11 research outputs found

    Zinc status in Cardiovascular patients in the north of Islamic Republic of Iran

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    Studies have demonstrated that zinc plays an important role in development of cardiovascular diseases in Western populations. But there is little data for other racial groups. This study was aimed to investigate the association between serum zinc and coronary artery disease (CAD) in Iranian subjects.This study was conducted on 81 subjects,which referred to Heshmat Hospital of Guilan province , Iran, for routine coronary angiography from June to August 2011. Subjects were assigned into 2 groups; 41 CAD patients.case and 40 healthy subjects in control group. Data about smoking habit,physical activity, dietary intake and anthropometric indices were collected by questionnaire. Serum zinc was measured by atomic spectroscopy.The serum zinc concentrations were significantly lower in case group than control (p<0.05). The mean serum zinc concentration in the case and control group was 73.50±1.61μg/dl and 78.47±1.66μg/dl, respectively. subjects  that lives in  rural area had 7.11-fold higher CAD risk in compare to subjects lives in urban  after adjustment for confounder factors,they also had lower zinc concentration than urban (p<0.05). in our study With increasing in serum zinc concentration CAD risk decrease 0.94-fold.Zinc concentration had significant correlation with age (r= -0.23   p<0.05), weight (r=0.26   p<0.05)  and  Place for living (r=- 0.22  p= 0.04).There were no significant correlation between the dietary intake , Waist circumference ,smoking and serum zinc concentration in our study.Serum zinc concentration was significantly lower in the north of Islamic Republic of Iran patients with abnormal versus those with a normal angiogram. It seems Serum zinc concentration correlate with some risk factors for coronary artery diseas

    Investigação e análise dos pensamentos místicos de sayyed emadeddin Nasimi

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    Seyyed Ali Emadeddin Nasimi was phenomenon of Teimory oppression age that was follower of Fazl-ol-lah Esterabadi and joined the scientific Horofeieh movement. He used the cool weapon of letters, words, and lyrics to revive the rights of vassals, artisans and enslavement, and with his extraordinary power of tongue in poetry joined to the Red mysticism, and gave a new definition to the mystic world. Put the cloak and isolation into the dust to cover the principle of the spot. That is the achievement of mysticism and the movement of mysticism, the transformation and redemption of Hallaj red mysticism, and not the isolation mysticism of Rumi's divine and Mowlana. Mowlana took the truth in his hands and walked in. Hafez weighed on two sides of the truth, in one side the truth and in other side reality. But in Nasim's worldview, in addition to reflecting the thoughts of Horofiehe, there are other themes, such as mystical themes including thoughts of existential unity Ghalandary and Malamathy. In this research we are going to analyze these themes analytically.Seyyed Ali Emadeddin Nasimi fue un fenómeno de la edad de opresión de Teimory que fue seguidor de Fazl-ol-lah Esterabadi y se unió al movimiento científico Horofeieh. Usó el genial arma de las letras, las palabras y las letras para revivir los derechos de los vasallos, los artesanos y la esclavitud, y con su extraordinario poder de la lengua en la poesía unida al misticismo rojo, y dio una nueva definición al mundo místico. Pon la capa y el aislamiento en el polvo para cubrir el principio de la mancha. Ese es el logro del misticismo y el movimiento del misticismo, la transformación y la redención del misticismo rojo de Hallaj, y no el misticismo del aislamiento de Rumi divina y Mowlana. Mowlana tomó la verdad en sus manos y entró. Hafez pesó en dos lados de la verdad, en un lado la verdad y en otra realidad lateral. Pero en la cosmovisión de Nasim, además de reflejar los pensamientos de Horofiehe, hay otros temas, como los temas místicos, incluidos los pensamientos de unidad existencial Ghalandary y Malamathy. En esta investigación vamos a analizar estos temas analíticamente.Seyyed Ali Emadeddin Nasimi foi um fenômeno da época de opressão Teimory que foi seguidor de Fazl-ol-la Esterabadi e se juntou ao movimento científico Horofeieh. Ele usou a arma legal de letras, palavras e letras para reviver os direitos dos vassalos, artesãos e escravidão, e com o seu extraordinário poder de língua na poesia juntou-se ao misticismo vermelho, e deu uma nova definição ao mundo místico. Coloque a capa e o isolamento no pó para cobrir o princípio do ponto. Essa é a conquista do misticismo e do movimento do misticismo, a transformação e a redenção do misticismo vermelho de Hallaj, e não o misticismo de isolamento do divino e do Mowlana de Rumi. Mowlana pegou a verdade em suas mãos e entrou. Hafez pesou nos dois lados da verdade, de um lado a verdade e a realidade do outro lado. Mas, na visão de mundo de Nasim, além de refletir os pensamentos de Horofiehe, há outros temas, como temas místicos, incluindo pensamentos de unidade existencial, Ghalandary e Malamathy. Nesta pesquisa, vamos analisar esses temas analiticamente

