69 research outputs found

    Defining a clade by morphological, molecular, and toxinological criteria: distinctive forms related to Conus praecellens A. Adams, 1854 (Gastropoda: Conidae)

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    Journal ArticleWe carried out a definition of the Conus praecellens A. Adams, 1854, species group using a combination of comparative morphological data, molecular phylogeny based on standard genetic markers, and toxinological markers. Prior to this work, Conus praecellens was generally postulated to belong to a clade of similarly high-spired, smaller species such as Conus pagodus Kiener, 1845, Conus memiae (Habe and Kosuge, 1970) and Conus arcuatus Broderip and Sowerby, 1829. The molecular phylogeny and toxinological data demonstrate that these earlier hypotheses are incorrect, and that instead, Conus praecellens is in a branch of Conus that includes Conus stupa (Kuroda, 1956), Conus stupella (Kuroda, 1956), Conus acutanguhis Lamarck, 1810, and surprisingly, some species that are morphologically strikingly different, Conus mitratus Sowerby, 1870, and Conus cilindraceus Broderip and Sowerby, 1830. A more careful analysis of the morphologically diverse forms assigned to Conus praecellens suggests that from the Philippine material alone, there are at least three additional species new to science, Conus andremenezi, Conus miniexcclsus, and Conus rizali

    Using Wave-Packet Interferometry to Monitor the External Vibrational Control of Electronic Excitation Transfer

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    We investigate the control of electronic energy transfer in molecular dimers through the preparation of specific vibrational coherences prior to electronic excitation, and its observation by nonlinear wave-packet interferometry. Laser-driven coherent nuclear motion can affect the instantaneous resonance between site-excited electronic states and thereby influence short-time electronic excitation transfer (EET). We first illustrate this control mechanism with calculations on a dimer whose constituent monomers undergo harmonic vibrations. We then consider the use of nonlinear wave-packet interferometry (nl-WPI) experiments to monitor the nuclear dynamics accompanying EET in general dimer complexes following impulsive vibrational excitation by a sub-resonant control pulse (or control pulse sequence). In measurements of this kind, two pairs of polarized phase-related femtosecond pulses following the control pulse generate superpositions of coherent nuclear wave packets in optically accessible electronic states. Interference contributions to the time- and frequency-integrated fluorescence signal due to overlaps among the superposed wave packets provide amplitude-level information on the nuclear and electronic dynamics. We derive the basic expression for a control-pulse-dependent nl-WPI signal. The electronic transition moments of the constituent monomers are assumed to have a fixed relative orientation, while the overall orientation of the complex is distributed isotropically. We include the limiting case of coincident arrival by pulses within each phase-related pair in which control-influenced nl-WPI reduces to a fluorescence-detected pump-probe difference experiment. Numerical calculations of pump-probe signals based on these theoretical expressions are presented in the following paper

    GBT Discovery of Two Binary Millisecond Pulsars in the Globular Cluster M30

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    We report the discovery of two binary millisecond pulsars in the core-collapsed globular cluster M30 using the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) at 20 cm. PSR J2140-2310A (M30A) is an eclipsing 11-ms pulsar in a 4-hr circular orbit and PSR J2140-23B (M30B) is a 13-ms pulsar in an as yet undetermined but most likely highly eccentric (e>0.5) and relativistic orbit. Timing observations of M30A with a 20-month baseline have provided precise determinations of the pulsar's position (within 4" of the optical centroid of the cluster), and spin and orbital parameters, which constrain the mass of the companion star to be m_2 >~ 0.1Msun. The position of M30A is coincident with a possible thermal X-ray point source found in archival Chandra data which is most likely due to emission from hot polar caps on the neutron star. In addition, there is a faint (V_555 ~ 23.8) star visible in archival HST F555W data that may be the companion to the pulsar. Eclipses of the pulsed radio emission from M30A by the ionized wind from the compact companion star show a frequency dependent duration (\propto\nu^{-\alpha} with \alpha ~ 0.4-0.5) and delay the pulse arrival times near eclipse ingress and egress by up to 2-3 ms. Future observations of M30 may allow both the measurement of post-Keplerian orbital parameters from M30B and the detection of new pulsars due to the effects of strong diffractive scintillation.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to ApJ. This version includes many recommended modifications, an improved structure, a new author, and a completely redone optical analysi

    Two-Dimensional Stimulated Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of Molecules with Broadband X-ray Pulses

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    Expressions for the two-dimensional Stimulated x-ray Raman Spectroscopy (2D-SXRS) signal obtained using attosecond x-ray pulses are derived. The 1D- and 2D-SXRS signals are calculated for trans-N-methyl acetamide (NMA) with broad bandwidth (FWHM ~14.2eV, 181 as) pulses tuned to the oxygen and nitrogen K-edges. Crosspeaks in 2D signals reveal electronic Franck-Condon overlaps between valence orbitals and relaxed orbitals in the presence of the core hole

