7 research outputs found
Ocena oporności paciorkowców β hemolizujących grupy B na podstawie badań własnych
Since the 1950s, β hemolytic streptococcus group B have constituted the major etiological factor of perinatal infections. GBS colonization of the genital tract among pregnant women is diagnosed between 35 and 37 weeks of gestation, and is associated with approximately 25% risk of neonatal early-onset infections (EOD). The infection is severe among 1-3% of the newborns, and usually results in sepsis or pneumonia. β-lactam antibiotics are drugs of choice to prevent vertical infection of group B streptococcus. In case of hypersensitivity to penicillin among pregnant women, second line drugs are macrolides and lincosamides. Objective: In light of numerous reports on the decreasing susceptibility of GBS, the aim of this study was to characterize the isolated strains of Streptococcus agalactiae in terms of their resistance to antibiotics. Material: The study included 395 pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy, hospitalized in the Department of Perinatology, and Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Medical University of Lodz, between 02.2010– 02.2012. Methods: Vagino–rectal swabs were collected from all pregnant women. We recovered 121 GBS positive isolates. Identification was based on the streptococcal agglutination test. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by disk diffusion method. Results: A positive result for GBS colonization was found among 89 patients, representing 22.5% of the studied population. Inducible MLSB resistance to erythromycin and clindamycin was 23.1% and 10.7% of the isolated strains, respectively. Constitutive MLSB resistance was detected in 14.9 % of the cases. Conclusions: The obtained results confirm that all GBS isolates are sensitive to β-lactam antibiotics and prove that phenotypes resistant to macrolides and clindamycin are becoming more widespread. This leads to the conclusion that regular supervision of drug sensitivity of Streptococcus agalactiae is necessary.Od drugiej połowy XX wieku paciorkowce β hemolizujące grupy B są głównym czynnikiem etiologicznym zakażeń okołoporodowych i połogowych. Kolonizacja GBS dróg rodnych ciężarnej rozpoznana pomiędzy 35 a 37 tygodniem ciąży wiąże się z ok. 25% ryzykiem rozwoju u noworodka zakażeń o wczesnym początku EOD (early onset disease). Infekcja obejmująca ok 1-3% noworodków najczęściej manifestuje się ciężkim przebiegiem – posocznicą lub zapaleniem płuc. W profilaktyce zakażeń wertykalnych paciorkowcami grupy B lekami z wyboru są antybiotyki β-laktamowe. Drugi rzut w przypadku nadwrażliwości kobiet ciężarnych na penicylinę stanowią makrolidy i linkozamidy. Cel pracy: w związku z licznymi doniesieniami o malejącej antybiotykowrażliwości paciorkowców grupy B, celem badania była charakterystyka wyizolowanych szczepów GBS pod względem oporności na antybiotyki. Materiał: badaniem objęto 395 ciężarnych kobiet w III trymestrze ciąży hospitalizowanych w Klinice Perinatologii, I Katedry Ginekologii i Położnictwa UM w Łodzi w latach 02.2010 - 02.2012. Metody: Od pacjentek pobierano dwa wymazy z przedsionka pochwy oraz z odbytnicy. W kolejnych etapach oceny mikrobiologicznej potwierdzono przynależność wyizolowanych paciorkowców do grupy serologicznej B. Każdy z wyizolowanych 121 szczepów Streptococcus agalactiae oceniono pod względem lek wrażliwości przy użyciu metody dyfuzyjno-krążkowej. Wyniki: wynik dodatni w kierunku kolonizacji GBS otrzymano u 89 pacjentek, co stanowi 22,5% przebadanej populacji. Oporność MLSB typu indukcyjnego na erytromycynę stwierdzono w 23,1%, a na klindamycynę w 10,7% izolowanych szczepów. Typ konstytutywny oporności wykryto w 14,9% przypadków. Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają wrażliwość wszystkich wyizolowanych szczepów GBS n antybiotyki β-laktamowe i wskazują na rozpowszechnienie fenotypów opornych na makrolidy i klindamycynę, co przekonuje o konieczności regularnego monitorowania lek wrażliwości Streptococcus agalactiae
Finansowe uwarunkowania decyzji ekonomicznych
Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed pape
Antimicrobial Activity of Geranium Oil against Clinical Strains<em> </em>of <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>
The aim of this work was to investigate the antibacterial properties of geranium oil obtained from <em>Pelargonium graveolens</em> Ait. (family <em>Geraniaceae</em>), against one standard <em>S. aureus </em>strain ATCC 433000 and seventy clinical <em>S. aureus</em> strains. The agar dilution method was used for assessment of bacterial growth inhibition at various concentrations of geranium oil. Susceptibility testing of the clinical strains to antibiotics was carried out using the disk-diffusion and E-test methods. The results of our experiment showed that the oil from <em>P. graveolens</em> has strong activity against all of the clinical <em>S. aureus</em> isolates—including multidrug resistant strains, MRSA strains and MLS<sub>B</sub>-positive strains—exhibiting MIC values of 0.25–2.50 μL/mL
Microstructure-properties relation of hydrostatically extruded absorbable zinc alloys:Effect of Mg and Cu addition on corrosion properties and biocompatibility
Pure Zn is well-known for its appropriate corrosion rate, making it suitable for use as future absorbable implants. Yet, it suffers from insufficient strength, thus, both plastic deformation and alloying are required. Hydrostatic extrusion has proven to be an efficient technique, providing high mechanical properties for zinc alloys. However, its effect on degradation rate and biocompatibility of Zn alloys remains unknown. Thus, within the present study, an attempt to evaluate those properties has been made on hydrostatically extruded pure Zn, Zn–Mg and Zn–Mg–Cu alloys. The materials were characterized by advanced microscopy techniques and uniaxial tensile tests. Corrosion properties were assessed based on electrochemical and static immersion tests. Finally, the cytotoxic effect of zinc extracts on endothelial cells were examined by standard MTT assays combined with confocal imaging. The results showed that hydrostatic extrusion results in significant refinement of α-Zn grains and the intermetallic phase Mg2Zn11 for the investigated alloys. The alloys exhibited ultimate tensile strength exceeding 300 MPa and elongation higher than 20%. Corrosion tests demonstrated that all the materials showed a similar level of degradation rate. Moreover, the uniform distribution of the intermetallic phase contributed to homogeneous corrosion of Zn alloys. Biological studies indicated that the least cytotoxic response in endothelial cells was obtained for the Zn–Mg alloy. Such an effect was caused by the limited amount of released Zn ions in the favor of Mg ions. The refinement of α-Zn grains and intermetallic phases caused by hydrostatic extrusion were key factors determining the performance of Zn-based materials.</p