    Development of PCR based strategies for determining starin variation in Toxoplasma gondii

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    Toxoplasma gondii isolates vary in pathogenic potential. Although the contribution of the host genotype to the extent of disease is documented (Suzuki et al, 1991; 1996), there is strong evidence that indicates T. gondii strain variation is also influential in outcome of infection Suzuki et al, (1989). To address this, a system was established to differentiate clinical isolates and examine them directly from patient samples. This research aimed to identify phenotypic and genotypic markers to differentiate virulent and avirulent T. gondii strains. In vitro HEL and THPl cell culture revealed that the virulent T. gondii RH and RHL strains grew faster and destroyed the monolayer earlier than the avirulent strain NED. The NED strain demonstrated a prolonged survival and produced significantly more tachyzoites than RH and RHL. These observations are comparable with the events observed in vivo. The THPl cell culture was the preferred system for study of biological differences of T. gondii strains. In the search for a molecular marker of variation, three T. gondii genes, SAG1, B1, 16S-like rDNA, were analysed. Using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) strategy, these genes were amplified and analysed by RFLP, SSCP and sequencing. Ddel PCR RFLP of SAG1 after Southern hybridization and probing with SAG1 PCR product distinguished the virulent and avirulent genotypes of T. gondii clinical isolates, Tanzanian blood specimens and a bone marrow transplant patient sample. However, co-amplification occurred with SAG1 nested PCR of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Leishmania brasiliensis DNA. PCR-RFLP and PCR-SSCP of the B1 gene demonstrated similarity within the sequences of the isolates studied. Alul RFLP of genomic T. gondii DNA, after Southern hybridization and probing with B1 PCR 194 bp PCR product, revealed polymorphism. PCR-RFLP and PCR-SSCP of the 16S-like rDNA gene revealed identity between isolates. The difference observed, between T. gondii and Cryptosporidium muris 16S-like rDNA PCR-RFLP pattern demonstrated the importance of this gene for differentiation of coccidian species. Sequencing of 1.3 kb of 16S-like rDNA demonstrated 1 - 2.2% sequence differences between T. gondii strains studied. The findings of this research suggest that SAG1 Ddel PCR-RFLP and B1 AluI RFLP of T. gondii genomic DNA can be used as molecular tools for differentiation of T. gondii strains at an early stage of clinical investigation with or without a limited in vitro culture

    Effect of Exercise-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation on Ejection Fraction in Coronary Artery Disease Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Exercise training as a part of cardiac rehabilitation aims to restore patient with heart disease to health. However, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) is clinically used as a predictor of long-term prognosis in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients, there is a scarcity of data on the effectiveness of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation on LVEF. Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation on LVEF in early post-event CAD patients. Patients and Methods: In a single blinded, randomized controlled trial, post-coronary event CAD patients from the age group of 35-75 years, surgically (Coronary artery bypass graft or percutaneous coronary angioplasty) or conservatively treated, were recruited from Golsar Hospital, Iran. Exclusion criteria were high-risk group (AACVPR-99) patients and contraindications to exercise testing and training. Forty-two patients were randomized either into Study or Control. The study group underwent a 12-week structured individually tailored exercise program either in the form of Center-based (CExs) or Home-based (HExs) according to the ACSM-2005 guidelines. The control group only received the usual cardiac care without any exercise training. LVEF was measured before and after 12 weeks of exercise training for all three groups. Differences between and within groups were analyzed using the general linear model, two-way repeated measures at alfa=0.05. Results: Mean age of the subjects was 60.5 ± 8.9 years. There was a significant increase in LVEF in the study (46.9 ± 5.9 to 61.5 ± 5.3) group compared with the control (47.9 ± 7.0 to 47.6 ± 6.9) group (P=0.001). There was no significant difference in changes in LVEF between the HExs and CExs groups (P=1.0). Conclusion: A 12-week early (within 1 month post-discharge) structured individually tailored exercise training could significantly improve LVEF in post-event CAD patients

    Does opium have benefit for coronary artery disease? A systematic review

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    Opium is a plant with euphoria effect. People from some parts of the world traditionally use opium for cardioprotective effects. We did a systematic review to assess the effect of opium on coronary artery disease (CAD). A systematic database search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Cochrane library, Scopus, and SID from their onset up to June 2016. The quality of the studies was assessed with a standardized scoring system. Articles assessing the effect of opium consumption as orally or smoked were included in this review. Outcome was defined as age on CAD disease, risk of CAD, and morbidity from CAD. Poor methodological studies, animal studies, and studies on cardiovascular risk factors or serum markers were excluded from the review. Three case–control, three cohort, and eight cross-sectional studies were included in this systematic review. The age at the occurrence of myocardial infarction, coronary bypass surgery, and percutaneous intervention in opium users was signifi cantly lower than that of nonusers. Odds ratio of opium consumption for CAD ranged from 1.3 to 3.8 in different studies. Hazard ratio of opium consumption for ischemic heart disease was 1.90 (1.57–2.29) with modification by sex, ethnicity, education level, marital status, residential place, and cigarette smoking. We concluded, in spite of the traditional belief, that the current evidence did not support the protective effect of opium on CAD. Future well-designed studies concerning probable confounders in Iran and other similar parts of world are required