    Understanding excitation energy transfer in metalloporphyrin heterodimers with different linkers, bonding structures, and geometries through stimulated X-ray Raman spectroscopy

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    We present simulations of stimulated X-ray Raman (SXRS) signals from covalent porphyrin heterodimers with different linkers, chemical bonding structures and geometries. The signals are interpreted in terms of valence electron wavepacket motion. One- and two-color SXRS signals can jointly indicate excitation energy transfer (EET) between the porphyrin monomers. It is shown that the SXRS signals provide a novel window into EET dynamics in multiporphyrin systems, and can be used as a powerful tool to monitor the subtle chemical environment which affects EET

    A Population of Non-Recycled Pulsars Orginating in Globular Clusters

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    We explore the enigmatic population of long-period, apparently non-recycled pulsars in globular clusters, building on recent work by Boyles et al (2011). This population is difficult to explain if it formed through typical core collapse supernovae, leading many authors to invoke electron capture supernovae. Where Boyles et al. dealt only with non-recycled pulsars in clusters, we focus on the pulsars that originated in clusters but then escaped into the field of the Galaxy due to the kicks they receive at birth. The magnitude of the kick induced by electron capture supernovae is not well known, so we explore various models for the kick velocity distribution and size of the population. The most realistic models are those where the kick velocity is <~ 10 km/s and where the number of pulsars scales with the luminosity of the cluster (as a proxy for cluster mass). This is in good agreement with other estimates of the electron capture supernovae kick velocity. We simulate a number of large-area pulsar surveys to determine if a population of pulsars originating in clusters could be identified as being separate from normal disk pulsars. We find that the spatial and kinematical properties of the population could be used, but only if large numbers of pulsars are detected. In fact, even the most optimistic surveys carried out with the future Square Kilometer Array are likely to detect < 10% of the total population, so the prospects for identifying these as a separate group of pulsars are presently poor.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 23 pages, 3 figures, 6 tables, corrected typo in affiliation

    Eight New Millisecond Pulsars in NGC 6440 and NGC 6441

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    Motivated by the recent discovery of 30 new millisecond pulsars in Terzan 5, made using the Green Bank Telescope's S-band receiver and the Pulsar Spigot spectrometer, we have set out to use the same observing system in a systematic search for pulsars in other globular clusters. Here we report on the discovery of five new pulsars in NGC 6440 and three in NGC 6441; each cluster previously had one known pulsar. Using the most recent distance estimates to these clusters, we conclude that there are as many potentially observable pulsars in NGC 6440 and NGC 6441 as in Terzan 5. We present timing solutions for all of the pulsars in these globular clusters. Four of the new discoveries are in binary systems; one of them, PSR J1748-2021B (NGC 6440B), has a wide (P_b = 20.5 d) and eccentric (e = 0.57) orbit. This allowed a measurement of its rate of advance of periastron: 0.00391(18) degrees per year. If due to the effects of general relativity, the total mass of this binary system is 2.92 +/- 0.20 solar masses (1 sigma), implying a median pulsar mass of 2.74 +/- 0.21 solar masses. There is a 1 % probability that the inclination is low enough that pulsar mass is below 2 solar masses, and 0.10 % probability that it is between 1.20 and 1.44 solar masses. If confirmed, this anomalously large mass would strongly constrain the equation of state for dense matter. The other highly eccentric binary, PSR J1750-37A, has e = 0.71, and periastron advance of 0.0055(3) degrees per year, implying a total system mass of 1.97 +/-0.15 solar masses and, along with the mass function, maximum and median pulsar masses of 1.65 and 1.26 solar masses respectively.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Astrophysical Journal. 14 pages in emulate format, 6 tables, 7 figure

    Multiple Core and Vibronic Coupling Effects in Attosecond Stimulated X-Ray Raman Spectroscopy

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    Attosecond Stimulated X-ray Raman Spectroscopy (SXRS) is a promising technique for investigating molecular electronic structure and photochemical processes with high spatial and temporal resolution. We present a theoretical study of SXRS from multiple core excitation sites of the same element. Two issues are addressed: interference between pathways contributing the signals from different sites; and how nuclear vibrations influence the signals. Taking furan as a model system, which contains two types of carbons Cα and Cβ, we performed time-dependent density functional theory calculations and computed the SXRS signals with two pulses tuned at the carbon K-edge. Our simulations demonstrate that the SXRS signal from the Cα and Cβ sites are non-additive, owing to the significant mixed contributions (Cα 1s excitations by the pump pulse followed by Cβ 1s excitations by the probe, or vice verse). Harmonic vibrations linearly coupled to the electronic transitions are incorporated using the cumulant expansion. The nuclei act as a bath for electronic transitions which accelerate the decay of time-domain signal. The frequency-domain spectrum is modified by a small red shift and high-resolution fine-structure features are introduced
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