brownfield formation; a decline in industrial employment alongside a reduction in the size of the armed forced have further increased the number and total area of brownfields in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska. Their ecological characteristics, as in other transitional countries, are largely responsible for the definition of brownfields, but they are not the most significant barrier to the revitalization of largescale brownfield sites. The present paper will provide the methodology of large-scale brownfield identification as well as an accompanying distribution map of these sites in the Republic of Srpska

    Problems in implementation of the spatial plan of the Republic of Srpska until 2015: Quantitative analysis

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    The implementation of spatial plans in the Republic of Srpska is certainly the weakest phase of the process of spatial planning in this entity. It is particularly evident in the case of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Srpska until 2015 which is the highest strategic spatial planning document in the Republic of Srpska. More precisely, the implementation of spatial plans has been defined as the carrying out of spatial planning documents, i.e. planning propositions as defined in the spatial plans. For the purpose of this paper, a quantitative analysis of the implementation of the planning propositions envisioned by this document has been carried out. The difference between what was planned and what was implemented at the end of the planning period (ex-post evaluation of planning decisions) is presented in this paper. The weighting factor is defined for each thematic field and planning proposition, where the main criterion for determining the weighting factor is the share of the planning proposition and thematic field in the estimated total costs of the plan (financial criterion). The paper has also tackled the issue of the implementation of the Spatial Plan of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 1981 - 2000, as well as of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Srpska 1996 - 2001 - Phased Plan for the period 1996 - 2001, as the previous strategic spatial planning documents of the highest rank covering the area of the Republic of Srpska. The research results have proven primary hypothesis of the paper that the level of the implementation of Spatial Plan of the Republic of Srpska until 2015 is less than 10%