    Effect of multimorbidity on quality of life in adult with cardiovascular disease: a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background The aim of present study was to describe the effect of multimorbidity on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods A cross-sectional study with a simple sampling method of 296 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery in a referral hospital of the northern part of Iran was conducted between April, 2015 and September, 2016. Multimorbidity was defined as the presence of at least two chronic diseases based on self-reporting and medical records. HRQoL was measured using the 36-item short form (SF-36) health status survey. We used analysis of variance (ANOVA) to assess the effect of multimorbidity on mental and physical component of HRQoL. Results Approximately, 69% of CAD patients had at least one other disease like diabetes or hypertension. Patients without multimorbidity compared with patients with multimorbidity were significantly older (p = 0.012) and more educated (p = 0.002). Both physical and mental component score of HRQoL was better in patients without any morbidity (48.82 vs. 43.93 with 95%CI of mean difference: 3.37–6.42 and 54.85 vs. 50.44 with 95% CI of mean difference: 1.68–7.15, respectively). Both physical and mental component score was significantly lower in female and lower educated patients (physical mean score 43.07 vs. 46.54 with P = .001 and 42.53 vs. 46.82 with P < .001 and mental mean score 49.98 vs. 52.65 with P = .055 and 49.80 vs. 52.75 with P = .022 for sex and education, respectively). Also, two-way ANOVA showed that regards to morbidity, physical component score was greater in patients with lower education level than higher education level (P < .001). Conclusion The findings of this study suggest that women, lower education level and overweight patients reported lower quality of life. HRQoL is affected by multimorbidity among CAD patients specially in less educated

    Seroepidemiology and Associated Risk Factors of Toxoplasma gondiiin Hemodialysis Patients

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    Purpose Immunocompromised patients may be at risk for reactivation of the toxoplasmosis infection, because of defection in cell-mediated immunity. Therefore, early diagnosis would be highly desirable in these individuals. This case-control study was designed to increase information about toxoplasmosis in hemodialysis (HD) patients in Guilan province, Iran. Methods The study was performed among 150 patients and 150 controls referred to hospitals of Guilan University of Medical Sciences during 2018-2019. Questionnaire forms, including demographic and epidemiological information, were completed. Peripheral blood samples were taken for serum separation and were collected into tubes and then kept at - 20 degrees C until use. IgG and IgM antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were detected by a commercial ELISA kit. Accordingly, IgG absorbance levels 11 was positive; IgM absorbance levels 1.1 was positive. Results Throughout the study, 72.0% of HD patients and 64.7% of the control group were positive for anti-ToxoplasmaIgG antibody subsequently. 2% of HD patients and 0.7% of the control group were positive for anti-ToxoplasmaIgM antibody and these difference weren't significant between control and ones with HD (P > 0.05). There was no significant difference between dialysis duration factor and the seropositivity rate. Seroprevalence ofT. gondiiinfection did not vary significantly with age, educational level, residence and presence of a cat at home. On the contrary, seroprevalence varied significantly with gender and consumption of raw vegetables. Conclusion Because of the high percentage of positivity forToxoplasmaIgG antibodies in hemodialysis patients, we suggest a periodically screening program to carry out for monitoring and evaluating the possible dissemination of toxoplasmosis during hemodialysis

    Psychological well-being in cardiac patients and healthy people in Guilan

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    Introduction: Psychological well-being (PWB) and having a meaningful life play a role in reducing the incidence and mortality of cardiac disease. The aim of this study is to assess PWB in two groups of people with heart disease and healthy people. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was performed in two groups of people with heart disease and healthy people referring to a cardiac clinic of Heshmat Hospital in Rasht from Feb to July 2016. Ryff’s PWB and demographic information were completed for all the participants. Average grade of welfare and six subscales both groups were compared using independent t-test. Relevance of well-being score with variables was surveyed using multiple linear regression model. Results: Number of 88 cases entered in the study with the average age of 50.47±15.88 year. Total score was 80.50±10.44 in ill group and 87.66±8.75 in healthy group which was significantly higher in healthy group (P=0.001). The results showed that the score of well-being in people without cardiac disease is 8.7 units more than the group suffering from it. It also showed that the score of well-being in individuals without hypertention is 3.5 units higher than those who are hypertention. No significant relevance was observed between other demographic variables and well-being score. Conclusion: In this study cardiac disease and hypertention were considered as factors related to well-being status. Futuristic longitudinal studies to survey the occurance of cardiac disease in individuals with various well-being score and executing plans to improve well-being situation as a preventive factor is recommended